Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Skateboarding movies were fire back in the day too. Don’t know if y’all consider that “sports”
This is rollerblading but this was my joint back in the day. Made my pops get me some rollerblades because of this. Took them back to Jamaica and the roads were so bad it was basically walking. I caught no air.
Killers of The Flower Moon is interesting.

It almost felt like that Dave Chappelle joke, where he says I'm gunna tell you the punchline at the start of the joke.

Felt like Marty was like, im gunna tell you the set up from the jump, im going to use a protagonist you would never expect, and still gunna create and interesting film.

I don't know how I feel about it quite yet, it's def interesting but not sure how successful it is ultimatley.
OK, so I keep hearing all this chatter about The Bear, and a few of you were talking about it in the past couple pages, so I literally just finished the pilot episode.

For those of you who have seen it and remember the pilot episode, why did you continue on episode 2 after the pilot? For me, there's no reason to keep watching.

I'm real big on pilot episodes. I need to come away from a pilot with 1 base question in order for me to move onto the 2nd episode and so on:
What the actual eff?
I need that to be running through my head. Some of my favorite pilots that left me thinking 'What the actual eff?' to the point where I could not wait to dive into the 2nd episode: Breaking Bad, LOST, Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Big Little Lies, Dexter, Snowfall, hell, Eastbound & Down.

This... it's a struggling Chicago restaurant with an accomplished chef. Seems suuuuuper basic.

What's the mass appeal?
This is basically Barbie all over again. Down to you having to be convinced that the masses sometimes have taste.
Not even. My criticism of Barbie was before watching it. It's not like I watched it and then came in here like "Yeah, I don't get it."

Yes, there have been discussions where I don't get whatever the masses see, but that wasn't Barbie.

That stupid boat movie
The entire Fast franchise
Lost Boys
Unbearable Weight
Uncut Gems

Those were definitely things where after watching, I was like, "What the hell does everybody see?"

Not Barbie.

Also that's a pretty aggressive/sensationalist take, "people have to convince you." I ask, and those who want to discuss answer. No one is 'convincing' anyone, and no one has to.

I know people who are uncomfortable with questions can see it that way, though.
This is rollerblading but this was my joint back in the day. Made my pops get me some rollerblades because of this. Took them back to Jamaica and the roads were so bad it was basically walking. I caught no air.

Soul skaters. This was my jam

Crazy how rollerblading died but skateboarding lives on

Not even.
I liken a show pilot to a movie trailer. Obviously vastly different run times but you (typically) see a snippet of the greater story being told and watching one gives you your initial impression on whether you think you want to try out the whole thing.

I disagree with it being aggressive but okay.
Speaking of “Lost Boys”, darthska darthska , I finally watched that movie in its entirety (as an adult) last night, with my lady, and I finally see what people saw. Right after watching the OG Buffy (which looks cheap, bad acting, weak story line and doesn’t hold up now)

Lost boys is hella good. Straight up humor and WILDING from the get go. Going to the same local fair, every night had me dying lol. The main character kid is hilarious. His brother THIRSTY. The Mom, in over her head.

And it feels like the quintessential 80s American horror & pop culture movie for mainstream-white America. Like, it screams “Suburban America at its peak”.

I really enjoyed it. Much more than before. I with you on some of the others, that I just “don’t get”
you (typically) see a snippet of the greater story being told and watching one gives you your initial impression on whether you think you want to try out the whole thing.
That's an interesting and incorrect interpretation of how I described my approach to a pilot episode. Not important enough to argue about, though.
5 is tough

1) Miracle
2) Remember the Titans
3) Any Given Sunday
4) Varsity Blues
5) Mystery Alaska

Runners Up:
Mighty Ducks 1 and 2
Friday Night Lights
The Air Up There
bias to things I’ve seen in the past 2 years

1. Hoop Dreams
2. Breaking Away
3. Bad News Bears
4. Moneyball
5. Rush
OK, so I keep hearing all this chatter about The Bear, and a few of you were talking about it in the past couple pages, so I literally just finished the pilot episode.

For those of you who have seen it and remember the pilot episode, why did you continue on episode 2 after the pilot? For me, there's no reason to keep watching.

I'm real big on pilot episodes. I need to come away from a pilot with 1 base question in order for me to move onto the 2nd episode and so on:
What the actual eff?
I need that to be running through my head. Some of my favorite pilots that left me thinking 'What the actual eff?' to the point where I could not wait to dive into the 2nd episode: Breaking Bad, LOST, Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Big Little Lies, Dexter, Snowfall, hell, Eastbound & Down.

This... it's a struggling Chicago restaurant with an accomplished chef. Seems suuuuuper basic.

What's the mass appeal?

I haven't seen it either, but a couple people have tried to talk me into it.

From their pitches, bunch of random cameos EP to EP and some of them are supposed to be great.
I have not caved so not sure it's for me either. I do believe Saul is one of the cameos if that interests you at all. Otherwise, I don't blame you for bailing on it.
Right after watching the OG Buffy (which looks cheap, bad acting, weak story line and doesn’t hold up now)

Sir, we have a report button, do not make me use it.

I'm going to assume you were inebriated when you typed this mess, I will forgive your indiscretion this one time.
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