Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Watching Dave Chang’s Ugly Delicous on Netflix for the 2nd time... one of the best food shows (same level as Tony Bourdain’s shows) I’ve ever seen. I love how he shared associating msg with Chinese food was racist as s**t considering Italian cooking is full of it...

I swear there was a Shooter thread. Premiere is dope right now.

Was there another NT move to a new platform I missed cuz the search function was much better.
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I don't even use the Search feature to find threads.
It's so bad. Even when you chose "title only" the results are trash.
I just check the recent posts periodically and if what I'm searching for is in there Great, if not I won't ever be in that thread again.

I just remember the search feature being improved. It was on point for me for a while. Didnt use it as much and it went to ****. Although I also do Google searches for NT threads but came up with nothing as well.

Anyway, looking kinda slim on finding one spot showong the movies I want to see. Might have to do multiple days which I do find inconvienent.

Thinking on the Catcher Was a Spy (which I'm hearing isn't good), Damsel, and figured I'd catch Jurassic World somewhere in between. Plus I've been meaning to catch the Mr. Rogers doc.

Or maybe thinking just chill this weekend, catch up on some comic reading and shows I've been meaning to see, watch Luke Cage s2 and some classic flicks.
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I don't even use the Search feature to find threads.
It's so bad. Even when you chose "title only" the results are trash.
I just check the recent posts periodically and if what I'm searching for is in there Great, if not I won't ever be in that thread again.
If you'd posted in the thread, you automatically subscribe to it. I just check "watched threads" under the home tab.
first movie is still a classic.

The Tremors franchise has never quite reached the heights–or maybe we should say the lows–of the original movie, and it was always obvious what was missing: Kevin Bacon‘s Valentine McKee. So when we heard Syfy was going to attempt a second TV series (they aired a short lived 2003 show) based on the cult classic but this time starring both Bacon and Fred Ward, we figured it was a guarantee to happen. Then last month Bacon announced the network had passed, leaving us all to wonder how a beloved movie with its original lead (who is still a huge Hollywood star) wasn’t good enough to make it to air.

And now that the trailer has made its way online we really don’t know what the hell happened, because it looks amazing.
That DT review of Jurassic World: Fallen Kindgdom is so accurate :lol: It definitely turns into the Looney Tunes in the middle. And not in a good way.

My biggest problem is, there is supposed to be some kind of emotional attachment for the Dinosaurs. But the way it's written ....I couldn't care less. Even the human characters aren't really that likeable. And that unnecessary twist ....no comment.

Yes, I hated this movie lol
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Hereditary was incredible.. I need to think about it and see it again, but it might be one of my favorite horror movies right off the jump
The straight-to-VHS sequel is a classic in my eyes as well. If Kevin Bacon would have been on board, it would have made bank at the box office
Blockers was actually better than what I was hoping for. It had some parts that were extremely funny and others that weren't, but I enjoyed it over all.

4/8 is a fair score.
TAG 4/8 - Enjoyed the chemistry between the cast and the situations. The plot is so ridiculous you can't ignore how stupid it is but the end credits really brings back the charm of the whole concept.
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