Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

That scene in Sons of Anarchy last night would have been so much better if it was his wife, not his half-sister.
Kev, you checkin in on American Horror Story tonight? Or season 1 about as far as you go?
It's an entirely new show. Might as well.

The same people still write it, however...

I haven't complained about a movie in some time, so...

Chronicle was slightly better than I Am Number Four. Super predictable, and the overexerted effort to make it an epic action movie in the last 20 minutes was cute. My only takeaway was Michael Jordan, who of course died first.
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So I could watch American Horror Story: Asylum even though I didn't see any of last years? They won't even make references to last year that I won't understand?
So I could watch American Horror Story: Asylum even though I didn't see any of last years? They won't even make references to last year that I won't understand?

It is completely different, however, there of course can and probably will be things alluded too. Winks, nudges, etc that you won't pick up on, but it won't harm you from enjoying this season I don't think. And I am sure one of us would mention something that was in reference to S1 if it happens.
Is American Horror story THAT good? The people in it creep me tf out everytime I've seen the S2 trailer lol

Btw, finished watching The Prestige...so many questions...
Think of it this way Rook, there is absoultely nothing else like it on tv. Halloweenish type weird ****, sort of a horror vibe, good or bad, eh, but it's certainly one of a kind. Gets a little sideways at times, but it keeps you in suspence for the most part, season 1 we had literally no idea what the hell was goin on for half the episodes so add all that up, it's certainly worth the watch.

And it wasn't all that pg-13. Hearin Connie Britton shout at the top of her lungs, "So you buried it in her *****!!!" was one of thee most :wow: moments I ever seen on tv. :rofl:
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Chronicle was slightly better than I Am Number Four. Super predictable, and the overexerted effort to make it an epic action movie in the last 20 minutes was cute. My only takeaway was Michael Jordan, who of course died first.
:stoneface: Son... :smh:
Wait wait wait all yall do in here is banter back and forth about random movies that have nothing to do with Sports?
They played baseball in Chronicle, though.
It was like part season one (tons of character similarities already), part bad version of Shutter Island to me. So... I'm not hopeful. :lol:

It was just one episode, I guess. But probably not.
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speaking of horror, any of you dressing up for halloween? i'm going as

AHS was certainly tryin to get past that PG-13 label JA put on it. :lol:

5 minutes in and my wife looked at me like I had written the dialogue or somethin. :rofl: :rofl:

I dunno if it will be good, but I know Jessica Lange will be, she's awesome. However, her wearin that red getup and actin like that had me remembering the old maid last year wipin her chin. :stoneface: :lol:
Uh oh

Summer 2015 looks like it may see the world's two most popular superhero teams go head-to-head. The LA Times is reporting that Warner Bros. is targeting their big screen ensemble, Justice League, for the same summer as Marvel's The Avengers 2.

There's still no director attached, but Justice League has a screenplay from Will Beall. Plot details are few, but the lineup of heroes is said to include (at least) Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and The Flash.

The same article notes that the studio wanted The Dark Knight Rises' Christopher Nolan to produce the team-up, but that he declined. Nolan is serving as producer on the upcoming Man of Steel, however. While there's no official confirmation as of yet, it is widely believed that the intent is to carry Henry Cavill's Superman character over to the Justice League feature.

Whether or not Justice League winds up having any ties to previous DC Comics adaptations, the intention of the studio is to spinoff characters into their own franchises post-2015.
Nolan knows better. Yawn.

Not taking anything away from a JL film, I'll go see it, but there's just not enough time.

The Avengers worked so well because each of the major players had a film that developed their character/story.

That's not the case for JL. Superman and Green Lantern will be the only JL member who will have a proper film most likely, unless they churn out ANOTHER Batman, Wonder Woman, and The Flash. And Green Lantern was poorly received all-around pretty much.
Pretty clear they're just going to do it different than Marvel.

We don't need origin on Batman or Superman, everyone on the planet knows those 2.

I guess, they can use the Ryan Reynolds GL as sort of an origin film, while still casting someone else and pretending it never happened, ala Hulk.

So in a JL movie, they introuduce Flash, Aqua, and WW and and then hope to do some sort of spin offs for them off that.

At the very least, if this is the plan, they have over 2 years to flesh it out, do some sort of viral marketing thing to drum up more interest, PRAY that they can cast it properly (read, get a solid Batman) and then who knows how they work the script. Hopefully it's darker, like in Batman's world, or maybe Nolan/Snyder create a dark enough Superman world to use that, or even combine the two for all I know.

The villians will be what matter as well. If they can do that, people might not even care or worry about who the lesser roles are, and just focus on the main duo + villians. That alone could make the movie work, then base the spin offs from there.

Seems they're gonna go with the opposite way Marvel did, but at least something's coming together. And 2015 is better than pushing back 5 years to add a bunch of probably failures in solo flicks. And it's also better than rushing it for 2014 or some ****. Gives them plenty of time, and hopefully Man of Steel will be enough to give us all hope for a movie that could match what they've been doin with Avengers.

I wonder now if they sneak something in to MOS to sort of show us it's coming? After the credits, or something/someone in the background during the film hinting to the bigger picture. Nolan set up a next Batman for them, no reason he couldn't help out a lil bit here.
It'll be sad and hilarious if Avengers 2 just flats out crushes a JL movie. I mean it's like they're not even taking in to account that once again every Marvel solo movie is going to interconnect and/or build up to Avengers 2.
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This is why I was askin about that comic in the Hush storyline. My friend Prime and I were hopin that would be the angle, Bat savin Supes from himself, redemption of Bats image, the teardown of Supes image and then restoring it, common enenmy, Gotham/Metropolis, sprinkle in some villains, could work out, if written properly.

That's why I was tryin to search for which comic it came from.
This is why I was askin about that comic in the Hush storyline. My friend Prime and I were hopin that would be the angle, Bat savin Supes from himself, redemption of Bats image, the teardown of Supes image and then restoring it, common enenmy, Gotham/Metropolis, sprinkle in some villains, could work out, if written properly.
That's why I was tryin to search for which comic it came from.
That'd be GREAT for a World's Finest movie but it probably wouldn't be executed right introducing 4 or 5 other heroes depending on what they do with GL for a JL movie.
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The Amazing Spider-Man is finally out.

Probably will watch it over the weekend.
Anyone else watching that new ABC show Last Resort?

I'm digging it so far.

On another note, new season of Happy Endings starts on Tuesday and Bob's Burgers got renewed for a 4th season.
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