Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


Watching this movie tonight with Sling Blade and bro from The Notebook. Figured I'd see which of you are right: those that are really disappointed, or those that are mildly disappointed.

So I watched Predator (for the first time :nerd: )

7.5/8 - pretty amazing movie. Worth noting that I reserve perfect scores for movies I could see being all-time, personal favorites

So good I'll excuse the fact that dude went all movie without speaking...just to go out laughing like Vincent Price 😤
Gray Man is incredible. Once again, I hate that so many were all down on it. It was fun. Awesome fight scenes, completely unbelievable scenes (the plane 🤣, the train 😂😂), but they sold it. It felt real in the moment.
I loved the 'kid' theme throughout:
  • He wouldn't shoot Sierra 4 because of the kid.
  • Sling Blade protecting his kid.
  • Whole thing that originally got Sierra 6 in jail was pops beating his kid brother.
Solid 7/8

What the h-e-double hockey sticks is this Jamie Foxx/David Franco/Snoop Dogg BS I just saw a trailer for? 🤣🤣😂 Bruh...

I know yesterday was the song to movie scene ratio talk but side note everytime I see or hear the word chimichanga I think of the answering machine in Meet The Fockers :lol:
There’s a fine line between being inspired by something and a full-blown rip-off. The former I can handle.

This book is amazing.

“An architect works to build up the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago, while the serial killer H. H. Holmes uses the fair to attract and kill women.”


Been waiting for this for a while.

What are your thoughts on the theory of Homes being Jack The Ripper?
HH Holmes was a weird doctor, like said he’d do an abortion for you and then ends up killing somebody on purpose. I don’t know much about Jack the Ripper tho.
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