Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

So I can trade in any DVD and get a blu ray of the blu rays listed above?
Am I understanding that correctly?

Trade in ANY DVD, and get 5.00 off ANY Blu-ray priced 9.99 or higher.

Literally any DVD, and almost any Blu-ray.

The titles I listed above were titles that will end up being 4.99.
Heads up Mike from BB is on CBS' Vegas right now. He's playing as one of the bosses from the East that owns a casino (yall all should all be familiar if you've seen Casino the movie).

Jonathan Banks is one of the the few older actors I've become a huge fan of and am now following from shot to show or movie to movie.
I'm in a happy place right now. Avengers on Blu a couple weeks back, Prometheus today, Spiderman next month, TDKR and Ted in Dec, and in theatres we have Argo, Skyfall, and Django the next 3 months. :pimp:

Just went thru a list I have, right now Marvel has Iron Man 3, Cap 2, Thor 2, The Wolverine, Spidey 2, X-Men First Class 2 (diff name, I know) Avengers 2 and somewhere mixed in all this, a possible Ant Man, and Gaurdians of the Galaxy all in the works.

DC has Man of Steel. :stoneface:

They should just fold up place up, and sell it all to Marvel. It is embarrasing what they have done to DC. Hell, I won't even credit DC for what Nolan did, that was all his own vision, DC just gets "credit" for it so to speak. They should all be jumping out of buildings right now for their sheer stupidity. My God this that is ugly. And to counter, they'll probably throw another Ghost Rider at me, or hastily rush a Batman reboot at me to try and make it look like they're working. :rolleyes :smh:

Marvel really deserves some kudos for what they've done. And within 10 years I'd say, we're going to have Spiderman runnin the streets with the Hulk, and Wolverine, and Silver Surfer strollin thru films, and all kinds of merging stuff as they grind out 3 films a year and just cross over thru all of them. They have such a foundation built, they'll be able to pull it off and the public will simply soak it all in. By then we'll see a 10th Batman film, a 9th Superman film and nothing else from DC.
I was reading elsewhere about DC/WB had their marketing team go to a comic shop pretending to be new comic fans and ask the retailers questions about DC comics and the movie adaptions. Halfway through they were no longer pretending to be new fans and were straight up asking what should WB do with DC characters realizing they had no clue what to do with it (plus the marketing side of a company usually has no clue about the main product and what the fans really want). The retailers basically told them DC should do what Marvel did and they looked depressed. They also had no clue that GL movie and Superman's movie reputation was regarded as **** to most fans. What I'm thinking from that is DC/WB does not want to appear to be copying Marvel Studios movie format with solo flicks meshing in to a wider universe in to one big team movie because obviously everyone will say they copied Marvel. I almost wonder if they're straight up forbidden from going that route. It's one of the reasons I mentioned in other threads they may start with a JL movie and try to branch out solos from there.

Cyborg will most likely be in the JL movie btw in place of Martian Manhunter.

It'll be tough for SC/WB, especially now that Mark Millar has been hired to advise FOX on all Marvel movies from here on out.
Can anyone recommend me any active film/short-film blogs/websites/forums that I can visit?
Can anyone recommend me any active film/short-film blogs/websites/forums that I can visit?

I like Comingsoon.net for info. And Venom has a site but I can't remember the name right off the top of my head. In fact I think he changed the name of it a while back.

Picked up Prometheus, Hostel Directors Cut, and Ghost of Mars on Blu last night. The last 2 were 6 bucks. :smokin
ugh...so many pages to catch up on...old Rhodey in that Movie 43 trailer killed me. :lol:

So it's basically a sequel to The Ten? I'm in.
I might be in the minority here, but I don't want to see a Hitchcock film. I feel like his persona and his personality can never be duplicated. That voice, and that look shouldn't ever be touched. I think it's an interesting idea, following his life as a successful director, but I hope they show more early Hitchcock, which I doubt they will. I understand going after Psycho, and ScarJo shower scene is a must, but he's so much more than Psycho.

I am personally turned off by Hopkins as Hitch, and I don't feel like he has the proper inflection in his voice, but I'll wait for reviews.

J. Edgar worked for me because I can hardly remember what his voice sounded like, and when they had people who's voiced were iconic, they were done damn well (Nixon, the Kennedy brothers). Hitch's voice is so much more iconic to me though, and just not satisfied yet.
I feel a Hitchcock film will be interesting as long as it delves in to his real life. I feel I never got to know the man despite all of his great work and how he was when he was on his shows and movies.

Can yall suggest a bunch of your fav and/or classic books that are out there as ebooks? I just got this hook up on the deepweb and am looking to get a gang load of books while I can.
For me, Hitchcock the character is far more interesting than Hitchcock the man. I'm sure he was a great person, or maybe he wasn't, but his voice is comparable to me to Churchill, SO iconic.

I feel a Hitchcock film will be interesting as long as it delves in to his real life. I feel I never got to know the man despite all of his great work and how he was when he was on his shows and movies.

Can yall suggest a bunch of your fav and/or classic books that are out there as ebooks? I just got this hook up on the deepweb and am looking to get a gang load of books while I can.
I cant wait for The Girl. It looks like it'll get into Hitchcock's life pretty deep.

As for books, make sure you get Devil in the White City if you havent read it yet. "Soccer Against the Enemy" is a great book detailing the relationship between soccer and politics throughout the last century.
I like my fantasy of Hitchcock being that dude and ScarJo so I'll give the edge to that one.

Happy belated JRS
Just watched Moonrise Kingdom.

Wes Anderson might be my favorite dude ever. I can't stress enough how much I enjoy his stuff.

I'll gush about it more later.
Did anybody like Cabin in the woods?

Btw. Skyfall man...I Cannot wait. Heard major **** is going down
Did anybody like Cabin in the woods?
Btw. Skyfall man...I Cannot wait. Heard major **** is going down

Some on here found it mediocre, a few along with myself thought it was golden.

But, Argo done took the spot of my best film of the year thus far. Affleck needs to be nominated for an Oscar for this one.

I had no recollection of the Argo initiative prior to seeing the film, I didn't research it, and my God, the tension he made in this one was off the charts.

The Town was good, even excellent. But I had no idea Affleck was capable of making a film of this scope so early in his directorial career.

I'll be damned if he doesn't get nominated for two Oscars... And maybe even Bryan Cranston too.

Affleck has officially jumped into directorial stardom with Argo. This was probably my favorite film I've seen in a good few years. I'm a sucker for period pieces, but my goodness man...

If there's one movie you see this fall, please let it be Argo. My audience was filled with elderly folks, and if that's all this movie will pull, it won't be enough. The word needs to spread, this was great all the way around. Production design, script, acting, directing, cinematography, a nail-biting score, it has it all.

It's goofy enough in parts to have Star Wars nods left and right, but when the action/drama gets to it's monumental potential, it does NOT fail to deliver.

If you are curious about the film, and don't know anything about the Argo mission, DO NOT GOOGLE/WIKI IT. I know CP remembers Jimmy Carter and this story like it was yesterday, his 35th birthday, but still, if you don't know what's going on going into it, all the better.

Overnight made me a lifelong Affleck-fan. It was great.

Go catch the next showing, NOW.
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The dude just makes straight hits, apparently.

Glad to hear he can step away from the Boston crime scene and still do it. That was probably everyone's biggest concern.
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After The Town, I had a feeling he'd get typecast as a director, but he showed a lot of variability in Argo. There's a few scenes that had the entire audience chuckling. As a period piece, it's great. As a thriller, it's great. It thrives in the most basic aspect of film, but still leaves you at the edge of your seats.

I don't want to talk too much about it until others have had the chance to see it.

I loved the throwback logo at the beginning. This could literally pass as an early 80s film throughout a lot of it.
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