Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I might. It would depend on the words you used. Word choice is important.
Honestly this isn't just ska, it's the entire internet. I'm guilty of it at times and try to catch myself. Once "trash" was inserted into internet lexicon it replaced so many words in between terrible to average or "I just don't like it". I need it reviewed like offensive players jumping into a foul.
Honestly this isn't just ska, it's the entire internet. I'm guilty of it at times and try to catch myself. Once "trash" was inserted into internet lexicon it replaced so many words in between terrible to average or "I just don't like it". I need it reviewed like offensive players jumping into a foul.

Very good point. Even got Kyrie calling his own newest sig shoes "trash". :lol: That's just what folks say these days.
All Kyrie's look the same to me, too.

My point was that there's no clear attempt to convince others in a plainly stated opinion, be it tame or loud. "Kyries are trash" and "I just don't like Kyries" are neither one an attempt to convince.

"It boggles my mind that you guys love Kyries when they are clearly trash" is different; others are brought into the opinion.

Right? I mean, if just the word 'trash' implicitly MEANS 'I'm trying to convince others', somebody please say that, because I never got that memo. 👀

How lucky for him. I just hope you don't expect ska to help you in a few months when you begin to regret throwing away your one-time name change in honor of a since-banned user who didn't even seem to notice.

Hollywood casting is absolutely ripe for satire, though these writers appear guilty of that themselves with respect to other roles (e.g. Zoolander 2.)

Although I have not seen either film, I will say that I'm not at all impressed by their response to the ensuing controversies. Instead of apologizing to impacted viewers for any offense and making a sincere effort to understand the criticism, they chose instead to say, "sorry you didn't get the joke."

The emphasis on intent over effect is telling.

We can agree that the opportunity exists for righteous mockery of casting choices like those made in Ridley Scott's "Exodus, Gods & Kings." I do, however, question if effectively replicating the harm of seeing blackface on screen is the best way to go about that - and I certainly don't believe that a gaggle of White guys are best poised to determine its appropriateness.

Personally, I think the concept of a Scarlett Johannsson biopic starring Ali Wong would do a better job of making the point, or Billy Porter in “Whiteface” as Tom Brady, but if the goal is to make the White actor the butt of the joke, I don’t understand why they felt it appropriate to write offensive jokes for that character, like “it’s not me saying it, it’s the character I wrote who’s supposed to be a bad person, so even though it’s not okay for him to say it, he’s bad, so it’s natural for his character.” The bottom line is they used a “bad character” to launder an offensive joke.

The RDJ character doesn’t really appear to be the butt of that Forrest Gump bit. Best case scenario: the writers intended for audiences to laugh at the sheer absurdity of it, but, given the unfortunate way it’s since lingered in public consciousness, that’s clearly not how it was generally received. Criticism of Zoolander 2 indicates that they failed to learn anything from the experience.

If the movie is all that you say, it would hardly be the first popular satire hamstrung by offensive choices. Some people are able to appreciate a work beyond such flaws, while others can’t. If it doesn’t bother someone personally, I do think it’s fair to ask if it also affects them personally.

I can’t judge Tropic Thunder as a whole. Based on the portions I’ve seen, though, I’ve no interest in defending it.

I’m fine with leaving it at that so you can get back to your discussion.
Sick burn Method 🤣. I didn’t notice the first time I around cause I skipped the wall of text

yeah I’m definitely gonna be begging ska to change my name on niketalk in a couple months. Relax, John proctor

Never felt ska was trying to influence or change ppl's opinions in this thread by calling anything trash in this thread.

Pretty sure he knows that's an insanely uphill battle with the ppl that regularly post in here. They either agree or really disagree.
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Never felt ska was trying to influence or change ppl's opinions in this thread by calling anything trash in this thread.

Pretty sure he knows that insanely uphill battle with the ppl that regularly post in here. They either agree or really disagree.
I didn’t know we were taking others opinions on film that seriously in here, but if we are then I demand an apology from darthska darthska for his absolutely horrible takes on horror cinema.
I didn’t know we were taking others opinions on film that seriously in here, but if we are then I demand an apology from darthska darthska for his absolutely horrible takes on horror cinema.
From my recollection, he formed that opinion not from watching a ton of horror cinema but from seeing a good deal of trash horror movies with terrible stories with the same lame goal (trying to get jump scares) so he wrote the genre off. And that only changed when he saw a few actually good horror movies. Might've said more but I forget.

It's basically the same reason horror is my least favorite movie genre.
From my recollection, he formed that opinion not from watching a ton of horror cinema but from seeing a good deal of trash horror movies with terrible stories with the same lame goal (trying to get jump scares) so he wrote the genre off. And that only changed when he saw a few actually good horror movies. Might've said more but I forget.

It's basically the same reason horror is my least favorite movie genre.
Spot on.

I'm sorry Tropic Thunder big trash? 👀 No, that's not right.

I'm sorry that I THINK Tropic Thunder bi... no...

I'm sorry that I SAID that I think Trop... wait, no...

I swear, you people. 🤦‍♂️



Talladega Nights
Step Brothers
Old School
Between Two Ferns
Conspiracy Theory
The most recent Indiana Jones
Is there ANOTHER Point Break and Speed I'm unaware of? We're bigging up the surfing movie and the movie where the bus long jumps the freeway, right?
I’ve let ska get away with this for far too long

What is your question regarding Point Break? (and Speed as well, while we're here?)

Those films were PERFECT for what they were. Straight action flicks with solid performances.

Speed had a lot of editing issues that weren't cleaned up, but it doesn't hurt the film at all, but Keanu and Sandra nailed it, and Hopper and Daniels were solid as always.

Point Break is Keanu and Patrick at their absolute best, get off a few lines, do some action, bad *** bank robbery ideas, it's the original Fast and Furious without DVD players. Workin together, not workin together, lettin him go in the end, all of it. Keanu actually havin to go into one of the robberies with them. :pimp:

He's exactly what I meant with Cruise, he's never going to win an Oscar, but he is a true movie STAR. And his resume proves it, same as Cruise. Now, Tom certainly has more skill than Keanu, no doubt, but Keanu can do a little more than he's given credit for, but he knows his niche and he sticks with it. John Wick is perfection because of it.
What I said was meant, I would pray for you. :lol: You are truly a lot soul to not enjoy those films. I don't care what time of day/night, I don't care where they are in the movie, start, middle, end, if it's on TV, it's on my TV. Last night I got home around 6:50, Point Break started at 7, I had ten minutes to get somethin to eat/drink and sit the hell down.

I am an Effffff Beeeee Eyyyyyyyye aguntttt *Chills* every time. :pimp:
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