Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I liked the original one and Tokyo Drift. Both were decent movies imo, especially 1. For some reason I hear ppl say they hate Tokyo Drift tho. The second one was meh. I've seen bits of the others on TV as well. I'll tune in for a few seconds & be like "nope".

I'll probably give the first one about a 65%-69% depending on my mood.

I dunno. It seems like it'd be hard for me to sit through them. Weren't they in space in the last one?

Sir, Ska (and SkaJr) goin thru it right now.

What if I told you 4-5-6-7 were the best of the series? :nerd:

Ska gon come thru soon after seein Fast Five, watch how his tone changes. :lol:

Pull the trigger fam. You won't regret it.
Moonfall is one of the unintentionally greatest movies I’ve seen in years. Saw it twice in theaters and now for the 3rd time last weekend at a coworker’s place.
The ultimate peak of ‘so bad it’s good’
The nerve of them setting up a sequel at the end was the icing on the cake :smh: :lol:

To anyone who hasn’t seen Moonfall, I highly recommend it. Prepare for an absolute trainwreck of stupidity but in an unintentionally good way
Never heard of it.
It was in the Theater? Where you saw it twice?

TF. I need to get out more.
I’m fresh out of watch material.
Let’s fire this Gem up.
Belgium Belgium a quick read on it prior.
Wanted to know when it released etc.
It was the most expensive independent film ever.
136million budget that ended at 148mill

Domestically and Internationally it did 67million
Roland Emmerich was also involved. How TF much did they pay Halle? HBOMAX better turn this into a Cult Classic.
Woah this movie went up a level halfway thru :lol:

Watching Doctor Sleep. Super not feeling them killing that little baseball boy, if I'm being honest. I know we don't all know each other in person, but everyone who knows me in person knows that I love kids. The worst news stories to me are those involving kids, the worst criminals to me are those who hurt kids.

Legit almost turned it off.

Wait, Cali has seen the Fast and the Furious Films as well?

I’ve seen 1, 2, parts of 4, and 5. That was enough for me. Oh and the “When I see you again” Wiz Khalifa music video. Don’t know which movie that’s supposed to be from.
Does the power of suggestion influence one’s opinion on film literally everything? Like if so and so like it, and it has high scores on websites, others will follow suit and rate it highly? Instead of calculating their own opinions?
Fixed. And yes.

Watching Doctor Sleep. Super not feeling them killing that little baseball boy, if I'm being honest. I know we don't all know each other in person, but everyone who knows me in person knows that I love kids. The worst news stories to me are those involving kids, the worst criminals to me are those who hurt kids.

Legit almost turned it off.

yeah, the baseball kid for me was pushing it a bit more. atleast the one with the little girl was subtle and didn't go much to the extreme. it didn't help the backstory of these kids getting killed. Danny was lucky.
yeah, the baseball kid for me was pushing it a bit more. atleast the one with the little girl was subtle and didn't go much to the extreme. it didn't help the backstory of these kids getting killed. Danny was lucky.
on the otherhand, this is one of the reasons why for me this movie is so good. it makes you care for the characters no matter how small their roles are whether good or evil.
Watching Doctor Sleep. Super not feeling them killing that little baseball boy, if I'm being honest. I know we don't all know each other in person, but everyone who knows me in person knows that I love kids. The worst news stories to me are those involving kids, the worst criminals to me are those who hurt kids.

Legit almost turned it off.


That was very hard to watch. The directors cut is even worse, they made it extra brutal. It’s somewhat of a testament to the acting skills of that little boy. The director didn’t tell him how to do the scene, he just left it up to Trembley. There’s a ton of articles talking about the effect that scene had on the cast that watched it live, and it sounds like it had the same effect on them as you described.


Edit* that’s also why I turned off the movie OLD in the part I turned it off on. The innocence of children……it’s hard for me to remove my emotions in scenes where bad things happen to them.
C CP1708 Quick question: Return of the Jedi or A New Hope? Which one do you think is better? Thanks

Star Wars is the better film.
Return of the Jedi was more my favorite growing up, but as I've gotten older, it has more weaknesses. The lameness of killing Boba, the ewoks etc. When you look back at it now, they killed Jabba, Fett, Yoda, Vader, Emperor, all in two hours. :lol: But visually it was fun and all that. Luke was a badass, some of the scenes were impressive etc.
I was the same way. As a kid I liked it more, as an adult it's clearly 4th behind the prequel trilogy
Boba Cat been catching Ls for so long, not sure how he got this following. Cant tell me everyone was reading books.
Boba Cat been catching Ls for so long, not sure how he got this following. Cant tell me everyone was reading books.

You prolly right, but I am very thankful I did. He was AMAZING in those books. :lol:

I'm honestly surprised they haven't tapped into those yet for some of the ideas but with the whole timeline change, not all of it would work anyways.
That description on Moonfall described the FILM very accurately.
What a damn disaster and masterpiece all at the same time.
It’s like a very serious version of Don’t Look Up.
It’s almost like I watched this film in another life.
**** tripping me out.
I’m in the last 20minutes now, I’m definitely starting it over and rewatching it as soon as it’s done.
I honestly should watch right now because this Gophers college basketball game is a sham to viewers, I’ve not heard a movie described like “disaster and masterpiece” in a while :lol:
Agree about throwing kids in to the mix usually makes it way more brutal.

Its exactly why for me its the best tool to use in stories if you want me to feel actually scared or uncomfortable (or interested).
I honestly should watch right now because this Gophers college basketball game is a sham to viewers, I’ve not heard a movie described like “disaster and masterpiece” in a while :lol:
It’s a pretty smart Film.
Great idea, great story. Stuck between GENRES though. Can’t figure out if it was on purpose or just bad editing.
Some really bad CGI at times but You can tell they have a massive budget. Great cast, I really can’t say much more without just telling you that you have to watch it to understand. That’s how it was explained to me, I totally see why-now.
I’m already watching it again.
About an hour in. All of Patrick Wilson’s scenes are ridiculous :lol: And Halle Berry o dude….
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