Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

how dare you. he's not even in that level.

if you want examples of terrible actors.......
sneeker sneeker Question for you. How would you rate Keanu’s acting? Honestly.

Please be as honest as possible.

Without factoring how much you like him in real life.

Imagine you are being lectured by Obi-Wan :lol:
“He was fearless as he stepped to the plate. I was terrified for him.”

“And watching him… raise his arms in triumph, as he ran to first base. I swear, I was lifted in that moment to a better place. I swear, he lifted the world in that moment … he made me a better person, even if just for that moment.”
You’ve known me long enough to be aware how I keep it 💯

Don’t get me wrong, I respect him as a person.

But a good actor?
he has his moments. I would say he is quite limited in versatility when it comes to acting. with certain roles, he shines and certain roles that make him look bad. I still wouldn't put him in the Steven Seagal goat level of bad acting. on the otherhand, eventhough on his bad moments, he is still entertaining in a funny kind of way.
sneeker sneeker Question for you. How would you rate Keanu’s acting? Honestly.

Please be as honest as possible.

Without factoring how much you like him in real life.

Imagine you are being lectured by Obi-Wan :lol:
just answered it before your post. anyway, I think you got my answer. I'm just being fair and transparent as far as categorizing acting is concerned. as far as comparing Hayden and Keanu's bad acting side by side. Hayden's acting in Star Wars is cringy bad in a way that you want to throw something at the tv. Keanu's bad acting however, makes you laugh hysterically that it's entertaining.
Any Keanu performance >>> basically all the acting in the Star Wars prequels.
Still waiting on you to give this article a read. Please keep an open mind and give it a chance. Report back when you’re done. Would love to hear your thoughts. Doesn’t matter if you conclusion is good or bad. Just would love to hear your thoughts. Please be aware that it’s a long read, though. Thanks.

Your friend, Bronson
Still waiting on you to give this article a read. Please keep an open mind and give it a chance. Report back when you’re done. Would love to hear your thoughts. Doesn’t matter if you conclusion is good or bad. Just would love to hear your thoughts. Please be aware that it’s a long read, though. Thanks.

Your friend, Bronson
I think the person who wrote it put a lot of time and effort into it and that it does not change my opinion of the prequels at all.
Never seen this, but I would love to give it a try.

Knowing what a nice person Keanu Reeves is in real life, I’m actually wanting to see him
deliver a good performance.
he did decent on this movie. it wasn't that well-known and went under the radar. he also was ok on the Watcher and the Gift. just talking about Keanu makes me watch some of his old films that I missed watching like Siberia, the Whole Truth, Feeling Minnesota. I might also watch Sweet November and A Walk in the Clouds (re-viewing) again.
Never seen this, but I would love to give it a try.

Knowing what a nice person Keanu Reeves is in real life, I’m actually wanting to see him
deliver a good performance.
I don’t know anyone who hasn’t highly recommended it, and it holds up. Can you watch it tonight, should’ve known this request was coming lol

On Amazon Prime
Any actor as famous and successful as Keanu cannot be considered an awful actor. You just don’t like the way he acts. He’s not 1 and done. He didn’t luck into a successful super hero franchise. He wasn’t a well known child actor. He’s made his successes off strong performances as an actor. Spanning multiple decades. Spanning multiple genres. Leading man. Supporting actor. Bad guy. Good guy.

He’s had a couple bad performances, but he’s also had some alltime iconic roles. One of my favorite underrated performances of his is the drunk abusive red neck from the deep swamps of Georgia.


The Gift (2000) was such a great flick :smokin
I've just never been a fan and that never changed. Since Bill & Ted... original... dude just annoyed me.

I've just never been a fan and that never changed. Since Bill & Ted... original... dude just annoyed me.

Noted. I see him as pretty ok. Won't win you academy awards but win in terms of entertainment and character. Real life though, guy is a champ and unparalleled as far as Hollywood celebs are concerned. I guess that's his charisma and why he stayed relevant for so long. Out of curiosity, except Keanu, which actor you find horrible overall and which one do you think is best for you?
Any actor as famous and successful as Keanu cannot be considered an awful actor. You just don’t like the way he acts. He’s not 1 and done. He didn’t luck into a successful super hero franchise. He wasn’t a well known child actor. He’s made his successes off strong performances as an actor. Spanning multiple decades. Spanning multiple genres. Leading man. Supporting actor. Bad guy. Good guy.

He’s had a couple bad performances, but he’s also had some alltime iconic roles. One of my favorite underrated performances of his is the drunk abusive red neck from the deep swamps of Georgia.


The Gift (2000) was such a great flick :smokin
He’s not a good actor

Nevertheless, I admire your passion so I repped your post :lol:
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jpzx jpzx Will try to watch tonight! Hopefully. Um, lets see I’m a huge Phoebe Cates lover so have you seen this? If not, would you be willing to check it out? Also, you don’t have to watch until I have Hardball ready to watch? Have you seen Gremlins? If you have, no worries, I’ll pick something else! Thanks.
Elaborate. How/why is he not a good actor? What criteria are you using to form that opinion?
The last thing I wan't to be in unfair. Maybe I was using a poor choice of words when I said terrible.

But I do believe in being honest. For example: Suppose someone said something along the lines of: Keanu Reeves is a kind, down to earth, respectable person, though I would consider his acting skills to be below average. Especially when compared to the likes of all the talent out there.

Would you object to that statement?

Or if you prefer a more direct approach: Do you think Keanu Reeves is a good actor?
Keanu Reeves is John Salley. He knows what roles to take and who to play with, even contributed some good minutes. As result hes been a part of some legendary franchises.
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