Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Cabin got great reviews everywhere. I'm not sure it'd be your cup of tea though ska.
Saw it?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Let's save us all some time and lengthy essays.

You're wrong.

Same dude that didn't like Shaun of the Dead, the guy just doesn't get it.

What was the other film that literally all of us love that he also hated? Grindhouse? Hugo? I think it was Hugo.
Same dude that didn't like Shaun of the Dead, the guy just doesn't get it.

What was the other film that literally all of us love that he also hated? Grindhouse? Hugo? I think it was Hugo.
Eternal Sunshine.

Oh, wait...
If you're looking to upgrade anything from DVD to BD, Best Buychas their upgrade and save program back for a few weeks..

Find a dollar store, buy a bunch of dollar or 25 cent DVDs and trade them in at BB for a $5 coupon. Tons of titles to be had for $5 or $7...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Hulk is the weakest of the Avengers movies by far, I think... It doesn't stand up to the other 4 at all.
I enjoyed The Incredible Hulk.

Captain America was weak to me.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Hulk is the weakest of the Avengers movies by far, I think... It doesn't stand up to the other 4 at all.
I enjoyed The Incredible Hulk.

Captain America was weak to me.

If we're not counting Iron Man 2, Captain America was my least favorite.

I saw Hugo.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Hulk is the weakest of the Avengers movies by far, I think... It doesn't stand up to the other 4 at all.
I enjoyed The Incredible Hulk.

Captain America was weak to me.

If we're not counting Iron Man 2, Captain America was my least favorite.
Agreed 100%.

I need to re-watch Thor. Surprisingly funny moments throughout the movie.
Just the randomness and seriousness of it.

And then when he likes the drink and throws the cup down and says he needs another
Really enjoyed Thor.

The moments of comic relief in the were nicely done.

Saw Cabin in the Woods yesterday, and I'll have to side with ska on this one.

The concept was original, but overall the movie was "meh" to me.
Cabin in the Woods. I'm going to start off by saying if you plan on watching this anytime in the future, avoid trailers, avoid reading reviews, avoid reading anything past this paragraph. It's best to go in not knowing much about what is revealed in trailers and reviews, which I think is a tad too much.
Worst. Advice. EVER. This is NOT the kind of movie people need to know nothing about before watching. I would advise someone to go into a Quentin movie relatively free of too many opinions. But a movie like this? No. Read up; prepare yourself for that !%$* (emphasis on !%$*).

This next part I'm replying to, you had this in your spoiler, but I don't think it's revealing anything about the film, so I didn't throw it in a spoiler.
This film won't be for everyone. Some people will want to just go see a standard slasher, this isn't it. There's gore and #+!+, but that's part of the joke of the film. Kids won't get it, and people that don't watch many horror films may not get it either, but it's a damn enjoyable ride if you do get it. You won't see it coming, and it's damn fun.
Grindhouse is not my genre; Hobo W/ A Shotgun had a redeeming quality in the plotline. This pos? Worthless.
Take 9 away and I'm in agreement.

Spoiler [+]
The slaughtering of the kids is fun
Wait, what?
they are getting chased around by slow moving zombies, which is a treat in itself
The only treat was seeing a skinny, topless blonde, which is always a treat.
it's fun to watch the reactions... to the carnage that's going on at the cabin.
You spelled disturbing 'f-u-n'.
By the end of the film when we're down to only two kids... it goes off on such a wild tangent that... it's a lot of fun. [T]he last act I skipped because it's too fun to reveal. It's dark, it's twisted, and it's a $@**@#%# of fun.
False. Nope. Incorrect.
Spoiler [+]
The killing of the kids is fun because of the reactions of the guys in the control room. If it were just kids getting killed, it would be mediocre. But it wasn't, when you take the film in context, it's fun. I called it a treat with the zombies because I hate the fast moving zombies, they're okay, but just not my thing, I enjoyed seeing sluggish zombies. That's the entire point of the movie though man, that the disturbing killings are being celebrated in the back. You got REO Speedwagon playing in the background while a girl is getting slaughtered, and people popping champagne, celebrating her death. THAT was fun. The fact she was getting killed? Yes it's disturbing, but to be seeing how they were celebrating it, that was fun. So let me guess, the last act was pointless? Stupid? Didn't make sense? How can you say Hobo had a redeeming plotline but this didn't?
. If Grindhouse isn't your genre, neither is Shaun of the Dead nor this, so you should've just stayed away to begin with. If you can't give the genre a chance, then don't bother watching the films. You flat out hated two of the most widely accepted horror films of the past 30 years. I can't tell you what you'll like as a horror film because for all I know, you enjoyed the Friday the 13th remake just because it had $$!%.

I still hold by my statement that it's better to go in not knowing much. The trailers reveal too much, I think.
I've never seen any of the Friday movies, including the remake.

Grindhouse isn't my genre, but obviously grindhouse fits under the overall genre 'horror', which isn't my genre, either.

But to answer your question about Hobo:

Spoiler [+]
at it's core, that was a grindhouse movie about a veritable nobody rising up to overthrow what was essentially a dictatorship. I can ride with that; that has a real life redeeming quality to it. But a grindhouse movie about a corporation running rituals to appease some ancient 'has been' earth gods? Nah, I'm good.
Cabin is hardly a grindhouse film. See man, you're not getting the whole picture, and that's why I said this picture isn't for everyone. Grindhouse and Hobo are in essence exploitation films. Cabin in the Woods is NOT an exploitation film. If you want to characterize it as anything, it's a dark horror comedy. I could have told you without a doubt that you wouldn't enjoy this movie, because if you don't like films like Grindhouse and Shaun of the Dead, you damn well won't like this.
Also for those who collect Blu's, as Nowitness stated, Best Buy is running a great deal. I traded in five duplicate DVDs and got Beetljuice, Moon, and A Nightmare on Elm Street for five each, and then Insidious and Hugo for thirteen each.

They also had great deals on two packs, 8 bucks each for two. I got Bram Stoker's Dracula/The Grudge and 30 Days of Night/Prom Night. Bram and 30 Days of night were worth 8 by themselves, the other two were just throw-ins.
Wait, when you mention 'grindhouse', you're talking about a movie? I thought 'grindhouse' was a genre of movies.

I thought grindhouse movies were like, bloody, gory, twisted, funny movies like House of 1000 Corpses, Hobo, and Cabin.
Grindhouse is a style of filmmaking. Hobo with a Shotgun, Machete, and Grindhouse (Planet Terror and Death Proof) are all examples of grindhouse films. It's in reference to the 70s style of filmmaking of exploitation. A lot of European films back in the old days used to be made in that style, and that's the way some films have been made recently, as a tribute to that "golden era," of exploitation.

House of 1000 Corpses and Cabin are definitely neither exploitation or grindhouse films. Both are dark comedies if you want to label them as anything, similar to Evil Dead or Return of the Living Dead, or modern examples being Zombieland or Shaun of the Dead.

The Devil's Rejects is a much better example of what grindhouse is supposed to be, but even then I might not call it a grindhouse film. It's a very unique style of filmmaking. That gritty, dirty exploitation type of film. RZ definitely used it in spots, but a straight grindhouse film? Almost, but not quite. A lot of it has to do with tone and visual presentation.

But Cabin in the Woods and House of 1K Corpses definitely aren't grindhouse films.

I can respect where you're coming from, it's just each of the films you've disliked, are widely well-accepted films by most people, not just horror fans. I just don't think horror is for everyone, and definitely a film like this isn't for everyone. I like it for completely different reasons than most people would understand, so I hope you can see my bias.
Evil Dead? Devil's Rejects? Machete? Planet Terror? Death Proof?

Just the names, man...

Some of the things said on this page...

I think Cabin was my favorite movie of the year so far, right ahead of Chronicle, 21 Jump Street and The Grey.
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