Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Re-watching Band of Brothers.

Such a great miniseries.

For those who haven't seen it, make sure you do. You won't regret it.
The story & the journey BoB takes you on is incredible. The growth of the characters that unfolds on you particularly Damien Lewis' Richards character. There were so many great actors in the mini-series to.
The story & the journey BoB takes you on is incredible. The growth of the characters that unfolds on you particularly Damien Lewis' Richards character. There were so many great actors in the mini-series to.

James McAvoy
Michael Fassbender
Tom Hardy

I know I'm forgetting others.

Viola Davis on What ‘The Help’ Got Wrong and How She Proves Herself

Viola Davis at the world premiere of “Widows” at the Toronto International Film Festival.
Credit: Mark Blinch/Reuters


TORONTO — The Oscar-winning actress Viola Davis is the star of the new crime drama “Widows,” which debuted here last week at the Toronto International Film Festival and will be in theaters Nov. 16.

I sat down with Ms. Davis at the Ritz-Carlton to ask her questions from our readers. They wanted to know about past roles, challenges and regrets, and she spoke about what “The Help” lacked and how “Widows” made her feel vulnerable. Here are edited excerpts from her responses.

Can you share either your top three personal or professional challenges that have greatly influenced your career? — Mohun, Dallas

I’d say, No. 1, finding really great dramatic or great roles that I felt were worthy of my potential and talent.

No. 2, always having to prove my ability. I’ve had to do that in sometimes substandard material, sometimes good material, but very very seldom times great material.

No. 3 would be responsibility. The responsibility of feeling like I am the great black female hope for women of color has been a real professional challenge. Being that role model and picking up that baton when you’re struggling in your own life has been difficult. Looking at the deficit and seeing that once you’re on top, you can either take the role of leadership or you can toss it in the garbage and say, “I’m just out to save myself.” I choose to be the leader.

What was the first day of filming with Meryl Streep [for “Doubt”] like? —SNA, New Jersey

Absolutely terrifying, but not because of anything that she was projecting. She could not be any less intimidating. Everything was coming from me, 100 percent. It was a rehearsal. We rehearsed it first because it’s based on a play. So I showed up an hour early, and I just stared at the door waiting for her to come in. And I think I probably ran up to her when she first came through the door, which I’m sure she’s used to, but when I look at it in hindsight I’m very embarrassed.

Have you ever passed on a role and regretted it? — Toti Plascencia, Chicago

I have passed on a lot of roles. There have been one or two that I regretted for maybe a minute, and then I let it go. As I’m growing older, I pass on roles because of my experience of knowing once the movie’s out, I’m going to have to promote it. And I don’t want to promote anything that I don’t believe in.

Almost a better question is, have I ever done roles that I’ve regretted? I have, and “The Help” is on that list. But not in terms of the experience and the people involved because they were all great. The friendships that I formed are ones that I’m going to have for the rest of my life. I had a great experience with these other actresses, who are extraordinary human beings. And I could not ask for a better collaborator than Tate Taylor.

I just felt that at the end of the day that it wasn’t the voices of the maids that were heard. I know Aibileen. I know Minny. They’re my grandma. They’re my mom. And I know that if you do a movie where the whole premise is, I want to know what it feels like to work for white people and to bring up children in 1963, I want to hear how you really feel about it. I never heard that in the course of the movie.

What character has been the toughest to portray? — Lauren McMillen, W.Va.

Rose in “Fences” was difficult because it was difficult translating it to the screen.

Annalise Keating [from the TV series “How to Get Away With Murder”] is tough because I have to go into a realm that is not me. She has a very colorful sexual life. I would not describe myself as being that person.

And Veronica [in “Widows”] was very difficult because she’s got a vulnerability that cost me something as Viola. That has something to do with images onscreen. How many movies have you seen where you see a dark-skinned woman of 53 with her natural hair in bed with Liam Neeson? But I had to get past the fact of what the outside world has not seen, and focus on what the world was.

All of my characters cost me something. I feel like if they don’t cost me anything, then I’m not doing my job.

The Predator tonight... in IMAX... can't wait!!!
My wife has a function to go to Sat so my son & I were going to see White Boy Rick but the wifey asked us not to go without her so we're going to see Predator, child predator or not... :rolleyes These hollywood types are real cruddy people... :smh:
Just hit me that Disney is about to own the Predator and Alien franchises :lol: :pimp:
sicario 2 was not in the same league as the first. not that i was very disappointed, it just didn’t wow me. 6.4/8

gonna watch mi fallout and some episodes of lodge 49 tomorrow.
I fell asleep on the first Sicario and never turned it back on.
I tel people I ha e seen it.
I have not.
The Predator 5/8 - The reviews are harsh. It's ridiculous. But there's a lot of laughs and some dope action. Someone definitely had cash laying around and was like "grab all the popular TV people" cuz the chemistry is way off. Boyd Holbrook is actually becoming a decent action star.
Kimchi Papi Kimchi Papi

Have you see The Pacific?

Thoughts on it if you saw it.
I wanted to love The Pacific but it wasn't as good as BoB. I also found I didn't develop the investment in the characters in Pacific that I had with BoB with the exception of John Seda's Basilone. His story/history was really really sad. Also liked the job Seda did. He was kinda unknown at the time & I thought he was going to be big. Also really liked Rami Malek & thought at the time he stood out.

I don't ordinarily complain about battle scenes because I like action especially in BoB but The Pacific battles scenes lasted soo long. Some of them were like 10--12 mins long. I guess it was to illustrate how grueling they were.

Sidebar about the flick - I know historically, the Peleliu Battle was only supposed to last days but stretched to bloody months. Whats crazy is historians said the battle didn't even take place because the island wasn't pivotal at all to win the war of the Pacific. It apparently came down to 2 admirals. One that argued the battle wasn't needed & the other who said it was. :smh: I think this was the battle scene that was like 15 mins long.

All in all I found The Pacific to be satisfactory where as I found BoB to be stellar. I'd give it like a 6/8 on the NT movie thread scale. I did appreciate the attempt to make a well crafted mini series like BoB was, I just think they fell kinda short.

What did you think? I've found most people with opinions about both feel the same way.
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