Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

We not putting the blame on streaming services for 1-2 year waits when we had COVID and multiple strikes. That ain’t fair
Nahhhh now, GOT second-to-last season ended in 2017 and came back in 2019. With just six episodes.

Stranger Things Season 2 was in 2017 and came back for Season 3 in 2019.

This was all pre-Covid.
I don’t watch GoT but wasn’t the cause for the wait for GoT on the author finishing a book? And ultimately the final season of the show was hated because it felt rushed? I may be mistaken but I thought that was the case. Feels like they needed more time between seasons, not less right?

For Stranger Things, I know the kids branched off and started working on new projects and there are child labor laws around how many hrs a kid can work a week. Not saying that is the reason for the long break but I also don’t recall people being disappointed with S3 so what exactly was ruined? I’m not sure why streaming services are being single out when there are other factors.

I say this as a big fan of shows (Atlanta, Barry, Fargo, Squid Games) that all had longer than a year break. There are a myriad of reasons it happens
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The long wait between relatively short seasons was a streaming thing long before covid and any strikes. Network tv 24 episodes wasn't always the best product, but you could rely on that year after year. Why do we have to wait 2 years for 6 episodes?
GoT and HotD has high production effort and costs so I get it. Costume/set design, battle choreography, CGI, etc.
GoT and HotD has high production effort and costs so I get it. Costume/set design, battle choreography, CGI, etc.
Those are premiere HBO channel shows though, not so much streaming. I assume they're more referring to the lower budget stuff.
I don’t know if theres a TV series thread but anyone watch The Curse? First time in a while I’ve watched something and I have no idea how I feel about it.

Them prices aint right lol.

Unless you talking base price on everything and not including internet with the cable.

I’m payin $100 for internet alone.

No cable plus no commercial streaming.

I’m easily at close $200 as a “cord cutter”.

Damn how you pay $100? My **** was $40 and now it’s $50 cause I just moved. Fast too, not some slow plan.
I don’t know if theres a TV series thread but anyone watch The Curse? First time in a while I’ve watched something and I have no idea how I feel about it.

Damn how you pay $100? My **** was $40 and now it’s $50 cause I just moved. Fast too, not some slow plan.

I stream and game and don’t know **** about internet speeds so I just told Spectrum to give me the best they had.

No cable included straight internet.

Am I gettin got!?
I don’t know if theres a TV series thread but anyone watch The Curse? First time in a while I’ve watched something and I have no idea how I feel about it.

Damn how you pay $100? My **** was $40 and now it’s $50 cause I just moved. Fast too, not some slow plan.

This thread can be used for any movies or TV you want fam.

I pay like $90+ a month for net too.

I don't get it.

Your avatar is a C. You also created the Star Wars Thread.

I've become so accustomed with seeing your avatar next to this thread, I click on it without reading the title.

I accidentally entered the Star Wars Thread the other day and thought I was in the movie thread :lol:
Rewatching drive for the first time in a while... This movie is outstanding. There's definitely a few moments in the early part where it's a bit too much soundtrack and long gazes and no dialogue haha but this movie is just so well acted. The story is solid and they do a tremendous job with character. You really feel the relationship between Bryan Cranston and Albert Brooks and that's just handled so well. See the characters. Feel real. The story progresses in a frantic Pace and it just feels inevitable in the right kind of ways. I remember coming out of the theater when I saw this and being a little disappointed because I felt like the trailers made. It seem like more of an action movie but when you appreciate what it was and what it intended to be, it's ****ing outstanding
I really fell in love with Mulligan after this film.
I wasn’t sure how I felt about her when I saw her in Money Never Sleeps but after DRIVE and Gatsby, she could do no wrong in my eyes. SHAME is a very uncomfortable watch, though.
Don’t don’t how long I’ve had it but I found out I had Appletv lol.

Any recommendations.

All I know of is Ted Lasso and the new DiCaprio movie.

Any other shows or movies I’ve missed?

For All Mankind is my favorite thing on there.
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