Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Lil man's been waiting:


The Fast films are definitely Summer Blockbusters. Mission Impossibles too. Bond films could be considered, but I don't think they really release them in the summer slots as much.

The first two I can remember for sure being huge. People were showing up to the theaters in droves in their tuned Civics with their car crews :lol:

Independence Day, Men in Black, Armageddon, Jurassic Park, Perfect Storm, Sixth Sense and Twister all come to mind too because I actually saw those in the theater.
As someone that has all the Fast movies on 4k (sans 9), including Hobbes and Shaw, I haven't seen Fast 9 and I still don't know if I want to :lol:
Man, the new Space Jam was super fun. I had heard nothing but negative, and now I want to cuss everyone out. 🤣 Like what were people expecting?

As far as how I normally judge a movie: sure, 4/8 at BEST.

But as far as cartoon movies go: 6.5/8.

The ID4 preview was one of my favorites ever. The NASA guys wonderin if it was a meteor or somethin and then sayin it was slowin down..... And then showin the attack on July 3 followed by July 4, the world fights back. :pimp:
Raiders of the Lost Ark too. My older brother, who was 15 when it came out, saw it 7 times in the theater.
The ID4 preview was one of my favorites ever. The NASA guys wonderin if it was a meteor or somethin and then sayin it was slowin down..... And then showin the attack on July 3 followed by July 4, the world fights back. :pimp:
It was the White House getting zapped for me, and Will Smith "I got to GET me one of THESE!!" 🤣😆😎


I thought I remembered “enjoying” this FILM.
I’m mean it was ONLY FIVE YEARS AGO for crying out loud.
It did not enjoy this FILM.
And I don’t remember not enjoying it.
It’s like I erased its existence from my head in some sort of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind kind of way.
This film scared TF out of me.
😞 how did we USA get away with this? Or did they…
What was the outcome? What consequences were there other than us learning life in this World is straight up George Orwell’s 1984 in the Present.
We just keep on logging in and on and just living.
Why, man I’m all jumbled up right now….this is like another lifetime. This is hella f’ed my dudes. I feel ashamed a lot bit.

Even the current NSO and Pegasus ****?……
God Damnit man.
And how TF is he still alive?
Was that/this all some form of Propaganda
and Ed Snowden a shill?

Not that I want him knocked off but dudes like him normally don’t make it right? They die in wrecks or “commit suicide”
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If you haven’t seen SNOWDEN.
Don’t watch that ****.
No definitely watch it.
Nah Nevermind, don’t do it to yourself.
****ing hell man…
(Now all I can think about is those damn “cookie” notices that you have to accept or decline on damn near every website you visit while surfing the Net from your mobile.


Look at this disclaimer man…..
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