Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

This one time, in Vegas, me and my GF found 2 tickets to blue man group on the ground, Un-used. We called and asked the ticket office if we could refund them, and they said no. So we just turned them in. This was 2009 I think?

Still haven’t seen them live.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
Terrifier 2

WTF DID I JUST WATCH LAST NIGHT? Yo, this movie was absolutely disgusting....and I liked it :lol:. The acting was horrible and it was 2 and half hours long, so why tf did I enjoy it so much? I dunno. It was a fun, old fashioned, gruesome horror flick. The gore was extremely over the top and at times hilarious but still managed to look somewhat real making it really disturbing. It also helps that Lauren Lavera looked delicious the entire time. She has no mass but her legs & pumpkins were on point. She kinna reminds me of that at&t girl at times.

On a side note, a mother and her 2 kids came strolling in the theater 30min in and sat down. The son was carrying 2 plasic bags full of food in styrofoam containers. These folks straight up sat down and started eating a full meal while watching this movie. Not sure how they got the food in or if theatre employees even care about that sort of thing anymore. Either way, all I kept wondering was which one was gonna yak first. Don't know how these serial killers kept their food down or why their mother would bring them watch this movie with a meal but it was strange.
Cmon brother they kinda try to go off, from what I hear

Yeah I was disappointed because we were dirt poor at the time and couldn’t use the tickets and couldn’t get money back for them. Really wanted to see them but yeah it sucks I still haven’t
Why couldn’t you just go to the show if they were unused?

I vaguely remember something like they needed to see our id’s. I don’t know exactly if that was the reason, I just know we weren’t able to use the tickets and they wouldn’t give us cash for them.

We were like 18 or 19 y/o idiot punk kids.
I’m good off wearing glasses that have been on hundreds of people with water spots on the lenses. Plus I wear glasses so it’s glasses on top of glasses
Avatar was a visual spectacle of the highest order and a visual experience in the theaters. I loved it. I have rewatched it once at home. It's just not the same. Unless it's completely trash, I'll probably see the sequel multiple times in the theater in various formats.
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