Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

been hearing so much good about Ladybird
^ 100% on RT with 185 reviews

First of its kind?
Believe the hype. LadyBird is excellent. Saw it in Oct during The NYFF and it's easily the best film I saw at the festival.

I still have Dunkirk as my favorite film of 2017 but LadyBird is a close second, at the moment.

There's still a few films that I haven't seen yet like The Last Jedi, The Shape of Water, The Post, Phantom Thread (which I'm anxiously waiting to see), etc.
Just remembered I gotta prepare for my Oscar predictions.

Can t say I've seen anything that blowed me away yet.

I'm hearing hype for Ladybird and Call Me By Your Name.

Not much else so far and its already Dec.
I caught an advanced screening of "I, Tonya" Thursday night at the Angelika Film Center. I was told Margot Robbie would be there for a Q/A but unfortunately, she never showed. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed the film. It reminded me of The Wolf of Wall Street as far as the voice overs, and the constant breaking of the fourth wall throughout. The film is flat out hilarious too. I didn't expect how Margot carried the entire film effortlessly. Always thought she was an average actress at best but that quickly changed after seeing her in I, Tonya. There's no way I can talk about this film w/o mentioning Allison Janney, who played Tonya's mother, easily one of the worst Mothers I've seen on film to date, a complete b-word, but immensely comical. The film does try to paint the picture that Tonya Harding was a victim of circumstances. Probably my only gripe. Other than that, it's highly recommended.

I feel like Margot just needed to be pushed and get the right movie so ppl can see she can carry a film as a good actor.

I noticed in WoWS her complete transformation in to Dutchess and then some subtle things from her in Z for Zachariah. She has range.
I forgot how much Jamie Foxx transformed himself in Ray. Glad he got the Oscar, the GG, bafta, sag, & critics choice that year.

I remember having doubts when I heard he was cast for that flick, the same doubts I had years ago when Denzel was cast as Malcolm X.

It’s criminal that Denzel lost the Oscar to Pachino’s Scent of A Woman... Spike’s flick is one of the best epic films ever made.

Spike’s famous dolly shot of Malcolm in the last portion of the film felt like poetic slide into the chaos that was the assasination.
pacino’s performance in scent of a woman is one of the most overrated of all time. dude totally overacted in that role. shoulda won the golden ham, not an oscar.
Yeah not that I don't enjoy some of the yelling Pachino films, but I wouldn't give him any awards for them. Son became the most over the top hammy actor in his older days.
Went through the backlog yesterday:

Bad Santa 2 - 3/8 - The writing is really bad and all of the charm of the first one is just nonexistent.
Creep 2 - 5/8 - Not as good as the first one but still unpredictable and interesting.
Couldn't garner enough attention span to get through Fences, Spiderman Homecoming, and the most recent Planet of the Apes. However, you want to talk about an underrated flick:


This movie had it all...amazing acting, great plot, and good/intense action sequences sprinkled throughout. Solid, SOLID movie. Didn't know if dude from GoT was going to be able to pull this off, but he did. I'll give it a 6.3/8
Scent of a Woman was an affable movie but there is no way Pachino’s performance was better than Denzel’s. Denzel masterfully played Malcolm Little & his transformation into Islam in he movie was an incredible feat. Add to that Malcolm’s break from the NOI in the movie. Even little things like the look he gave his killers just before he got shot. There were so many nuances in his performance that most people just don’t notice...
Damn you couldn't get through Homecoming?

Nah...you know what the problem was? I JUST wrapped up The Punisher on Netflix, and I put Spiderman in right after. Just couldn't get in to it. It was like eating dinner at the Ritz Carlton, then getting a McDonald's apple pie for dessert.

I just think I need to give it a little more time before trying Spiderman again.
jjs07 jjs07 man, you gonna mess around and make me watch Punisher. I'm so burnt out on super hero comic book stuff. Honestly, after maybe the first avengers, it just all seems super corny to me now. The whole "obligatory evil villain wants to destroy earth while a group of wise cracking dudes in Halloween costumes saves the day at the last minute after the major city is almost completely destroyed" thing gets old REAL quick. It all looks like Teansformers to me now. I think I'm just getting too old now. Anyways, end of rant, back to smoking my Tabocco pipe and sipping on some fine wine
Nah...you know what the problem was? I JUST wrapped up The Punisher on Netflix, and I put Spiderman in right after. Just couldn't get in to it. It was like eating dinner at the Ritz Carlton, then getting a McDonald's apple pie for dessert.

I just think I need to give it a little more time before trying Spiderman again.
That's a bit weird. After getting through 13 hrs of Punisher I'd figure 2 hrs of Spidey would be a fun break.

And no spoiler but Keaton's Vulture is the exact type of bad guy that could fit in to the Punisher series.

Also if you're talking about the Punisher being dinner at the Ritz Carlton then Fences is a 5 Michelin star meal by the best chefs given the acting going on there
jjs07 jjs07 man, you gonna mess around and make me watch Punisher. I'm so burnt out on super hero comic book stuff. Honestly, after maybe the first avengers, it just all seems super corny to me now. The whole "obligatory evil villain wants to destroy earth while a group of wise cracking dudes in Halloween costumes saves the day at the last minute after the major city is almost completely destroyed" thing gets old REAL quick. It all looks like Teansformers to me now. I think I'm just getting too old now. Anyways, end of rant, back to smoking my Tabocco pipe and sipping on some fine wine

I thought it was by far the best Netflix/Marvel adaptation. There are many layers to the Frank Castle story and I think it's set up for future seasons. I think you'll really enjoy it. Like KingParappa KingParappa said, it's more of a military conspiracy than anything.

That's a bit weird. After getting through 13 hrs of Punisher I'd figure 2 hrs of Spidey would be a fun break.

And no spoiler but Keaton's Vulture is the exact type of bad guy that could fit in to the Punisher series.

Also if you're talking about the Punisher being dinner at the Ritz Carlton then Fences is a 5 Michelin star meal by the best chefs given the acting going on there

I'll definitely give Spiderman another shot. As far as Fences, the acting was SUPERB. No doubt...I got that in the 15-20 minutes I watched. I think that's a film where I gotta be in the right frame of mind to watch. I wasn't quite there when I initially had it in.
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