Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Fast and Furious 3: Tokyo Drift 4.3/8

I went into this fully prepared to give it 1/8. It was actually a real movie, with a real plot, and real special effects. Was expecting super straight to dvd quality and it exceeded my expectations.

The intro to this movie was freaking awesome. Song choice was hitting. “High school” backdrop was pretty cool.

I think the biggest fumble in this movie is the actors. The lead actor was a gigantic mistake, but the racing aspect of the film saved it. Cool stunts and cool cars and that worked well enough to keep me watching until the end.

I can see this being my least favorite out of them all but it wasnt an abomination. Just could not believe the 24-25 year old pretending to be 17, and couldn’t stand Lil Bow Wow.

Fast 4 review coming sometime in the next 3 months.
Speaking of the real Kate Bosworth, have you seen this? A fun film!

Yeah the movie that white washed a story about Asian kids card counting and gambling.
Thoughts on the new West Side Story?

I know some aren't a fan of musicals, but I rewatched it last night and man, it's really, really, good.

The sets and costumes stand out for sure. The colors and style pop off the screen. Then the sets feel like you're thrown into their world, then you add Spielberg's direction and the cinematography and it is just incredibly pleasing. I wish I could have seen it in IMAX because the shots and scale are just incredible

Music is on point, of course, as well as the choreography.

You can just tell how important this movie was to Spielberg and the detail and attention everything is given.
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Fast and Furious 3: Tokyo Drift 4.3/8

I went into this fully prepared to give it 1/8. It was actually a real movie, with a real plot, and real special effects. Was expecting super straight to dvd quality and it exceeded my expectations.

The intro to this movie was freaking awesome. Song choice was hitting. “High school” backdrop was pretty cool.

I think the biggest fumble in this movie is the actors. The lead actor was a gigantic mistake, but the racing aspect of the film saved it. Cool stunts and cool cars and that worked well enough to keep me watching until the end.

I can see this being my least favorite out of them all but it wasnt an abomination. Just could not believe the 24-25 year old pretending to be 17, and couldn’t stand Lil Bow Wow.

Fast 4 review coming sometime in the next 3 months.
There’s something about a girl who could properly pull off a necktie that does it for me :evil:

Cuz I am one of those haters of musicals I still haven't seen it. Don't ever plan to. Gonna have to catch me when its on tv and a scene that catches me eye.

I am however, strongly considering watching that Grease Pink Ladies show on Paramount+.

On another note, Rabbit Hole with Keifer Sutherland is great. 4 episodes already out. Its a conspiracy story set in current times that is so far pretty believable as it also plays off of real events that have already happened.
I am not a hater of comedies as I previously said. Been going on a Comedy marathon as of late, and let me tell ya, it’s been a while since I’ve been sitting out here with such a huge grin on my face.
Thoughts on the new West Side Story?

I know some aren't a fan of musicals, but I rewatched it last night and man, it's really, really, good.

The sets and costumes stand out for sure. The colors and style pop off the screen. Then the sets feel like you're thrown into their world, then you add Spielberg's direction and the cinematography and it is just incredibly pleasing. I wish I could have seen it in IMAX because the shots and scale are just incredible

Music is on point, of course, as well as the choreography.

You can just tell how important this movie was to Spielberg and the detail and attention everything is given.
It’s been quite some time since I’ve seen it, and I’ve only seen it once, so I apologize that I am unable to provide an in-depth review, but: I do recall the tunes in the film to be highly memorable, as you said. I even found myself whistling them the day after I watched it. Also, I like the review you gave, and because of that, I’m considering revisiting the film. Thanks.
Me after I watched “21” one time:

“You know, I’m something of a card counter myself!”

I remember when I watched Rounders, it got me excited and could relate about the hustle. On a hindsight, I haven't played cards for ages til December of last year. First night was horrible. Couldn't win a hand and was losing big time. Following nights though, I was able to regain my losses and won quite a lot.
From people I know that have tried it, card counting is a lot easier than it sounds. It’s essentially just keeping a plus/minus count of low cards and face cards and there’s a few in the middle are considered neutrals.
From people I know that have tried it, card counting is a lot easier than it sounds. It’s essentially just keeping a plus/minus count of low cards and face cards and there’s a few in the middle are considered neutrals.
Wouldn’t it still be hard because the cards are dealt quickly?
Wouldn’t it still be hard because the cards are dealt quickly?
The attentiveness is not easy and trying not to raise suspicion as you keep your mental count. But the actual process itself is straightforward. Again I’ve never done it :lol:
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