Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Never forgot when MLKJr. Persuaded her to not leave the show for the betterment of black people in America.

Which led to the first interracial kiss on American TV ever

And the story behind

Shatner being coy by repeating the scene again and again for all the haters.

Also proving again that Sci-Fi >>>
Came across this clip from the Fresh Prince reboot today.

I knew it was gonna be more of drama but I didn't know they were going like this.

Marlon did his thing in this scene too.

To anyone who's watched, how is the show overall?

Yo wtf?

Son this could only go down with this generation. All the curses and foul talk.

Marlon should’ve knocked that ***** out.
Is there a specific song that reminds you of a movie that has it in the soundtrack?

Beautiful song. I watched it for the first time a few weeks back but never got around to my review...let's just say it wasn't what I expected. :lol:

Straightforward because it's the titular track, but the song that comes to mind regardless (from one of the :emoji_goat: )

I actually think of Friday when I hear this. Not Super Fly
Currently, in 2D

It's Alive - 5.5/8

I was fully prepared to clown this movie, even before I watched. I must admit it is kind of cheesy. *There is a wonderful shot at the end with the baby in the sewers

But let me say, it becomes clear early on that the writer used this film as a euphemism for a Dad not wanting to have a kid. Watching through that lens, the dialogue gets downright wild :lol:

Plot: The parents thought about "getting rid of it"...used birth control for a bit...etc. Once the child is born, the Dad (literally) wants to kill it, doesn't claim it, and more, while the Mom loves it unconditionally.

It even gets kind of deep, with brief mentions of how pollution, pesticides, or medication may impact the birth of a child (as I watch more 70s horror, I notice that stuff like this is often added)

TL;DR I know writing can be therapeutic. Well I hope whoever wrote this worked out his worries about being a dad and went on to be a healthy parent. :lol:

Oh yeah, and the Batman Begins-esque (ending) :lol: *Ignore that sound effect, this is the only clip I could find

Yo wtf?

Son this could only go down with this generation. All the curses and foul talk.

Marlon should’ve knocked that ***** out.
Son had to get shipped out because he bust his gun. He can go ahead and put hands on one of these young bols if he wants to. Plus he was never around?
Everytime I see this part of the trailer where she walks by dude, it always looks creepy:lol:. Might watch this when it comes out.
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