Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Every movie (more than 6 months old) should be at least on one subscription service at all times. Been waiting for The Rock to come onto a service for months, I have come too far to pay $3.99.

The Rock was in Hulu within the last 6 months.

I watched it.

Download the app Just Watch.

Just type in any movie and it tells you where its streaming, or not streaming.

My last look up.


Even if the movie says not available on streaming platforms, still click, it might tell you if they are on some of the free movie channels with commercials if you have a smart TV.
Tubi does have some gems but the ads really ruin it for me, look I know it's free but yea...

If you want a movie that bad limited commercials aren't that bad.

I have no commercials on all my apps btw so I see what you mean.

But if thats the only way.........

Beats paying 4.99
The Rock was in Hulu within the last 6 months.

I watched it.

Download the app Just Watch.

Just type in any movie and it tells you where its streaming, or not streaming.

My last look up.


Even if the movie says not available on streaming platforms, still click, it might tell you if they are on some of the free movie channels with commercials if you have a smart TV.
I'm about to download to see where I can watch on a streaming site..

the suicide squad was surprisingly good. saying better than the first isn't much but as far as dceu, this is one of my favorites
I finished s1-2 of You on Netflix...thoroughly enjoyed it, but...

the s2e10 ending was predictable...it was obvious what would happen once Forty pulled the gun despite the cop being outside the store...like come on
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