Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Originally Posted by CP1708

kjhfdashfahfiah at those Django pics. 

Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Basic Instinct/Casino Sharon Stone, Rachel Weisz, Jennifer Aniston, and starting to grow fond of Elizabeth Banks. 
I really like Elizabeth Banks too.


@ "sit on my face"
Went to an advance screening last night in New York.

This is Joss Whedon's baby, and he has left his stamp on the Marvel heroes we've come to know.

From the witty banter and amazing timing of Tony Stark, to the nonstop pace - we have the best Marvel film to date.

Here is my full review, check it out - http://bit.ly/IJPKml
The "Sit on My Face" category is way too lengthy to list.

Alison Brie. I had nothing to do today so I went to see the Five Year Engagement... she has an English accent. She was already in that category because of Community, but yeah.. she has an English accent.
and great Avengers review, I'm beyond excited.
So in a discussion of favorite actresses, Meg Ryan gets a mentioned by the first 5 replies, but Julia Roberts hasn't even come up yet.

You dudes, man.

At any rate:
- Julia Roberts
- Ashley Judd
- Charlize Theron
- Julia Stiles
- Meryl Streep

When I know they're in a movie, I has interest.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I wonder if anyone likes Meg Ryan. Maybe BigJ or Chester.
When Harry Met Sally Meg Ryan is worthy.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

The Low-Key Star

Rebecca Hall
Vicky Cristina Barcelona is her best performance. Love that movie. Re-watched Trading Places this week. Great movie.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

- Ashley Judd- Julia StilesWhen I know they're in a movie, I has interest.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Also, the trailer for Aaron Sorkin's new HBO series. I'm really excited for this one. �Walk and talk all day.


The money at HBO may not compare to the payday for a commercial-TV series that hits the syndication jackpot, or to profit participation in a hit feature film, but in a movie universe that grows coarser and more constricted by the second, HBO represents an attractive alternative—if not a high-prestige life raft—for big-name talent. “The line has been blurred,†Sue Naegle told me.

And the alliance between the premier cable network and movie giants such as Mann and Hoffman (the recently canceled Luck), Scorsese (Boardwalk Empire), and now Sorkin (The Social Network, Moneyball) makes for interesting balances of power. Was Sorkin’s confidence in himself or, more likely, in HBO shaken by Naegle’s note about the music? Not in the slightest, he said. “I understood what she meant, and it was a perfectly valid comment.†But, he told me, “I can only write the way I write. I’m not altering my writing style at all because it’s on HBO. Yes, I am able to—when I want to—use the language of adulthood when people get a little hot under the collar, which wasn’t something that I was able to do, say, onThe West Wing.Frankly, I would have loved to be able to do it there. I just would have liked to have seen [Martin Sheen’s President Josiah] Bartlet say ‘goddammit’ from time to time, which you can’t do. You’ll be able to say ‘!@+%#$@%+@%+’ on network television before you’ll be able to take God’s name in vain on television—I promise you.

“So it’s nice to have that here,†he continued. “It’s nice that HBO is in business with the audience and not with the advertisers. There’s a difference. Trying to guess what the [mass] audience wants and then trying to satisfy that is usually a bad recipe for getting something good.â€

And the recipe at HBO? “Listen—obviously we want people to watch the show,†Sorkin said. “We want as many people as we can get. But HBO is less interested in how many people are watching than in how much the people who are watching are liking the show. They didn’t set up their business model to make writers happy. It’s just a nice unintended consequence.â€

Stiles is the worst of the ones I mentioned, but yes, she peaks my interest.

Or maybe I just like the movies O, The 60s, and the Bourne trilogies too much.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I never watched it, but it's kind of weird to bring it back.
Considering all the cartoon reboots, I think it's awesome.

And why would anyone choose an Arrested Development movie over multiple seasons? A television season is superior to a movie in just about every conceivable way.
So, I went and saw The Raid: Redemption. I honestly wasn't that impressed going into the trailers. I thought there's be sparse action, and when we didn't it wouldn't be that impressive.


I was wrong.

Very wrong.

First off, *!%% Roger Ebert for his review of this. I don't understand how he can give something like Cabin in the Woods a rave review, but something like this is a dud. He's off-kilter.

You get slowly eased into the action, but once it finally picks up... It. Does. Not. $%*%#$%. Stop. Jesus Christ. Someone mentioned it before, the choreography in this film is absurd. I can't imagine how long some of these fight scenes took. Once you see the fight on the 7th floor, you think to yourself, "Man, that was an amazing fight scene, glad I saw this movie! Well worth the admission!"

Well, you get about seven or eight more scenes just like it.

Ebert criticized the film for being all action, no dialogue, and whatever. Comparing it to a video game. The same guy who criticizes video games for being what's wrong with kids these days. Blah blah blah, shut the *!%% up, you don't know what you're talking about here old man. Usually I respect Ebert quite a bit. But sometimes he's just wrong. There is so much tension built up that you never get in any video game. You care about the main SWAT guy and you want him to survive. You're on the edge of your seat because he's constantly surrounded by threats to his life.

What I loved especially about this film was the way it was shot, and the set design. It's not this crap in Hollywood today where it's 5 seconds of fighting where the camera is a close-up of someones fist. It's pulled back just enough so that you can actually see what the hell is going on, and pulled in just enough so that you don't feel disconnected from the action. The apartment complex was beautifully disgusting. You could feel the grime on all the walls.

I'm not going to go into too much more detail because I want people to see it, but I want to talk about one more thing.

The final fight scene. That was probably the best fight scene I've ever seen in my life. The film balances the fight just right so you don't know who's going to make it out of there. The antagonist was so damn terrifying, because you knew how good of a fighter he is. The fight before that was shocking, because you don't see what's going to happen. At the end of the scene, my eyes watered because my heart was racing and I sat there just thinking "Yes."


My God.
I completely forgot to mention Kate Winslet, Sandra Bullock, and Charlize Theron. 

All 3 of them, looks AND can act. 
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

So, I went and saw The Raid: Redemption. I honestly wasn't that impressed going into the trailers.
You never watched any of the clips the studio put online? The hallway fight between Rama and the machete gang sold me instantly. But, good for you giving it a chance.
Someone mentioned it before, the choreography in this film is absurd. I can't imagine how long some of these fight scenes took. Once you see the fight on the 7th floor, you think to yourself, "Man, that was an amazing fight scene, glad I saw this movie! Well worth the admission!"

There's an interview with the director on GQ about the film; the only time he mentioned the length it took for a fight was the hallway fight, they had to take a week off because Rama injured his knee. There were a lot of injuries during shooting.
The final fight scene. That was probably the best fight scene I've ever seen in my life. The film balances the fight just right so you don't know who's going to make it out of there. The antagonist was so damn terrifying, because you knew how good of a fighter he is. The fight before that was shocking, because you don't see what's going to happen. At the end of the scene, my eyes watered because my heart was racing and I sat there just thinking "Yes."
Yyyyep. I really didn't know who would survive, if anyone. The pinnacle of the brutality gets raised at least 3 times throughout the fight, and I would have assumed that, with the blows these guys were taking, someone would have died early on. Nope

I agree with you, 10/10. I feel like this movie perfected the martial arts genre. No hyperbole.
I never watch clips online. For anything.

When I go to the theater I want to be absolutely surprised. The most I'll do is watch a trailer, maybe two. If I want to watch the first 15 minutes of a film, I'll go watch the entire thing.
Seth MacFarlane's plan to reboot The Flintstones in a more Seth MacFarlane-y, modern take on prehistoric pun-based humor has apparently been scrapped, according to The Hollywood Reporter,

I saw that The Raid: Redemption score was done by Mike Shinoda.

Immediately bought it.

I haven't enjoyed a score this much since Tron: Legacy
So I saw The Raid: Redemption again.

Upon a second viewing, I felt that all the fight scenes were much shorter than the first time through. Like the fight between Jaka and Mad Dog? Seemed much shorter. Still not like that bullcrap in Iron Man 2,

Took my homeboy and his cousin to go see it, didn't mind paying 6 bucks to go see it again. Well worth it.

That song got me PUMPED each time they used it in the film. And I normally don't like Linkin Park stuff, but
^^^ Another actress that I'd put on my list that I didn't see mentioned yet is Emily Blunt. Yes, everyone knows she stole the show in Devil Wears Prada, but I've seen her in a couple things after that, which I liked too. And I probably will check out Five Year Engagement because she's in it.

Cute, good actress and also has a British accent, which I like as well.
Five Year Engagement was solid. Definitely a movie I'd watch anytime its on in the future. Segel, Blunt, Alison Brie, and Chris Pratt, I like all of them.

And I'll have to wait until Sunday for Avengers.
As romantic comedies go, that and Friends with Benefits are good (for male audiences at least). All I'm looking for is attractive women, likable actors, and some comedy.
Crazy Stupid Love was phenomenal, go play on the outside of the Statue of Liberty.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Five Year Engagement was solid. Definitely a movie I'd watch anytime its on in the future. Segel, Blunt, Alison Brie, and Chris Pratt, I like all of them.

And I'll have to wait until Sunday for Avengers.

I thought Five-Year Engagement was pretty bad.

Chris Pratt and Alison Brie stole the movie, but the story was dumb, the film dragged about 20-30 minutes longer than it should, and it was very typical romance comedy.

Maybe I've been spoiled because the romance movies/couple films I've loved lately - Crazy,Stupid Love, Like Crazy, Blue Valentine, etc were a twist on the relationship / normal garbage we're fed from Hollywood. This was too bland for me.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

As romantic comedies go, that and Friends with Benefits are good (for male audiences at least). All I'm looking for is attractive women, likable actors, and some comedy.

Crazy, Stupid Love was outstanding O, dunno what your problem is man. 

I'll add Just Go With It to that and Friends with Benny's, don't know why, but it's the best Sandler since Happy Gilmore in my eyes, plus Aniston always does well as a 2-3 lead in a movie.  The Break Up was in my wife/I rotation for months.  And wife def wants to see 5 year engagement.  (

Try to sell her on Fast Five bein a romantic comedy, not workin so well......

Avengers sometime this weekend, but not no midnight view, my daughter wants to see it. 

O, I have Attack the Block and Hobo on my DVR, however, it's gonna be tough sledding getting to them.  NBA playoffs man, every night for like the next month and a half. 
  I'll see what I can do. 

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