Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Saw it last night...still working out how I felt about it. Magneto from Basterds killed it, like everyone said he would.

It's in this weird place where...the director did such a great job, you couldn't tell they made him rush the hell out of the movie...but it's so damn rough around the edges, with the music at times, the writing and just the cg and direction sometimes. Made me cringe. It reminds me of Star Trek. 

Things I loved about it

Spoiler [+]
-Magneto vs. the cruiseliner
-Magneto in Argentina in that Inglorious Basterds/Kill Bill 2 bar scene
-Shaw and Azazel attacking the CIA
-What Shaw did to Darwin

-"Now go get me some ice."
-Emma Frost faking it with that general

-Rose Byrne in lingerie

-Rebecca Romijn
... even if she is startin to look like Stifler's mom
-The submarine (reactor room, all of it)
-The coin (hearing the same speech Shaw gave him. Knowing that he was giving Prof X an ultimatum, free this monster or let him die.
-Jennifer Lawrence J's

-Magneto and Prof. X bromance. I ain't mad. (breaking Emma out to 'fill the void in his life')

-When young Holocaust-y Magneto is wreckin Shaw's Nazi slaughterhouse and he's just screamin...at the end he's like ".......ein!" And all I could think was...Nein is "no" in German...that's the same damn scene as Revenge of the Sith. Director got jokes.

-Wolverine, "Go %!%% yourselves."

Things I didn't

...this movie is a metaphor about the mistreatment of minorities...and all it does is mistreat it's minorities and women.

-"...be enslaved." *Cut to only black mutant* *Hear audience groan* ...Director got jokes.

-Angel was stupid in as many ways as possible

-Mystique, "Mutant and proud." 

-Jennifer Lawrence...I think her character will be better later, but I REALLY wish they would've casted her as Emma Frost

-January Jones. I hate you. Get out of any movie I ever want to watch again. You're bad in the bad way.

-Angel vs. Banshee was worse than Iceman vs. Pyro or Deadpool vs. Wolverine

-Shaw still shaking when he should be frozen
Even Heroes could do that right.

-Getting their nicknames....ehhhhhh
-Picking sides?.....ehhhhhhhhhh

-Thinking about what Vaughn could've made if this movie came out in August or November

-X3: The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, letting either one exist

It kinda didn't make sense to me, how Erik put on the helmet...like I get where it came from, but not the jump from 'I was in the Holocaust'...to 'I might as well start one of my own.' Isn't he just wearing that gold Nazi coin on his head now? Taking orders from the rage inside of him and not letting that 'serene' voice in (Xavier)?

That just semantics. This movie isn't as smooth and seamless as X2, but it reminded me of Watchmen with more heart and real action. Watchmen is a better made movie, but this has everything Watchmen was missing badly. It looked and felt like a comic book. You saw it when they went to panels, a lot of their framing, that shot when Emma blocked Xavier's power. It felt like the perfect blend of what Ang Lee and 1st Hulk thought it was doing and what doesn't look completely ******ed in movies.

A part of me still thinks X2 was better, because...cmon...Wolverine, Cyclops, Pyro, Iceman, that Nightcrawler opening, Mystique in full effect, Magneto breaking out, Wolverine. That's not fair.
But I do think, the next one could be better. All this needed was some polish on that script and a little more work on the cg, and it'd be the best comic movie I've seen. A year is the shortest time a movie like this could get made, but that's how long they had for this, so I'd be really hyped for another one in a couple.

I just hope they shatter Emma Frost in the opening credits.
I'd recommend Passing Strange as a music docu. It was last year or 09 when Spike Lee filmed this broadway show. It's pretty awesome for what it is and went some places I didn't expect.

I liked It Might Get Loud. It was weird that the three of them were just randomly put together, but Jack White and The Edge, that's rock royalty, ain't it? At least felt that way.

Salt II...yes.
And Dub

I'd recommend Passing Strange as a music docu. It was last year or 09 when Spike Lee filmed this broadway show. It's pretty awesome for what it is and went some places I didn't expect.

I liked It Might Get Loud. It was weird that the three of them were just randomly put together, but Jack White and The Edge, that's rock royalty, ain't it? At least felt that way.

Salt II...yes.
And Dub

Originally Posted by MrONegative

God damn man, that's how you review a movie. 

Makes my review look like "huh-huh, I liked it, it was good" 

Glad to see I'm not the only one that wants to see another Salt.  I thought the first one was really good.  And I didn't expect it to be.  Made me wonder if it would still have been as good if it was Cruise doin it. 

Originally Posted by MrONegative

God damn man, that's how you review a movie. 

Makes my review look like "huh-huh, I liked it, it was good" 

Glad to see I'm not the only one that wants to see another Salt.  I thought the first one was really good.  And I didn't expect it to be.  Made me wonder if it would still have been as good if it was Cruise doin it. 

Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

An Indians site. Nothing groundbreaking.

I will save you guys the venom-esque link-whoring, especially since it is not relevant here.


I just bring news to the people...
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

An Indians site. Nothing groundbreaking.

I will save you guys the venom-esque link-whoring, especially since it is not relevant here.


I just bring news to the people...
Again, like I mentioned in the thread in General... what is so bad about the line about being enslaved and cutting to Darwin

That was the very point Shaw was making, the humans would eventually want to control and enslave the mutants and he was speaking directly to a black character, drawing a parallel from slavery to a future mutant enslavement. I don't understand why people were saying the movie was racist for that scene? Since when is highlight a racial issue automatically racist?
Again, like I mentioned in the thread in General... what is so bad about the line about being enslaved and cutting to Darwin

That was the very point Shaw was making, the humans would eventually want to control and enslave the mutants and he was speaking directly to a black character, drawing a parallel from slavery to a future mutant enslavement. I don't understand why people were saying the movie was racist for that scene? Since when is highlight a racial issue automatically racist?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Again, like I mentioned in the thread in General... what is so bad about the line about being enslaved and cutting to Darwin

That was the very point Shaw was making, the humans would eventually want to control and enslave the mutants and he was speaking directly to a black character, drawing a parallel from slavery to a future mutant enslavement. I don't understand why people were saying the movie was racist for that scene? Since when is highlight a racial issue automatically racist?
Piggybacking on that notion the whole mutant vs human thing is essentially an allegory for black vs white racism, and Prof. X is Dr. King and Magneto Malcolm X, so I don't really have an issue even though I haven't seen the film.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Again, like I mentioned in the thread in General... what is so bad about the line about being enslaved and cutting to Darwin

That was the very point Shaw was making, the humans would eventually want to control and enslave the mutants and he was speaking directly to a black character, drawing a parallel from slavery to a future mutant enslavement. I don't understand why people were saying the movie was racist for that scene? Since when is highlight a racial issue automatically racist?
Piggybacking on that notion the whole mutant vs human thing is essentially an allegory for black vs white racism, and Prof. X is Dr. King and Magneto Malcolm X, so I don't really have an issue even though I haven't seen the film.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Little Jamie.

Missed this, yup. 

Originally Posted by CP1708
Forgot to go back through and read reviews. 
 Had to skip all of em since I took my time getting to X-Men.

And I forgot to mention that Taboo from Black Eyes Peas lookin hurricane dude. The cg on some of that was just

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I'm normally in love with Rose, but she was too dry for me.
Yea...she's been one my favorites since Damages and Sunshine, but they basically used her like Rashida Jones in Social Network. It made that little thing near the end a little random.
 Banshee  I thought he was really genuine in his portrayal of someone so innocent. He was easily my favorite of the young cast.
True...that was...kinda...process of elimination for me.
He stepped it up the most out of all of the young ones in the end. He was a character I never thought too much about in the cartoon, but liked in this. I kinda wish Havok would've turned out the same.
The only young cast member I wasn't fond of was Beast. Early on, absolutely, just fine. Then, I won't spoil it, but you'll know why I was indifferent.
Yea, I knew this dude as Tony from Skins UK, so half the time it's like...good American accent...but that's about it. He was decent she did all the work though, and they never really convinced me that he was where all these things came from, but that's whatever.
Who else thought that there was a bit of a nod to the X-Men TV series with that theme when getting to the island?

Originally Posted by Big J 33

But this can be looked at as following the Batman Begins set-up, the first introduces the origins and establishes characters, and in the second they can really hit the heavy stuff.

That's what I'm hoping.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

I know everyone is very excited about First Class, but no way it was better than X2. As good as Fassbender performed, the overall story was pretty weak. Like I mentioned in the other thread, they should have really focused on a few mutants and taken away the arc involving the Cuban missile crisis. Havoc, Banshee, Angel, Azazel, Darwin and Riptide were useless and just seemed so obvious as fillers for the second act and fight scene at the climax.
Also, just started updating my tumblr. It's not as nice as Venom's, but if any of you are interested in following the progress on my screenplay, feel free to "follow me."

Agreed. It felt like the Cuban missile stuff would've made more sense in a sequel. It was the main sequence of the film, but it felt tacked on and squeezed next to the real ending.
Oh and followed
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Not better than X2? Really? What more did you want to know about the mutants that didn't get much screen time? Why waste time on backstories and development for small-time characters? We got a load of backstory and development on the big players, and I'm more than happy with what we got on X and Magneto, and for the most part Mystique and Beast. 
With X2...I just felt like Singer really had a strong feel for those little...cinematic mysteries. And I don't mean callbacks or coincidences. Erik and that gold coin are a callback. Magneto's escape in X2 was a mystery. It started with, why are we looking at this beautiful woman in a bar? Wait that's Rebecca Romijn, the real Mystique
that's what she would look like. And this schlub she's hitting on...where have I seen him before? The guard, why is she after him? Is she gonna become him? What is she doing to him? No way, wait he's not dead? What would that even look like? I've never seen him do what I think he's gonna do to him, but they've earned that. With his brutality they earned this next scene. Wow. How iconic was the scene of him leaving?
I mean...that's a short cinematic mystery...one of the many X2 hadd, that blended powers into the film beautifully, that I don't think First Class can touch. I live for those, but this script needed work. Hellboy is another movie that did those well, but this one...I'll give that general with the grenade as the only one I can think of. They had opportunities...they just never really used them.
I really wish this project was meant to stand on its own. Some of the sub-plots felt kinda rushed and unnatural. The whole thing with the cure for mutant appearances came to an oddly abrupt end and Mystique ending up in Magneto's bed naked in the middle of the movie was kinda odd to me. "Beast thinks I'm ugly. I'm gonna go lay in Erik's bed naked!" Um... What? Why Havoc and not Cyclops?

Exactly. I get where they were coming from with it and it made sense, but none of it flowed or really hit in step with the movie. The ending made sense, but still didn't feel right.
Spoiler [+]
It makes no sense that Mystique would see Xavier maybe dying on the beach right there, and show so little emotion as she left with Magneto. And cmon...these guys have been trying to kill you for how long? And now they can be your sidekicks that easy? Better keep one eye open.
Originally Posted by CP1708

One other gripe, dude can swallow up nuclear blasts within the palm of his hand, and yet dude comes in and punches him in the face? 
 What, your fist got more than a nuclear bomb got? 
When I saw him go Agent Smith with the round of bullets, I'm like...ok...so 'not give a %#$%' status is in full effect?
I loved how they ended him though.
I really liked Mystique/Jennifer Lawrence. That said, I was not to sure about the whole 15 years with X, and in 5 minutes she just decides, hell with it, I'll ride with that bad guys now. 
Yea, well X told her to go with him. I took that as meaning...hey, maybe he'll listen to you. I can't reach his mind anymore, but maybe you can. Maybe you can bring his better nature back.
Heroes flipping in the matter of seconds was very Anakin-esque and we all #@$!@%% about that so it should apply here as well imo. 

Some of the stuff they used for "powers" were,
  Dude had hands for feet......ok.  Other dude, blended in or some @#$%.  Other kid screams.  What in the hell was all that mess? 
  I didn't worry about it, I just went with the flow, but still when you look at that, it's very strange.  
When Erik went NEEEEEIIIIIINNNNN in Shaw's office, all I could think of was Revenge of the Sith.

And yea...I think that's pretty much why it didn't make a ton last weekend. It felt like all the X-Men leftovers got a movie, and in a way that's what it was. We didn't get bald wheelchair Prof. X, we didn't get helmet and cape Magneto, and Romijn Mystique looked much better than Lawrence's. It's like the makeup outlined her forehead that I never noticed.
So none of the big iconic X-Men as most people know them showed up in this one. That's what happened to Watchmen...and...among other things...like being rated R.

I know there is a TON of comic material out there, and plenty of movies to be made, but within the same franchise, over and over and over in the span of only a few years?  And they aren't gonna tie any of them together?  This is gonna get real weird.  So for me, I hope they tie First Class into the original X movies.

Yea...that's got me torn. They wasted so many great, great ideas and characters on X3 and Wolverine, that I don't know what to do with them. It's already weird because Emma Frost was a kid in Wolverine (70s) and a grown @@$!@ in First Class (60s). And then Xavier was walking in an X3 flashback... I guess Nolan's stuff is just gonna be the gold standard, and we're stuck on this Silver Age stuff.

It's funny how the problem right now, is that X2 was so good, that we can't just pretend like all of them don't exist.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Little Jamie.

Missed this, yup. 

Originally Posted by CP1708
Forgot to go back through and read reviews. 
 Had to skip all of em since I took my time getting to X-Men.

And I forgot to mention that Taboo from Black Eyes Peas lookin hurricane dude. The cg on some of that was just

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I'm normally in love with Rose, but she was too dry for me.
Yea...she's been one my favorites since Damages and Sunshine, but they basically used her like Rashida Jones in Social Network. It made that little thing near the end a little random.
 Banshee  I thought he was really genuine in his portrayal of someone so innocent. He was easily my favorite of the young cast.
True...that was...kinda...process of elimination for me.
He stepped it up the most out of all of the young ones in the end. He was a character I never thought too much about in the cartoon, but liked in this. I kinda wish Havok would've turned out the same.
The only young cast member I wasn't fond of was Beast. Early on, absolutely, just fine. Then, I won't spoil it, but you'll know why I was indifferent.
Yea, I knew this dude as Tony from Skins UK, so half the time it's like...good American accent...but that's about it. He was decent she did all the work though, and they never really convinced me that he was where all these things came from, but that's whatever.
Who else thought that there was a bit of a nod to the X-Men TV series with that theme when getting to the island?

Originally Posted by Big J 33

But this can be looked at as following the Batman Begins set-up, the first introduces the origins and establishes characters, and in the second they can really hit the heavy stuff.

That's what I'm hoping.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

I know everyone is very excited about First Class, but no way it was better than X2. As good as Fassbender performed, the overall story was pretty weak. Like I mentioned in the other thread, they should have really focused on a few mutants and taken away the arc involving the Cuban missile crisis. Havoc, Banshee, Angel, Azazel, Darwin and Riptide were useless and just seemed so obvious as fillers for the second act and fight scene at the climax.
Also, just started updating my tumblr. It's not as nice as Venom's, but if any of you are interested in following the progress on my screenplay, feel free to "follow me."

Agreed. It felt like the Cuban missile stuff would've made more sense in a sequel. It was the main sequence of the film, but it felt tacked on and squeezed next to the real ending.
Oh and followed
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Not better than X2? Really? What more did you want to know about the mutants that didn't get much screen time? Why waste time on backstories and development for small-time characters? We got a load of backstory and development on the big players, and I'm more than happy with what we got on X and Magneto, and for the most part Mystique and Beast. 
With X2...I just felt like Singer really had a strong feel for those little...cinematic mysteries. And I don't mean callbacks or coincidences. Erik and that gold coin are a callback. Magneto's escape in X2 was a mystery. It started with, why are we looking at this beautiful woman in a bar? Wait that's Rebecca Romijn, the real Mystique
that's what she would look like. And this schlub she's hitting on...where have I seen him before? The guard, why is she after him? Is she gonna become him? What is she doing to him? No way, wait he's not dead? What would that even look like? I've never seen him do what I think he's gonna do to him, but they've earned that. With his brutality they earned this next scene. Wow. How iconic was the scene of him leaving?
I mean...that's a short cinematic mystery...one of the many X2 hadd, that blended powers into the film beautifully, that I don't think First Class can touch. I live for those, but this script needed work. Hellboy is another movie that did those well, but this one...I'll give that general with the grenade as the only one I can think of. They had opportunities...they just never really used them.
I really wish this project was meant to stand on its own. Some of the sub-plots felt kinda rushed and unnatural. The whole thing with the cure for mutant appearances came to an oddly abrupt end and Mystique ending up in Magneto's bed naked in the middle of the movie was kinda odd to me. "Beast thinks I'm ugly. I'm gonna go lay in Erik's bed naked!" Um... What? Why Havoc and not Cyclops?

Exactly. I get where they were coming from with it and it made sense, but none of it flowed or really hit in step with the movie. The ending made sense, but still didn't feel right.
Spoiler [+]
It makes no sense that Mystique would see Xavier maybe dying on the beach right there, and show so little emotion as she left with Magneto. And cmon...these guys have been trying to kill you for how long? And now they can be your sidekicks that easy? Better keep one eye open.
Originally Posted by CP1708

One other gripe, dude can swallow up nuclear blasts within the palm of his hand, and yet dude comes in and punches him in the face? 
 What, your fist got more than a nuclear bomb got? 
When I saw him go Agent Smith with the round of bullets, I'm like...ok...so 'not give a %#$%' status is in full effect?
I loved how they ended him though.
I really liked Mystique/Jennifer Lawrence. That said, I was not to sure about the whole 15 years with X, and in 5 minutes she just decides, hell with it, I'll ride with that bad guys now. 
Yea, well X told her to go with him. I took that as meaning...hey, maybe he'll listen to you. I can't reach his mind anymore, but maybe you can. Maybe you can bring his better nature back.
Heroes flipping in the matter of seconds was very Anakin-esque and we all #@$!@%% about that so it should apply here as well imo. 

Some of the stuff they used for "powers" were,
  Dude had hands for feet......ok.  Other dude, blended in or some @#$%.  Other kid screams.  What in the hell was all that mess? 
  I didn't worry about it, I just went with the flow, but still when you look at that, it's very strange.  
When Erik went NEEEEEIIIIIINNNNN in Shaw's office, all I could think of was Revenge of the Sith.

And yea...I think that's pretty much why it didn't make a ton last weekend. It felt like all the X-Men leftovers got a movie, and in a way that's what it was. We didn't get bald wheelchair Prof. X, we didn't get helmet and cape Magneto, and Romijn Mystique looked much better than Lawrence's. It's like the makeup outlined her forehead that I never noticed.
So none of the big iconic X-Men as most people know them showed up in this one. That's what happened to Watchmen...and...among other things...like being rated R.

I know there is a TON of comic material out there, and plenty of movies to be made, but within the same franchise, over and over and over in the span of only a few years?  And they aren't gonna tie any of them together?  This is gonna get real weird.  So for me, I hope they tie First Class into the original X movies.

Yea...that's got me torn. They wasted so many great, great ideas and characters on X3 and Wolverine, that I don't know what to do with them. It's already weird because Emma Frost was a kid in Wolverine (70s) and a grown @@$!@ in First Class (60s). And then Xavier was walking in an X3 flashback... I guess Nolan's stuff is just gonna be the gold standard, and we're stuck on this Silver Age stuff.

It's funny how the problem right now, is that X2 was so good, that we can't just pretend like all of them don't exist.
-"American Reunion," the fourth theatrical American Pie sequel, is currently being shot and will be released April 6, 2012. All main characters from the original films return for the gang's ten year reunion.

Aw damn, I'm the only one excited about this? I love these films!
-"American Reunion," the fourth theatrical American Pie sequel, is currently being shot and will be released April 6, 2012. All main characters from the original films return for the gang's ten year reunion.

Aw damn, I'm the only one excited about this? I love these films!
Bro you got some coffee in you today man. 

Prime and I debated the whole tie in, he wants to just pretend the first X-Men never happened, I can totally erase X3 from my brain, but not the first two, and that's the problem.  And like Dirk said, we can't go to a new Wolverine now, they already showed Jackman, so the role can't be changed now, so where do they go from here? 

I like your theory on sending Mystique with Erik to maybe help turn him, interesting.  With no tie in, that would be a workable angle.  If they are tying in, she failed miserably. 
Is it X3 that she gets "cured" and you see the hurt on his face?  That makes a little sense now, lookin like they have been workin together for 40+ years and what not.  Is that part of the comic or is this movie only here? 

What WAS Darwin's power?  I still haven't figured it out.  He adapts to stuff, in terms of what?  I watched every second closely, and never figure out what his specialty was other than he turned into weird shapes/colors when stuff was goin on. 
Bro you got some coffee in you today man. 

Prime and I debated the whole tie in, he wants to just pretend the first X-Men never happened, I can totally erase X3 from my brain, but not the first two, and that's the problem.  And like Dirk said, we can't go to a new Wolverine now, they already showed Jackman, so the role can't be changed now, so where do they go from here? 

I like your theory on sending Mystique with Erik to maybe help turn him, interesting.  With no tie in, that would be a workable angle.  If they are tying in, she failed miserably. 
Is it X3 that she gets "cured" and you see the hurt on his face?  That makes a little sense now, lookin like they have been workin together for 40+ years and what not.  Is that part of the comic or is this movie only here? 

What WAS Darwin's power?  I still haven't figured it out.  He adapts to stuff, in terms of what?  I watched every second closely, and never figure out what his specialty was other than he turned into weird shapes/colors when stuff was goin on. 
Darwin adapts to situations depending on his need, he grew gills when he put his face under water and he turned into a hard armor shell of sorts when they were getting shot at. It's fairly vague and he was only introduced a few years ago, so he isn't an old character with tons of history.
Darwin adapts to situations depending on his need, he grew gills when he put his face under water and he turned into a hard armor shell of sorts when they were getting shot at. It's fairly vague and he was only introduced a few years ago, so he isn't an old character with tons of history.
Come on CP, you were around when Darwin was publishing his papers, how do you not get it?

He adapts to his environment, what he needs to survive!
Come on CP, you were around when Darwin was publishing his papers, how do you not get it?

He adapts to his environment, what he needs to survive!
I remember in the cartoon there was this elemental guy, who was like almost rainbow colored. He worked in a mine, was real strong and could become any element whether he needed to work in ice, lava, poison gas, whatever...I guess. So I figured that's what Darwin was. What they did with him was cool, even though they did him dirty.

Spoiler [+]
I kinda want to believe he's still alive and that dude just couldn't hold together after Shaw put that nuke nugget in him, like Dr. Manhattan in Watchmen. I mean it's comics...N*E*R*D.
I remember in the cartoon there was this elemental guy, who was like almost rainbow colored. He worked in a mine, was real strong and could become any element whether he needed to work in ice, lava, poison gas, whatever...I guess. So I figured that's what Darwin was. What they did with him was cool, even though they did him dirty.

Spoiler [+]
I kinda want to believe he's still alive and that dude just couldn't hold together after Shaw put that nuke nugget in him, like Dr. Manhattan in Watchmen. I mean it's comics...N*E*R*D.
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