Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Because movie studios very much are beholden to traditional Western notions of attractiveness and fitness, so people who don't fit that standard don't have the same opportunities for roles and people who do. And the whole thing is probably exascerbated by the fact there's a correlation between BBW figures and being a woman of color and it's known Hollywood doesn't give the same opportunities to non-whites.

My guess is there's lots of BBW actresses out there, but they're mostly just relegated to smaller, supporting roles.

I agree with you as usual. I would add that the roles for these actors are limited as well. Hollywood will say that we the viewers don't want to see larger actors on the screen but we all know they probably don't have any data to support it.

^^^ Yeah, they’re really going to have to nail the casting and execution on that show because I don’t think the inherent interest in that story can be that high. :lol:

Relatedly, I hooped a couple of times with the actor who played Sam in FBDO. Kind of a jerk; wasn’t very good, but called a lot cheap fouls.
I agree with you as usual. I would add that the roles for these actors are limited as well. Hollywood will say that we the viewers don't want to see larger actors on the screen but we all know they probably don't have any data to support it.
it's not just because the roles are limited but rather the studios choose that they don't need to. just look at how lgbtq+ content now is making it mainstream inspite of it being unnecessary that it needs to be represented on every scene regardless of the movie genre. all this due to the fact that that sector is now well represented and have a movement that would influence movie studios to do so. in the end, the so-called inclusion remains subjective and limited to market expansion to certain demographics. it doesn't serve a higher purpose but more political in nature. for what I see, some demographics are just not represented well and some demographics wanted more exposure even if they are already well-represented or undeserving.
If I steal your TV and acknowledge I stole your TV is it considered stealing?
Yes because a TV is an object. We're not talking about objects; we're talking about actions. Also, you would presumably have to break into my house to steal that object. He never broke in to anywhere and stole their actions.

I grew up thinking Elvis the Thief. Changing that position the last couple years.

People see actions of others and replicate them literally alllll the tiiiiime.


Every step of the way, he constantly acknowledged that he was simply doing what he had seen others do, no different than Kobe 'stealing' from MJ (another silly narrative people run with).

Zik, I'm not sure if he acknowledged any specific person but the film absolutely covers his influences and shows him giving credit to others routinely. I personally loved the film and am not an Elvis fan in any way.

Former Star Wars star Gina Carano is set to play a secret service agent whose hair is sniffed by Joe Biden in a new biopic .

Distributed by the controversial far-right media organisation Breitbart News, the film, entitled My Son Hunter, focuses on the US President’s son, Hunter Biden, played by Laurence Fox.

Carano plays a secret service agent tasked with working in close proximity with Biden, while John James (Dynasty) plays Biden himself.

The teaser asks viewers to “witness the sensational, bombshell, unbelievable, scandalous, corrupt, censored, shocking true story” of the Bidens’ lives.

aepps20 aepps20 , LFG! 💪 🦅 🇺🇸 🫡
Yes because a TV is an object. We're not talking about objects; we're talking about actions.

I'm talking about music. Not actions.

Don't know where you came up with that to try and warp this topic :lol:

I'm talking about literal music (and swag and style; again not actions). Perhaps you don't know who Roy Hamilton is which wouldn't be a surprise.

Acknowledging that you are a thief does not suddenly make you not a thief :lol: Sounds like some pretty wicked logic to excuse what you've done.

Zik, I'm not sure if he acknowledged any specific person but the film absolutely covers his influences and shows him giving credit to others routinely. I personally loved the film and am not an Elvis fan in any way.
Thanks for at least answering.

Wasn't ever planning on watching but I was curious given some other things I came across recently.
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Zik, I'm not sure if he acknowledged any specific person but the film absolutely covers his influences and shows him giving credit to others routinely. I personally loved the film and am not an Elvis fan in any way.
it would be a crime not to acknowledge the influence and even claim that it is your own work. as far as stealing someone else's work, I guess there is a degree to it.
not sure if you guys are familiar with The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony? regardless of the merits of that lawsuit, I must say that the Rolling Stones or their label are Scum.
A while back, someone asked about Alien & Aliens v. T1 & T2. I finally had a chance to watch the Alien films, and I have to go with Terminator.

T2 came out during my childhood, so I was all aboard the Arnold/action hero train. I watched T1 over the pandemic, and although it was more sci-fi, it was easily watchable for someone like myself who is not necessarily a fan of the genre.

Given that I watched Alien in 2022, I acknowledge that it may not have the same impact as if I saw it decades ago. Compared to T1, the sci-fi in Alien was overbearing (imo) - the first half of the movie was hecka hard to follow :lol: Aliens fits my initial memory of the franchise, and was a cool movie (Aliens > Alien, to me).

Saw this on a bus today. Happy to see new comedies getting made; kind of interested.

If it had two different leads and was coming from another studio, I might even be low key excited for it.
Jamie kinda corny if you leave him to his own devices so it better be worth it. I remember when he was deadass serious trying to make a Shenene and Wanda movie.
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