Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

yeah darthska darthska lets get a thread ban for the homie until he finishes lost S1


Me judging CP, like I haven’t been ducking the F&F marathon I started 7 months ago….

Speak to text pocket review coming at you for teenage ninja mutant turtles mutant mayhem. What a good freaking movie man. The reviews are real. First of the animation, I am all for different animation spider verse Mitchell's versus the machines... Whatever something different and fresh and this had it. I kept noticing the soundtrack was so great. It reminded me a little spider verse but it just had this menace to it and then I looked up who did it and it's fitch and Rezner the same guys behind the social network. Gone Girl watchmen nine inch nails man. The voice acting was great. The kids had their own unique personalities. Splinter was amazing! So funny! April was cool. Didn't really do much for me but she was a good character for the cast was really funny. The jokes are funny. It was enough modern young people. Slang interjected without feeling like it was trying hard to be cool. You know it made me want to learn and read more about Ninja turtles. I mean I saw the '90s movies but I haven't seen any of the new stuff. But it made me care about the Ninja turtles and there were always kind of a little outside my age range. My older brothers were into him. I think it'll peel to kind of everybody. It's a good enough kids movie. Probably big kids a pre-teen more so but I can see any adult enjoying this as well. Definitely wouldn't label it a kid's movie. A little kids can see it. I think it's accessible to everybody. Need jerk reaction. I would say knee jerk damn thing can't understand me. My knee jerk reaction would be a 90 out of 100
Long story short, great visuals a solid story that we can all relate to. Funny. Great score like I mentioned, but also a great soundtrack. Every song just set the vibe just right. You can tell this movie was made by people who care about the source material similar to dungeons& dragons. This movie was made with purpose and attention to detail and by good filmmakers. Definitely worth a watch. 90 out of 100
Me judging CP, like I haven’t been ducking the F&F marathon I started 7 months ago….

At least I took him at his recommendation, and you've at least started. Bro is intentionally ducking something that multiple people have vouched for, but gets all 'Don't knock it if you haven't watched it' if people criticize something he likes, or gets all 'What?! Stop everything! Watch it now!" if someone says they haven't watched something that is largely popular.

Also F&F is a trainwreck that won't stop because people love superhero movies. It's accidentally successful, like Haslem playing 20 years for the Heat. 'Oops, I'm still here? Cool. Ball up top! Let's do this... again!'
Nolan got lazy and basically used occupy wall street that was happening at the time as the theme :smh: :lol:
I don't know, man. It takes a long time to make a movie. Wouldnt they have already had that written before Occupy started? Wouldnt they been about halfway through filming when Occupy started? 👀
Also, what's everyone's deal with Christian Bale in the Batman trilogy? I thought he was fine. Not Oscar worthy but not terrible.
Also, what's everyone's deal with Christian Bale in the Batman trilogy? I thought he was fine. Not Oscar worthy but not terrible.

he was fine.. but the role of batman should be fine

batman in the animated movies is perfect.. but batman movies are about the villains or other people .. he’s the straightest of straight men, per se

Also, what's everyone's deal with Christian Bale in the Batman trilogy? I thought he was fine. Not Oscar worthy but not terrible.

He's a good Bruce Wayne. The Batman voice just gets progressively deeper and funnier sounding across the movies
The Batman voice just gets progressively deeper and funnier sounding
That's absolutely true. 🤣😬

Just knocked out all 3 in the past week with my boy. Batman Begins was like "I'm Batman," dark and menacing voice. Then TDKR was like "Bro, you got covid? Need a cough drop or something? Some honey tea?"
I don't know, man. It takes a long time to make a movie. Wouldnt they have already had that written before Occupy started? Wouldnt they been about halfway through filming when Occupy started? 👀
Fall of 2011. Principal photography was still taking place.
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