Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Just got a bunch of DVDs for free I haven’t seen:

Lords of Dogtown (unrated)
The Illusionist
The Great Escape
Team America: World Police
Lady In The Water
Max Payne (unrated)
What About Bob?
Once Upon A Time In Mexico
The Brother’s Grimm
The Happening
A Beautiful Mind
Narnia: Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe
The League of Extraordinary Gentleman

The Great Escape is one of my guilty pleasures. I have no idea how many times I've seen it - based on an amazing true story, but with a grim ending.
Just read that Amanda Bynes was wandering around near Downtown LA over the weekend naked. Called 911 for herself.

*Edit - apparently she was supposed to appear at "90s Con" this last weekend and opted out as "sick" at the last minute. Then a mental breakdown. :frown:
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One of the most unintentionally funny movies of all time. Literally every actor mailed it in on top of how bad it is :lol:
If there’s such a thing as “negative chemistry” between actors that’s what Marky Mark and Zooey D. had going on in that movie :lol:
Why you do that to yourself 🤦🏾‍♂️
I'm real interested in seeing the Special Features afterward to see if in any interviews that anyone saw this trainwreck coming. If they're smart they would have released this DVD with no special features except Cast & Crew Credits and Theatrical Trailer. :lol:
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