Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

HH Holmes was a weird doctor, like said he’d do an abortion for you and then ends up killing somebody on purpose. I don’t know much about Jack the Ripper tho.
There are theories about him being Jack The Ripper. Apparently from what I remember there are documents showing Holmes visited the UK around the time of the Ripper killings and that both the Ripper & Holmes murders ended at the same time.

Holmes was twisted. His hotel was a maze of secret passages and shoots where he could just dump bodies of his guests from their rooms down into the basement. Then he'd do "experiments " on them.

I hope DiCaprio knocks this one out. He usually doesn't disappoint tho.
Is Prey up? Gotta get my roommate's Hulu log-in :0
Beautiful Boy

I love the real feel of this. The final monolog was excellent.

I'm'a need to rewatch, SOON. Right now I got something in my eye...

Didn’t like Prey at all. Felt low budget and campy. The English speaking was NOT IT.

Changed to the Comanche version, and it was still not good.
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