Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The Ritual (Netflix). 5.6/8

Pretty decent flick. Starts out as your typical, people in the woods making stupid decisions and bad things start happening to them, type of horror movie. Some great visuals and decent payoff in the end.
on the last 2 episodes of dark. acting is pretty good - even the kids do a decent job. story is good especially if you like time travel. german language with english subs forced me to really pay attention. the mood/vibe is excellent. i'm enjoying the ride. this song is perfection for the scene. music is really good throughout.

Across the Line 5.7/8

I did not know they were that racist in Canada like that. **** was jarring. I kept thinking is this not set in the 90s? But they kept making topical references of today so I was a bit in awe (maybe also cuz of the acting) with how these racist white boys were getting down.

I watched for my boy Stephan James. The movie is about a black HSer who is a hockey phenom. Basically the LeBron of hockey :lol: and basically following him as he plans to make the jump from HS to the NHL, dealing with flat out racism in school, his brother who is on his way to being a pimp, and HS romance.

I liked the pacing of this the most. Story could've been better in some places but it has a realness to it and is very grounded.

Acting was on and off. Stephan is solid but his interactions with everybody else was inconsistent. Like the girl he's crushing on was good but the actors playing his parents, his friend and other stuff was eh. Best acting scenes probably with him and his brother.

Half the movie is like an after school special about racism. Nothing to the white side, black side was mainly reactionary. Mixed chick had her speech but it lacked depth. Teacher was a waste of space.

Another thing was the family conflict. Was not buying that fight with the father and son at all :lol: Plus it was over the dumbest thing a wannabe pump could ever do. It was some unsettling scenes with dude about that and then James character when he sees one of pros in school. I honestly would've preferred if he was selling opiates.

****** up ending giving the hostile nature of the racist whites and how it ruined this kids dreams.

The director who directs music videos had some good cinematography. Ok liked the look and how that really set the atmosphere.

Oh and apparently the story is based on real events.

The trailer

could you explain this more?

what do you mean nothing to the white side?
The type of racism depicted against black ppl in this mainly by teenage white boys but also a few adults in the movie.

Its garden variety bigotry. Its racism for the sake of it. It isn't like when these white supremacists purposely expose their racism for the world to see saying this is why I'm racist this is what I think of you. This was that watered down racism.

The main racist in the movie is this loser rich kid and he's just really angry he's a loser. He gets called out for It by his white friend too.

Due to that, when the movie focuses on the racism topic in the school specifically, it just comes off corny at times. Especially when the main character isn't in those scenes. It didn't seem genuine like it really reflected what's going on in America or the world right now.

But again, this was set somewhere in Canada. I don't know how they get down there. Growing up I didn't encounter that type of bull **** so I couldn't relate to it but I guess for some white ppl despite appropriating our culture its cool to be racist.
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A couple cheap shots for movies that really nobody is checking for or knows about.

I barely knew about God's Not Dead. For that Christian movie studio to make any movie it should be ignored. I know Kevin Sorbo only exist in Hercules series for me :lol: Then Tyler Perry is borderline.

The rest were good.

i think your last sentence is very quixotic
I'm talking about a character in a movie you haven't watched so I can see how you can jump to conclusions.
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The Ritual (Netflix). 5.6/8

Pretty decent flick. Starts out as your typical, people in the woods making stupid decisions and bad things start happening to them, type of horror movie. Some great visuals and decent payoff in the end.
Watched it last night, like I said in the Netflix thread. I wouldn't leave the forrest without finishing the deal.
My first time seeing Oceans 11 over the weekend. The Clooney one.

I loved it :lol: humor was nice. And everybody did there part well.
I’m glad 12 and 13 are on Netflix too.
A couple cheap shots for movies that really nobody is checking for or knows about.

I barely knew about God's Not Dead. For that Christian movie studio to make any movie it should be ignored. I know Kevin Sorbo only exist in Hercules series for me :lol: Then Tyler Perry is borderline.

The rest were good.

I'm talking about a character in a movie you haven't watched so I can see how you can jump to conclusions.
Still hyped for Venom regardless of this dude.
Natalie Portman Wasn’t Aware Her ‘Annihilation’ Casting Was Whitewashing and Knows It ‘Sounds Problematic’
"Annihilation" is based on the first book in a trilogy, where the lead characters heritage isn't discussed until the second novel.


Natalie Portman Jim Smeal/REX/Shutterstock


Natalie Portman has responded to backlash criticizing her film, “Annihilation,” of whitewashing the lead character. Yahoo Entertainment asked the Oscar winner to address the controversy during a video interview, and Portman revealed that she wasn’t even aware the film had whitewashed her role. The interview was the first time she was hearing about the issue.

“I actually didn’t know that,” Portman said. “I’m hearing that for the first time. That does sound problematic, but I’m hearing it here first.”

As director Alex Garland has explained, “Annihilation” is based on the first of three novels by Jeff VanderMeer. The author writes in the second novel that the lead character, which Portman plays in the movie, has “high cheekbones that speak to the strong Asian heritage on one side of her family.” Garland, however, only adapted the first novel. The sequels had not been published yet when Garland was writing the script, and he didn’t even want to talk to VanderMeer about them because he was only concerned with the first story.

“I knew at that time there were supposed to be three books planned,” Garland told Yahoo! last year, “but I didn’t know [anything] about the other two.”

Garland went on to tell Nerdist that he would never intentionally whitewash the film. When he was writing and casting “Annihilation,” Garland was not aware the character would be revealed as mixed race in the sequel. The whitewashing in “Annihilation” may not be deliberate, but Portman still told Yahoo! it was problematic and called for greater representation on the big screen for minority actors.

“We need more representation of Asians on film, of Hispanics on film, of blacks on film, women and particularly women of color, Native Americans — I mean, we just don’t have enough representation,” Portman said. “And also these categories like ‘white’ and ‘nonwhite’ — they’re imagined classifications but have real-life consequences…And I hope that begins to change, because I think everyone is becoming more conscious of it, which hopefully will make change.”

“Annihilation” opens in theaters nationwide February 23.
That's all on the author :lol:

You write a book, plan a trilogy, don't reveal the main character's background, then option the first book to be made in to a movie to Hollywood, don't divulge the main character's background to producers or execs.

:lol: Hell more authors should do this.
My first time seeing Oceans 11 over the weekend. The Clooney one.

I loved it :lol: humor was nice. And everybody did there part well.
I’m glad 12 and 13 are on Netflix too.

After only seeing the 1st one growing up, I just watched Oceans 12 for the 1st time yesterday :lol:

LOVED it. The movies are mad entertaining
Bad Mom's Christmas was awesome. I actually like what they've put together with that cast. No idea if they'll do a third, but imo they're two for two so far.

It's not brilliant or anything, just a solid hour forty five and I imagine every mom on the planet understands it all better than we do. :lol:

I'm talking about a character in a movie you haven't watched so I can see how you can jump to conclusions.

im not talking about the movie or your interpretation of it

im not jumping to any conclusion

im saying on its face the very idea that racist white people appropriate black culture and THEN think its cool to be racist is idealistic

its obviously "cool" to be racist first, and then they appropriate as they see fit
im not talking about the movie or your interpretation of it

im not jumping to any conclusion

im saying on its face the very idea that racist white people appropriate black culture and THEN think its cool to be racist is idealistic

its obviously "cool" to be racist first, and then they appropriate as they see fit
You didnt see the movie so you still don't get it.
I really was looking for good show to hold me down for a couple of weeks, I thought Westworld was it. However, 4 episodes in Although interesting, is not exciting or leaving me wanting more.
I still have to finish Mosaic.

My girl started watching Sopranos again so I find myself just sitting and watching with her. I haven't watched it through in order in a long while.
That's all on the author :lol:

You write a book, plan a trilogy, don't reveal the main character's background, then option the first book to be made in to a movie to Hollywood, don't divulge the main character's background to producers or execs.

:lol: Hell more authors should do this.
Its not even the author per say. you write a great book, they'll buy some rights to adapt it for the big screen. Then that has another screenwriter, if not more, to go through it and slice and dice it to their producers will. if its the race issue of higher execs in Halloweird assuming control once again that's that.

So many girls loved Twilight books and all. One huge factor was that the main vampire Robert Pattinson, was given so much detail about the dreamy love interest, height, eyes etc etc. and the main chick Bella? (i think the name is) the book's word choosing made her description so bland, default and an easy template for ANY teen girl to put herself in her shoes. and what did the film get? a bland actress in Kristen Stewart.

back to the rights thing. many authors give it up and get some money/royalties. Jk Rowling of Harry Potter did not give anything up. fought tooth and nail for her project. she won. one of the big stipulations was it had to be a 100% British cast. no Americans. Rowling declined Robin Williams opting to be Hagrid for the series. director Chris Columbus was upset at the time because it obviously would've drawn in a huge American audience but later on he said Rowling was right about everything

MetalMario MetalMario I know the screenwriting process. I'm just saying if ppl want to get in an uproar and look to blame anyone its the author.

Unless he signed a deal with his publisher where they can option his books without his say so.

So the author was basically looking to get paid cuz they know once they option it some other writer is coming in to change a whole bunch of things.
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but even if the second book wasnt out that revealed the race of the character

if he left it so vague in the first book

wouldnt you ask if he had any ideas about the race of the character?

out of general p's and q's?

and furthermore to default to white with "no knowledge"

is problematic

before it even gets to the screenwriting process
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