Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Sicario 2 was :wow:

That music. THAT music. :pimp:

The moment, holy **** that moment made me gasp out loud.

When the kid opened that door, his bowels shoulda just dropped to his shoes. :lol:

The heist/setup. :lol:

Brolin 3 films in 3 months, crushed them all.

Yo when that moment happened I was like yo what the **** are they doing!!!!?

Cuz the whole time I'm naturally expecting Brolin to swoop in last min.

Had me genuinely shocked for a min.

Even when they cut back and he gets up and all that blood comes out. I thought it was all from one area :smh: Too wild.
Yo when that moment happened I was like yo what the **** are they doing!!!!?

Cuz the whole time I'm naturally expecting Brolin to swoop in last min.

Had me genuinely shocked for a min.

Even when they cut back and he gets up and all that blood comes out. I thought it was all from one area :smh: Too wild.

A part of me didn't like the cop out tho. If you gonna do THAT, then do that, and be that. I kinda felt cheated in a way after the fact. (make no mistake, I am glad the end result, just felt cheated by that moment and then not that moment, ya know?)
Uncle Drew 4.3/8

It was okay. Had some good jokes. It had it's moments.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 4/8

This some stupid ****. Two small *** humans yanking a big *** dinosaur with ropes around like its some deer

These dinosaurs whack. This indoraptor is so ****ing corny. Like you gonna make a hybrid use a child's imagination. Give it wings, spiked tail, etc.

I saw it mentioned elsewhere but the Earth in Jurassic World universe must be slowly getting out of the greatest depression. These bids for these dinosaurs are pauper status.

Lowkey this movie is more of the same crazy white ppl loving animals than the humanity bull ****. Endanger billions of lives just so a dozen or so dinosaurs can live. Gonna need a Rampage 2 to take care of these dinos.

The kid became a creepy clone quick :lol:

Man you should read this. I had a great laugh
Idc idc idc

Just binged on Cobra Kai and I thought it was really good. Actually, for me it was great. The nostalgia with the subtle homage and message was phenomenal.

Yes it was corny in some stuff but damn ......

I didnt particularly liked the ending but I take it. Just not sure how would season 2 go.
A part of me didn't like the cop out tho. If you gonna do THAT, then do that, and be that. I kinda felt cheated in a way after the fact. (make no mistake, I am glad the end result, just felt cheated by that moment and then not that moment, ya know?)
Yeah I get this.

But I didnt want him dead. Nice little shock scare.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Den of Thieves - 5.25/8

Enjoyed it waaaaaay more than I thought I would. I literally had zero expectations, but this was a damn fun movie to watch. It’s a Heat rip-off with a ton of plot holes, hut it TOTALLY works. There’s a cool plot twist in there as well. The flick is entertaining from start to finish. Oscar material it’s not, but it’s a mindless heist film that’s really enjoyable.
That Expanse 2 ep finale really was the goods.

Look forward to the next season on the new platform.
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Won't You Be My Neighbor 6.5/8

Great doc. Learned a few things I had no clue about Rogers. The guy you see was really him but that didn't mean he lacked a sense of humor.

Knew how to take a joke and laugh at himself.

To me it had more unexpected laughs than moments where you'd be crying.

The things he covered on the show are still so relevant. Some subject matter directly reflecting whats going on now.

One thing I was caught off by was the amount of children in the audience :lol: Couldn't believe so many parents brought their kids to this. There were more kids there than when I went to see Incredibles 2.

Fox news are scumbags in so many more ways.

Rogers was definitely fighting an endless uphill battle with what the medium of television was being used for in regards to children.
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The Rogers doc & the James Baldwin doc were my favorite docs of the year. Sad to say the themes in both docs, the things they were fighting for & against are still relevant today. That’s crazy to me.
Just starting this show, 2 of my Brit favorites in like a British bad boys TV show.

Molly's Game - 6.5/8

REALLY enjoyed this movie. If any of you all are familiar with Jeremy Bloom (ex-skier/NFL athlete,) it's the story of the rise/fall of his sister. She was a olympic hopeful whose career got derailed by injury. Her dad wanted her to go to law school after the injury, but she put it off for a year to go to LA. She was working odd jobs and one of them led her to be an assistant to a sleazy hollywood type. This eventually opened a door to her managing a weekly poker game, which she in turn, started running on her own. She was so smart, that she knew how to run the business and keep things legal. Eventually the wheels fall off, and we get to see the real ugly side of of the game she became absorbed in. Jessica Chastain and Idris Elba were fantastic in the film. Give it a watch if you haven't already.
I agree that Sicario 2 was :wow:

The memorable moments stuck with me: THAT scene (since my expectations were being set up for a different outcome with Brolin), the door scene, the deaf dialogue that gives us more about his past, the psychological misdirection set up for the heist. Really, every scene with Del Toro. In fact, as much as I like Brolin in the film, I'd rather have more screen time for Del Toro's character. Dude is mythical like John Wick. Even a teenage girl loosely connected to the gritty details of cartel life can piece together who he is with a few details: "You're the attorney..."

Speaking of expectations, I was thinking that the helicopter was flying hella slow since it went from night to day hella quick in 15 minutes, you would think they'd catch up way faster than they did. It also messed with my expectation for story resolutions.

So, with that being said... when's Sicario 3? I'm waiting for that woman to get hers. :lol: I was like "FDB. Wiped clean." :smh:
Going to see The First Purge tonight. Last one was decent so hoping this is an improvement.

Also cannot wait for Ant Man and Wasp this week.
Molly's Game - 6.5/8

REALLY enjoyed this movie. If any of you all are familiar with Jeremy Bloom (ex-skier/NFL athlete,) it's the story of the rise/fall of his sister. She was a olympic hopeful whose career got derailed by injury. Her dad wanted her to go to law school after the injury, but she put it off for a year to go to LA. She was working odd jobs and one of them led her to be an assistant to a sleazy hollywood type. This eventually opened a door to her managing a weekly poker game, which she in turn, started running on her own. She was so smart, that she knew how to run the business and keep things legal. Eventually the wheels fall off, and we get to see the real ugly side of of the game she became absorbed in. Jessica Chastain and Idris Elba were fantastic in the film. Give it a watch if you haven't already.

Saw it in theaters, and bought it day one on Blu Ray, I LOVED this film.

The other connection is this story has been around Hollywood forever, the Leo, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck nights playin poker with Tobey McGuire. (Tobey is believed to be the douche that screws her over, played by Michael Cera) She mentions Leo, Ben etc in her book, but they were just casuals, not the hardcore gamblers you see in the movie.
Saw it in theaters, and bought it day one on Blu Ray, I LOVED this film.

The other connection is this story has been around Hollywood forever, the Leo, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck nights playin poker with Tobey McGuire. (Tobey is believed to be the douche that screws her over, played by Michael Cera) She mentions Leo, Ben etc in her book, but they were just casuals, not the hardcore gamblers you see in the movie.

IIRC, A-Rod was the baseball player from the Yankees who they mentioned (not by name) in the movie...
Any Man and Wasp looked super whack until this recent slate of promotional trailers. Which makes me wonder.....is most of the success of the recent marvel movies just a result of A1 marketing and promotion? I swear I don't give 2 ducks about them until the multiple trailers :lol:

Anyways....... 2 older movies I recently peeped.

Millers Crossing 5.3/8. After hearing multiple people say that this is the Coen Bros best film, I finally watched it. It just looked really boring so I ever got around to it. Gangster flick. I had no idea how violent this movie was but other than that, I couldn't really get into it. According to IMDb this film was written during the Coen Bros stint of writers block. You can def tell. Watch this only to check it off your Coen list.

Oculus 6/8

Very surprised by this film. On the one hand, it's not scary, and relies on your usual horror cliches. But on the other hand, it had a unique story and interesting set of rules that reels you in. I wish it would have gone a different direction with everything, but it kept me wanting to know what would happen next. Would recommend
Ant-Man & Wasp looks like more fun to me but I do remember ppl not feeling that flick the first go around for w/e reason


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