Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Love Homeland now :pimp: I was skeptical when I started thinking there's no way it's as good as people were saying. But it's fire.

As for tonight's episode, Carrie is such a dumb ***** :smh: Cant believe she blew the operation on the FIRST night. Jeesssuuuuusssss, man.
This episode of Dexter was amazing. Probably the best this season so far.
I need a gif of Dex mocking Seltzer in the incinerator room :lol:
For a sec there in the end I thought Deb was down. Beginning to think the main villain was gay for Victor.
I really hope Quinn dies this season.

I agree, it was a great episode for Michael C. Hall. Him and Speltzer worked great off each other.

There's no doubt that the man is gay, which is a nice twist.

I kind of like Quinn. He's the kind of douchebag I like in movies.
And talking about shows... The Walking Dead.

Wow. Rick Grimes man. They make you question how far he's willing to go, and after Tomas pushes him, he pushes back, HARD. I wish there was a bit of Andrea/Michonne in this episode, but it seems like we may get alternating episodes for the next few, and if not, the next seems to be very Andrea heavy.

The prisoners were quite a fun bunch. It was interesting to have a group of guys who didn't really understand what was going on, similar to what Rick went through in the Pilot episode. It was still interesting. It's what made 28 Days Later so enjoyable for me, seeing how someone would react to a crisis that has already occurred.

What's looking like will happen is that Merle is lined up with The Governor. That's a badass tandem :pimp: . I can't wait to see the interaction between Merle and Daryl once they finally meet again. Knowing the little bit I do about The Governor, and the tension between him and Rick's crew, it'll be interesting.
And talking about shows... The Walking Dead.

What's looking like will happen is that Merle is lined up with The Governor. That's a badass tandem :pimp: . I can't wait to see the interaction between Merle and Daryl once they finally meet again. Knowing the little bit I do about The Governor, and the tension between him and Rick's crew, it'll be interesting.
I was thinking that, too. It's too convenient for it to not happen. And it'd be ******g awesome; not for T-Dog though |I RIP in advance once Merle gets T-Dog alone.
Rick going HAM on zombies and people alike now. No mercy :smokin
I really wish we had Tyrese in the show. Was hoping one of the prisoners would take up that role, but it doesn't look like it at this point since the last black prisoner alive is named Oscar :smh:

Regarding comics and the show,
I wonder who's getting their hand cut off? Not sure the show would want to cripple Rick and have him carry around a fake nub for the rest of the series. Andrea maybe?
I keep hearing how good homeland is but I just don't know how entertaining a show about terrorism will be. Hits to close to home.
I'd say the documentary, Catching Hell, The Steve Bartman story. And of course Field of Dreams is always a classic.
I keep hearing how good homeland is but I just don't know how entertaining a show about terrorism will be. Hits to close to home.
You only have to watch the first episode and that'll be enough. It's not about really about terrorism, it's about organized paranoia in a world, where you really might be right.

And then Morena Baccarin's *******. Do it for those.

Not gonna lie...much as I hate watch TWD, there were some weebey moments last night.
....and I'm not checkin for Dexter until the season's almost over. See how many of yall are left hyping it up, then.
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How does everyone feel about fringe? I will always be afraid to jump into this kind of show after....you know... That other show
I'm surprised you even bothered to remember dudes name JA. I didn't catch on during the ep thinking I''ll have to figure it out. Nope. DEAD.
How does everyone feel about fringe? I will always be afraid to jump into this kind of show after....you know... That other show
Can't say a lot I watched the first 2 seasons consistently and enjoyed even though it was episodic in nature as it built on the sub plot and developed the world of the story. I then fell in and out of it, got interested when the two agencies in each parallel world (reminded me of the alt universe theory from LOST) were sorta at odds with each other and Peter was the main cog to the whole thing and he ceased to exist in the end but then after that they started dealing with future and this final season they've basically time skipped to that and I'm lost and not following it closely.

I'd say give it a shot. You need get over LOST already, you can't be ducking every praised sci fi drama on tv cuz of one show. It doesn't involve the same creators and isn't even on the same network. It deals with mysteries to a degree but nowhere is the hook one huge mystery you'll have to watch the entire series until you get your answer. You could watch the first few seasons and one and done them.

I'd say you're missing out cuz of what Nimoy brings to the show as a compelling reoccurring guest star and antagonist, and what Jared Harris brought to the show as a villain. The main cast is good as well. The show is basically a more amped up X-Files but action packed with a team (instead of 2 ppl) in a sort of Scooby Doo gang solving mysteries
I just finished Lost.... took me 2 weeks and I blew through it on Netflix

Ending was kinda lame.
I'm surprised you even bothered to remember dudes name JA. I didn't catch on during the ep thinking I''ll have to figure it out. Nope. DEAD.

Which guy? Tomas?

If that's who you're talking about... Only reason I know is because I watched The Talking Dead, and they mentioned his name every minute. :lol: :lol:
I just finished Lost.... took me 2 weeks and I blew through it on Netflix

Ending was kinda lame.
Lots of people thought that because their questions weren't answered.
But I felt the lesson of, learning to let go, was throughout the whole series and played well at the end. Still one of my favorite shows.
How does everyone feel about fringe? I will always be afraid to jump into this kind of show after....you know... That other show
Fringe...Fringe Fringe Fringe...

Fringe was a generic shiny X-Files knockoff with bad leads, ehh writing and good prod value.

It was a case a week thing that didn't really have a hook like X-Files' "is this explainable and we're just paranoid or real and we've been naive?" Oh and the two leads were awesome.

With Fringe, everything is real and nothing is especially scary. Every episode, they basically spoil whodunit halfway through and explain how the paranormal happens at every step. And the two leads sucked. And there's a big conspiracy that ties everyth---blah blah blah.

And the solution to every mystery was that Walter, Joshua Jackson's crazy old dad, had done this experiment before, but forgot because of all the drugs he took in the 60s and has to be reminded that he knows.

So that's that, Fringe sucked and was forgettable...But...but...

At the end of the first season, they realized their show was DOA and found a pulse. They changed the premised, introduced this alternate mirror world and made Walter (John Noble, the old guy who almost cooked his son alive in LOTR) the center of the show. The figured out how to get the lead chick to act, by making an Alt-*****-ier version of herself to make her look better, and used Lt. Daniels from The Wire better and just everyone in the cast.

And the show got good...damn good...as good as that show that will not be named was when we thought it could do no harm.

And they got a really interesting, great cameo from an awesome old sci-fi icon and were just killing it. Season 2 to most of the way through season 3 of Fringe was really, really great TV. I mean for a solid 2 months of it, I thought it was the best show on television...it's just that the show should've ended there.

Instead they got picked up again and decided to reboot the world, so basically a sideways universe like that show tried to pull on us...except that's the real and only world now, not just a short vacation like everyone thought it'd be. Now...it's still better than that painful first season, but the show is just in hospice now, waiting to die and be over. Funny thing...I couldn't get how the show got 2 renewals it, in no way, deserved, until I found out...the lead actress...Anna Torv...is Rupert Murdoch's niece. :nerd:

This season, more of the same, reboot to some new, whatever. At least it's almost over...but yeah...that's Fringe. In the middle, there's a really, really great and worth it season 2 run...like Sons of Anarchy...but everything around it is just :\ ...if you're that hungry for ______ go for it.

And that was the short of it. :smh:

I recommend watching Battlestar Galactica instead, even though the very last episode is sorta like...aw cmon.
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I'm surprised you even bothered to remember dudes name JA. I didn't catch on during the ep thinking I''ll have to figure it out. Nope. DEAD.

Which guy? Tomas?

If that's who you're talking about... Only reason I know is because I watched The Talking Dead, and they mentioned his name every minute. :lol: :lol:
:lol: I dunno the dude Rick machete'd in the head. I know he was a guest on the Talking Dead.
******g hate Battlestar Galatica
:lol: the ending got you that bad? I mean...it was pretty damn bad, but really? Hate? :lol:
I don't even want to ******g talk about it man. I had some problems before the ending but ah forget it. aint trying to rage now.
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Just such an unnecessary remake
Yep. The first one came out like 10 minutes ago and they already reboot? Come on.

You superhero fans... I don't know, man.

It has Emma Stone man, that's not enough to lure you? :lol:
And honestly, everyone in here was worried that was going to suck royally, and somehow, they pulled it off quite nicely. You have to admit, that's pretty damn lucky of them.

JA, you aren't in the NT league already? I always thought you were in those things. If you can round up 9 others from in here, gimme a call, I'll fly with ya.

That was just as gay as the volleyball scene, wasn't it? :\ :lol:
Can we get a headcount? 10? 12?

I've never made a league before, so... :nerd:

Input on rules?

And no, I slept on the NT league, and didn't look for who was making it. I'm only in a league with some of my local friends.

As for Amazing Spider-Man, I thought it was great, and will hold up better than the original set of films over time.

Spider-Man 2 is the only film that will be hold up well IMO.

The original? Go watch it. Pretty awful. The CGI doesn't hold up well at all. It's comparable to Ang Lee Hulk IMO.
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If you do it, go 10 teams, rotisseree or however the hell you spell it instead of head to head. That way every minute on the floor counts. Do standard scoring and all that.

As for headcount, you have like 4 so far. Send PM's to the usual suspects, see if you get any bites. Note, PMatic doesn't do fantasy. Pro, Dub, MrO, Kev, Dirk (if he's got the time) Big J may go for it, ask them first. Chester, he could be down if one of them says no. He's not very good, but he might be down. :lol:
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