Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I forgot how bad a ***** Lale was.
I can’t talk to anyone who hasn’t seen Gangs of London.
I’m on the rewatch and it’s even better than I remember. The ACTION scenes are elite. It’s like a Zero Dark Thirty Mission every time each side goes at the other.
This show is nothing short of Amazing.
If you’re not watching this it better be because you e seen it.
Is that white Shawn from Martin?

Just checked and it sure is.

Never been a household name, but he’s been a crazy amount of stuff, including a lot of beloved shows and movies.

Uncle Rico definitely what’s he best known for now, but his resume is strong. Just noticed yesterday for the first time that he’s in Get Shorty.
Kevin Pollak is awesome. Was good in A Few Good Men, Casino etc.

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The Suicide Squad was so damn good.

James Gunn is so legit with these characters and style.

It was instantly one of my favorite comic book movies and just a great time. I wish we had seen it in a full theater because the jokes were on point, the violence was over the top, and the heart was there. How did this dude get me to care about a talking shark? Same way he got me to tear up over a tree dying. What the hell man.
The Suicide Squad was so damn good.

James Gunn is so legit with these characters and style.

It was instantly one of my favorite comic book movies and just a great time. I wish we had seen it in a full theater because the jokes were on point, the violence was over the top, and the heart was there. How did this dude get me to care about a talking shark? Same way he got me to tear up over a tree dying. What the hell man.
I was just getting ready to come in here and say the same exact stuff. Not even sure if its THAT amazing of a film, but when comparing to the last Suicide Squad, my god, this might be the best comic book film of all time. Cena and Elba had some great rivalry chemistry going. Some real ruthless writing in this movie too. While expected, some of this **** was NOT expected :lol:

Solid 6.5/8 for me.

This is a weird *** one.

was my favorite movie when I was in the 3rd grade for some reason. I remember naming all my toys Hudson hawk, I wrote school papers about Hudson hawk, I was obsessed. Watched it again as an adult, and while I loved it still, it was VERY weird to be watching it as a child. Teachers must have been having a field day with my parents :lol:

was KILLING me trying figure out where I knew old Loki from
Bruhhhhhh :wow: :wow: :wow:
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