Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Oh ****, The way shotimesheff shotimesheff wrote “The Road Movie” I didn’t know he was talking about THAT “The Road.” Then I saw his rating and said forget it, not even going to put it into the search bar. :lol:

I haven’t seen it yet (about to change soon :pimp:) but I’ve heard nothing but great things about it. Plus, V-money’s in it. He’s one of those actors who if I see his name is attached to a film, I hit a
Fam was definitely talking about a flick called “The Road Movie.” :lol:

I typed “The Road” into prime and right next to it popped up TRM. The latter is the only one currently available on prime.
McCarthy and Haddish, two people I hate most in the world. Easy pass for me.

Movie looks interesting but yeah those 2 don't look like they fit the part but I'll watch when it's free. McCarthy was actually pretty good in Can you ever forgive me.
Fam was definitely talking about a flick called “The Road Movie.” :lol:

I typed “The Road” into prime and right next to it popped up TRM. The latter is the only one currently available on prime.
:lol: That was my first thought. There's a movie out there called The Road Movie? :lol: but I'm thinking how likely is that? Must be The Road and he threw movie on the end.

McCarthy and Haddish, two people I hate most in the world. Easy pass for me.

McCarthy is actually good in more serious roles. This seems to be Haddish's first shot at it.
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They're not for me but why exactly would they be the people you hate the most in the world? The hell they do to you?
Avengers: Endgame - 7.8/8

Perfect culmination to that saga. Everything was fantastic. The action hit, all the jokes landed & the tear-jerker moments all delivered. I loved the going back in time segments of the mission and the callbacks when they did that. That final battle was everything one could want from a comic book film. Only deducted a couple of points from a perfect score because 1) I thought it was kind of >D how Tony was able to pick pocket all the stones from Thanos at the end but whatever. Not a huge deal. 2) I don’t understand how Steve was able to pull up at the end there as an old man in THAT timeline. Did he live his life in an alternate universe and therefore not participate in anything from when he was awoken at the end of TFA onward? Time travel makes **** messy but again, whatever, it’s a comic book movie and while I never was a comic book reader, I know time travel and multiple universes are a staple so I just chalk it up to that. :lol:
:lol: That was my first thought. There's a movie out there called The Road Movie? :lol: but I'm thinking how likely is that? Must be The Road and he threw movie on the end.


McCarthy is actually good in more serious roles. This seems to be Haddish's her shot at it.
When McCarthy blew her ankles out in Tammy bruh I lost easy 5 years of my life choking from laughter.
1) I thought it was kind of >D how Tony was able to pick pocket all the stones from Thanos at the end but whatever. Not a huge deal.
Thanos basically tried to kill everybody using Tony's gun. Remeber he created that gauntlet for the stones. It was his tech. His entire suit is nanomachines.

2) I don’t understand how Steve was able to pull up at the end there as an old man in THAT timeline. Did he live his life in an alternate universe and therefore not participate in anything from when he was awoken at the end of TFA onward? Time travel makes **** messy but again, whatever, it’s a comic book movie and while I never was a comic book reader, I know time travel and multiple universes are a staple so I just chalk it up to that. :lol:
You ain't the only one :lol: Plenty in thr MCU thread have pointed it out or simply dont understand it.

The directors say Steve went back in time and created an alt timeline and then somehow figured a way to travel to the main timeline for the end of the movie.

The writers say there was no alt timeline. Steve went to the past in the main timeline and then lived his life with Peggy on the low out of the spotlight staying out of major events.
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Thanos basically tried to kill everybody using Tony's gun. Remeber he created that gauntlet for the stones. It was his tech. His entire suit is nanomachines.

You ain't the only one :lol: Plenty in thr MCU thread have pointed it out or simply dont understand it.

The directors say Steve went back in time and created an alt timeline and then somehow figured a way to travel to the main timeline for the end of the movie.

The writers say there was no alt timeline. Steve went to the past in the main timeline and then lived his life with Peggy on the low out of the spotlight staying out of major events.
1) Ok, yeah, the nano tech makes the quick snatch of the stones make sense now.

2) :lol: Like I said, time travel makes **** messy. Directors and writers can't even agree on what the deal is. Both those explanations just raise more questions. If he created an alt timeline, how the hell would GI brain Rodgers figure out how to make it to the main timeline w/o the help of Bruce & Tony? If Steve just stayed in the past and Wonder Woman'd his way through life and all the major events, what the hell happened to Peggy's husband and family? No butterfly effect in MCU time travel? Ant-man was right, all the movies about time travel were a lie. :lol:
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1) Ok, yeah, the nano tech makes the quick snatch of the stones make sense now.

2) :lol: Like I said, time travel makes **** messy. Directors and writers can't even agree on what the deal is. Both those explanations just raise more questions. If he created an alt timeline, how the hell would GI brain Rodgers figure out how to make it to the main timeline w/o the help of Bruce & Tony? If Steve just stayed in the past and Wonder Woman'd his way through life and all the major events, what the hell happened to Peggy's husband and family? No butterfly effect in MCU time travel? Ant-man was right, all the movies about time travel were a lie. :lol:
The reason they have different versions of what happened is cuz the ending effectively wrote Steve Rogers out of the MCU. They are both not doing another MCU for quite some time. Simply put they never came up with a reason cuz they knew it would never need to be explained in a movie they would be doing :lol:

As for both versions its really not that messy or complicated. In an alt timeline the same ppl still exist. Steve is free to change w/e he wants; save Bucky, save Howard & Maria, prevent 9/11, prepare for the battle of NY ahead of time along with Thanos, etc. Regardless there are a bunch of ppl he knows or will get to know that can help him. From Hank Pym to Howard Stark to Tony Stark. Steve lived in this timeline until he was an old man so he obviously had time to get help on this matter.

As far as it being the same timeline, thats easier. Steve Rogers was Peggy's husband :lol: Peggy's children are Steve's children. Notice this husband of Peggy is never shown once. All we know is some story Peggy told about Steve saving some soldiers and one of the guys he saved happened to end up being her future husband. Simple explanation, she lied because she's in on the secret that Steve returned from the past and can not disrupt the timeline in a major way.

And yeah, there is no butterfly effect. That doesnt make sense. As explained in the movie you cant change your present by traveling to the past because once you go to the past that becomes your future. It remains a forward direction for you.
I watched the Tom Cruise mummy movie the other day. It was okay - didn’t really get the hate.
If Beale Street Could Talk - 5.2/ 8

Coming off of Moonlight, this was a slight step backwards imo. I was let down by the cinematography and soundtrack because from the promotional posters and trailers, I was expecting a palette and hues much more warm and vibrant reminiscent of a summer romance. Visually how I would imagine Channel Orange would be if it was a movie. The score from Moonlight and them having The Fugees “Killing Me Softly” playing in the background of one of the trailers had me too hyped for some sonic piffery but it wasn’t really anything memorable.

The narration showed the movie was based off a novel a little too heavy handed for my liking and the way it was shot and acted, made me feel like I was watching a play a la Fences. The problem with that is the two leads were not good enough actors like Denzel and Viola. Their acting felt over dramatized, especially Tisch. Switch Lupita out with her and we have a much better performance.

Regina, the two dads and Paper Boi’s performances were all great, though. When Tisch was telling Fonny’s family about the baby and Fonny’s pops smacked the fire out of his wife for her slick remarks, I let out a audible “Oooh!”

Paper Boi’s monologue about him getting arrested for stealing a car and not even knowing how to drive... God damn, that **** hurt.
This Wildlife movie is crazy. In that it feels like Paul Dano let alone a Paul Dano movie :lol:

Even the kid thats sort of the protagonist looks a bit like Paul.

I think Olivia Wilde acted her pants off in her movie Vigilante.

I was really really impressed by her performance.
Been eager for her to join the MCU.

Guess I'll go see A Vigilante now.
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Checking out Death at a Funeral (the American one) on Netflix. **** is pretty funny so far.
Aladdin wasn't bad. I was shocked the Genie was the best part. The music was solid. Jaffar was awful. Aladdin had his moments but lacked the charm. Naomi Scott is a star.

I need to catch John Wick 3 at the theaters before I run out of time. I want to watch Godzilla as well. These movies will start piling up on me soon.
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