Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

He overacted like a mother ****er in Alpha Dog. But he was like the only enjoyable person in that movie for his overacting imo.

Nic Cage solidified who he is, as an actor, long ago, but Mom and Dad needs to be seen by EVERYONE and appreciated for what it is. So ridiculous and Nic Cage personified.

30 days of night

not a serious film or anything but ur mans leaned into an accent hard in that

like caricature status

ive ****ed w/ foster since six feet under but dude can get hamfisted in certain parts for sure
Sad to say Sorry To Bother You isn't playing anywhere remotely near me. My wife & our son want to see it badly too... I've been a fan of Lakeith Stanfield since seeing him in Short Term 12 years ago. I told my wife this dude is going to be huge.
Y'all let me know when y'all ready to doscuss Sorry to Bother You


I saw Sorry 2 Bother You last night and absolutely LOVED it.

Weird, thought provoking, brilliant, original, and hilarious all wrapped in one.

Will easily be in my top 10 best films of 2018.

7.5 / 8
I loved it but then it changed like a little padt halfway through and got mad weird :lol: and I liked that too but son equestrian ppl?


That **** looked like something you'd see in a nightmarish fever dream.

And how quickly it got accepted. Then the message being told on top of that. Thats some high grade South Park **** man.
Started up Annabelle Creation.

Never seen it before.


Really enjoyed it.
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Been catching up on some of my Netflix backlog.

Finished season 2 of GLOW. absolutely loved it.

Started watching Big Mouth and yo......:lol:

This show is wild. I'm 1.5 episodes in so far.

The Hormone Monster is be killing me.

Plan to go on a Netflix binge when I some time off from work in a couple of weeks.
Yeah, that is one thing. I could've been satisified with another 30-45 min of documentary for Won't You Be My Neighbor.
So I got around to finishing the Wailing. Man... I mean, man. Like, I want to talk about spoilers and the end and the wild **** and the big turn and the holy **** moments. Like, man, this film was just indescribable. Favorite Korean film in a while. Up there with 'I Saw the Devil' and 'Memories of Murder' for me. Everything was done SO WELL. Cant recommend this enough to people that like mind **** or slow burning, thought provoking horrors.

7.75/8. Only negative mark is that some parts drag a bit as far as pushing the story along.

Hope this spoiler tag works,
The ending threw me. I thought for sure that he would save his daughter and the two of them would survive. The film ended darker than i think any other Korean film that I've seen has ended. Got me in my feels and actually shook me a little when the credits rolled. Wish there was a little more closure as far as the devil goes, or why the shaman was helping, but I guess that's part of the film, that closure isn't always given and the mystery will survive. Ah man this film was too good.
My wife, son, & I have really enjoyed his Netflix specials. This is one talented, thought provoking dude. I don't agree with some of the stuff he says specifically about louis ck whom I never ever liked but I have mad respect for Chappelle. Reallly really good interview from PBS.
That Chappelle piece was thought-provoking for sure. I didn't grow up with Cosby, but the idea of a role model falling or becoming a villain made me hope that Chappelle isn't ever exposed to be a villain. His thoughts and comedy have been influential to my own perspective and critical thinking. At the same time, it reminds me that everybody is human, despite their fame and platform, are just humans who can be as weak and immoral as much as they can be strong and upstanding.
Chappelle was 100% spot on about Louis C.K. :lol:

On another note **** that sick rapist Bill Cosby. Ol piece of ****
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Watched Leave No Trace last night. Where do i begin, movie had dope scenery and father-daughter dynamic was interesting but man was it slow af. Almost fell asleep multiple times, nothing major ever really happened and it felt like the same narrative repeated a few times. Ben Foster is a good actor but just couldn't rock with this one. 3.5/8.
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