Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Early Cruise is the best Cruise. Risky Business, Top Gun, The Firm. Far and Away and Legend have certain comedic value.

*Edit - forgot A Few Good Men. That’s a good one too.

After that, my favorite film of his is Collateral.
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Cruise is obsessed with working and the work is typically good from his role to the movie he’s in. The only long-form interview I ever heard him in was on The Nerdist. A question they asked was, “When you’re established, and an established legend, what then drives you?”

Very relaxed and nonchalant, he said, “I just want to make movies. That’s really all I want to do. I just love making movies.”

He just loves the whole act, traveling to a location, spending six months or so on one thing, being on set, and working on something that never before existed. Literal pack-a-lunch guy, and the money came right away because people wanted to see him on screen. What’s a movie star? Answer: “You know it when you see it.”

His best acting performances that I’ve seen:

Eyes Wide Shut
Tropic Thunder (Les Grossman)
Born On The Fourth Of July
The Firm

I still haven’t seen A Few Good Men, Rain Man, Risky Business, Taps, and Minority Report.
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80s-90s Michael Douglas is up there with Denzel for me.

Cruise is obsessed with working and the work is typically good from his role to the movie he’s in. The only long-form interview I ever heard him in was on The Nerdist. A question they asked was, “When you’re established, and an established legend, what then drives you?”

Very relaxed and nonchalant, he said, “I just want to make movies. That’s really all I want to do. I just love making movies.”

He just loves the whole act, traveling to a location, spending six months or so on one thing, being on set, and working on something that never before existed. Literal pack-a-lunch guy, and the money came right away because people wanted to see him on screen. What’s a movie star? Answer: “You know it when you see it.”

His best acting performances that I’ve seen:

Eyes Wide Shut
Tropic Thunder (Les Grossman)
Born On The Fourth Of July
The Firm

I still haven’t see A Few Good Men, Rain Man, Risky Business, Taps, and Minority Report.
I love Cruise. I remember him saying he watches 2-3 movies back-to-back since he loves movies. He just loves the craft.
I love Cruise. I remember him saying he watches 2-3 movies back-to-back since he loves movies. He just loves the craft.
Great post……
…..however, my dude you are missing a couple of his best. Risky Business specifically. That film is what started Cruise’s career in my life. He’s a kid but he’s still Cruise and you could tell he was the most talented person in the Room. Five years later Top Gun hit he was an Instant Icon. Filming from 1980-present he’s done 51 films, name 5 bad ones……
That’s a chore.
Also impossible.
Cliffhanger is terrible outside of the first 10 minutes :lol:
Bruh, it was exactly what I thought it was and why I had been skipping it since childhood. They just did some of the dumbest **** for no reason. Like when they sent Sly up^ 100ft above where they were on that cliff to retrieve the first briefcase, they tie a rope to his foot, take his jacket and then don’t give him his bolt gun? Like do you not want the man to make it to the case? Or die once he actually gets there? They don’t give him spikes for his boots, but somehow when he makes the top of the climb he has spikes? He put those on half way up that 90degree flat wall climb did he? Then, THEN!, when he gets to the top the start shooting at him. Like WTF are we doing?

That man Sly made it to shelter and was burning stacks of Thousand dollar bills to stay warm. Did Sly write that Script? Had to have some creative input for the dialogue they trounced out for that one 😂
I know Cruise got weird, but I don't get the hate. The dude puts out legit quality like few else.

In the end, he gonna have 8 or so Mission Impossibles and they are all quality.
Top Gun (we'll see about the sequel)
A Few Good Men
Minority Report
Edge of Tomorrow
Jerry McGuire
The Firm
Interview with a Vampire
The Mummy
Vanilla Sky
War of the Worlds
Jack Reacher x 2
Tropic Thunder
American Made (I loved this one, underrated imo)
Risky Business
Rain Man
Eyes Wide Shut
4th of July
Days of Thunder

I mean, he has a Top 5 resume. He doesn't have the awards and such, I'm not even sayin he's a certain level of actor, he's in fact, a true movie star. 25-30ish quality films is not somethin matched by many. I know he a strange dude and all, but he honors his craft and produces for Hollywood in a big way. Dude almost 60 and doin Mission Impossible for almost 25 years, he isn't doin the Liam Neeson niche at an elder age, he's BEEN doin this and still doin it high level. He deserves his flowers.
Harrison Ford, Cruise, Will Smith, Denzel, Morgan Freeman the Top 5 resumes off the top of my head......Leo gotta be gettin real close......De Niro.......I'll bump Smith for De Niro in my personal 5, but Will is right up there.

I'm talkin quality AND quantity, someone like Daniel Day isn't gonna get it with 6 films. :lol:

**** I just forgot Sam Jack. The amount of movies he in gotta give him the lead, but a lot of his are cameos too, not sure how we qualify him. :lol:
Seeing the Green Knight tomorrow after work. HYPED. Wearing two masks and getting ready for the type of eyegasm that I havent had in years.
Seeing the Green Knight tomorrow after work. HYPED. Wearing two masks and getting ready for the type of eyegasm that I havent had in years.
What are you expecting for this movie if you don’t mind me asking and are you familiar with the source?
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