Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I honestly didn’t think it was a horror movie. I felt empowered watching it.

Abra was really messing home girl up. I loved that so much.
One of the GOAT comedy’s and for sure holds up. It’s one of those movies you watch over and over again and catch something new and funny each time

that tweet reminded me of the scene of Leo kissing his aunt in law or whatever in wolf of wall street. 100% green screen. only thing real was the bench, Leo and her :wow: :lol:
Anyone catch the premiere of McMillion$ on HBO yet? I watched last night. Should have saw the culprit from a mile away :lol: .
Caught Gretel and Hansel the other night. Not what I’ve expected. The movie felt like it was dragging and it tried to have a surprising ending but it was lame and boring. Felt like the movie stayed at the same place throughout with no peak.

Hmm. Waiting for **** to hit the Swedish fan. Still dont like Danis boyfriend. Cant wait for him to die.
Why are they shocked at people jumping off a high *** cliff? Shoulda known what was coming the second you have people dressed in gowns surrounding a high rock. LITTLE GIRL GOT THAT POWER SWING THOUGH.

Now things are making more sense.

I literally called Midsommar the last 30 min of Hereditary made in to a 2 hr movie :lol:

Noticing the lack of dad rape by son in his future feature films though.
Jojo Rabbit 5.5/8 - There's some really smart writing in this and some hilarious scenes. Most of the time I forgot about the Nazi theme but once or twice it hits HARD. Excited to see more from Taika Waititi in the future.
Hoo boy. Midsommar was a ******* ride.

Now things are making more sense.

I literally called Midsommar the last 30 min of Hereditary made in to a 2 hr movie :lol:

Noticing the lack of dad rape by son in his future feature films though.
Slow burn version of Hereditary's climax for sure. I liked having this grounded a little more in reality, as far as the cult using drugs and brainwashing tactics to influence, and violence to control, rather than a supernatural demon presence running the show.

I enjoyed this more than Hereditary, only because Toni Collette was too good and her acting depressed the **** out of me. Gotta say though, Florence's acting in the opening was amazing. Too realistic in that situation... 2019 was definitely the year of the Pugh, and she's going to have an amazing career.
Never was in to the Saw movies like that. Never bothered to watch any in their entirety.

This piqued my interest though

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Yeah, so Family Guy is trash. Been forced to watch it recently because my son likes it and have laughed just once or twice. But I imagine that, while he’s writing the episodes, Seth McFarlane thinks to himself “man, I am hilarious. So much funnier than people who are bigger stars than me.”
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