Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The Puffy Chair (made and starred in) and Jeff, Who Lives at Home (made) are my two favorites. Well, besides Safety Not Guaranteed.

Just turned The Mist on. Andrea, Dale and Carol from The Walking Dead. Oh, and Alfred Hitchock. :lol:
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The Puffy Chair (made and starred in) and Jeff, Who Lives at Home (made) are my two favorites. Well, besides Safety Not Guaranteed.
Just turned The Mist on. Andrea, Dale and Carol from The Walking Dead. Oh, and Alfred Hitchock. :lol:

Have you seen The Mist before? It's definitely one that isn't for everyone, but it's one of my favorites. Especially the B&W version. Some people hate the ending, but I thought it wasn't bad. And by Alfred Hitchcock, do you mean Toby Jones? :lol:

And yeah, Frank Darabont loves working with the same folks. Andrea (Laurie Holden) was in The Mist, The Shield which Darabont directed an episode for, and The Majestic. Dale (Jeff DeMunn) was in The Mist, Shawshank, The Green Mile, and The Majestic. Carol (Melissa McBride) was just in The Mist, as far as I know.

Also, Darabont is directing a TV film called LA Noir, which both Shane (Jon Bernthal), and Dale will be in.

Saw Sinister. Wasn't your run of the mill slasher, but it wasn't exactly an intelligent horror film. It was original, but still too many "BOO!" moments that just dock points for me. Literally got times when Mr. Boogie (Baguul) would just pop up in the corner of the screen like Toasty! from Mortal Kombat. There were parts in it that I really liked, and the chick in it ain't bad for the eyes. 7/10.

My Sundays are about to be JAM-PACKED. :smh: . Just watching yesterday, I was thinking... "****, the next 2 months will be like this!"

Dexter. The Walking Dead. The Talking Dead. Comic Book Men (Guilty pleasure). Sunday Night Football. Football in general. The NBA Season starting in two weeks. :x
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I'm really excited for Carrie and Evil Dead next year. Both are classics of the genre, and I can't wait to see what they've done to revitalize the franchise.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D, not so much. :lol:
NFL and Sunday Night Football, Dexter, Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire and Homeland. My Sundays are jam packed
hey look, there's a multi button
Those of you that gave up on Dexter.


Ehh.. I'll just be able to catch up and watch everything in a couple big chunks. Its not undoing the lazy writing of the past and uninspired storylines. The premise just wore tired for me too.. too many episodes, too many leaps of faith as an audience, too many close calls. I'm glad it's getting better

Just turned The Mist on. Andrea, Dale and Carol from The Walking Dead. Oh, and Alfred Hitchock. :lol:
We've had this conversation.

The Walking Dead is almost literally The Mist the series.
Saw the teaser for Evil Dead, it doesn't seem like it's too bad. It seems like they will reuse some of the gags in the original, but still some inject some new elements into it. As long as it's not the typical slasher remake kind of style, I will go in stoked.
Yeah, she needs to be 18 sooner than later. Although she doesn't look like a 15 year old.. but yeah.. 

I'm a huge fan of hers, Kick *** 2 and Carrie next year? Awesome.
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Yeah, she needs to be 18 sooner than later. Although she doesn't look like a 15 year old.. but yeah.. 

I'm a huge fan of hers, Kick *** 2 and Carrie next year? Awesome.

I am 100% absolutely with you man. :pimp:

She can act, and when she turns 18, oh my God.. :wow:

Movie 43 too, which could be decent.

Loved her in Let Me In, Kick ***, and Hugo. :pimp:
The Dark Knight Rises cinematographer Wally Pfister calls The Avengers film "appalling" - http://wp.me/p2CCWq-2hx

Well, I wouldn't call it appalling, but I saw it for the first time recently and was disappointed. I didn't think it was bad, but wouldn't rate it much higher than a bit above average. Maybe its because I'm not that well acquainted with most of the Marvel characters featured in the movie, but I just never got all that into it. I wouldn't put it in the same class as any of the Nolan Batman films. I would also rate the first two X-Men movies and First Class higher.
Yeah, she needs to be 18 sooner than later. Although she doesn't look like a 15 year old.. but yeah.. 

I'm a huge fan of hers, Kick *** 2 and Carrie next year? Awesome.

I am 100% absolutely with you man. :pimp:

She can act, and when she turns 18, oh my God.. :wow:

Movie 43 too, which could be decent.

Loved her in Let Me In, Kick ***, and Hugo. :pimp:

Agree with both of ya. No pedo but geesh...3 more years...:smokin :nerd:
The Dark Knight Rises cinematographer Wally Pfister calls The Avengers film "appalling" - http://wp.me/p2CCWq-2hx

Well, I wouldn't call it appalling, but I saw it for the first time recently and was disappointed. I didn't think it was bad, but wouldn't rate it much higher than a bit above average. Maybe its because I'm not that well acquainted with most of the Marvel characters featured in the movie, but I just never got all that into it. I wouldn't put it in the same class as any of the Nolan Batman films. I would also rate the first two X-Men movies and First Class higher.

Funny, I got killed by my friends who LOVED avengers. Most overrated movie of the year for me. But who cares, it made BANK.
Apollo 18 is such a terrible, boring movie. I'm mad I spent time watching that. Not one scary scene.
Wait wait wait all yall do in here is banter back and forth about random movies that have nothing to do with Sports?
cp already broke this down, there are sports scenes and themes in every movie ever made. someone chasing after someone, you got a leg race; two people fighting, bam crappy boxing/mma.
Wait wait wait all yall do in here is banter back and forth about random movies that have nothing to do with Sports?

Not a single movie/show/or book in this thread that doesn't involve sports.

Kev, you checkin in on American Horror Story tonight? Or season 1 about as far as you go?
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