Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

My Barnes & Noble criterion pickups for this year

My son is refusing to let us watch Axel F because he’s never seen any of the others - so currently we’re on the OG.

It got me thinking if this was 40 years ago and the cast are back then how old was this guy in 1984?



Danny glover was only 40 in the first lethal weapon

My son is refusing to let us watch Axel F because he’s never seen any of the others - so currently we’re on the OG.

It got me thinking if this was 40 years ago and the cast are back then how old was this guy in 1984?


I’m watching it right now.

It’s okay.

…it’s not terrible.
Funny I just put it on, good to see Eddie's energy is basically the same which isn't always the case for folks coming back in some of these legacy properties.
Caught The Worst Person in the World. Good movie, good story of a woman going through relationships in her late 20s - early 30s. Some of the themes definitely hit.
Strong ratings.
Mind if I ask for a spoiler-free response to how she's the worst person in the world? Or is a spoiler-free response not possible?
Strong ratings.
Mind if I ask for a spoiler-free response to how she's the worst person in the world? Or is a spoiler-free response not possible?
Spoiler free, i'd say it's more self appointed than anything and nothing extraordinary really outside the flow of life while young. The title might be a bit of a mislead.
Spoiler free, i'd say it's more self appointed than anything and nothing extraordinary really outside the flow of life while young. The title might be a bit of a mislead.
Kinda what I was thinking.
At any rate... *added to queue*
Axel F was good, a fun watch. Quality entry to the series. His daughter could have been better, not sure what happened there because she is a good actress.

Caught the doc Listening to Kenny G and it was actually really good. A layered exploration of the man and his music, and his critics.
John Ashton balding in his 20s aged him faster.

This is him at 26 (!) on an episode of Columbo.


We spent most of the movie discussing people’s ages - there’s something about that era. Smoking, sun damage, diet… - they just don’t look like today (and people in movies today don’t look like regular people).

This guy is my age:


I think a lot of it, as you say, is to do with thinning hair - and a bad haircut. A large part of it is the brown 3 piece suit too.
I mean most HS kids portrayed in shows are played by actors in their mid to late 20s often times but it generally doesn't take me out of the show/film unless it's egregious.
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