Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Lincoln was great, Tommy Lee Jones especially. His lines during the debates were great. Many people won't like the dialogue but it had some good jokes. Daniel Day Lewis was great, obv.
I recommend it to those who enjoy reading about History, thought it is slow early

Is it safe to compare it to the pace of J. Edgar? That's my expectations going into seeing it.
I'm talking about sneaking into Lincoln, I don't think Spielberg needs my support. If it's a smaller movie or a movie I feel passionately about, then I won't. But a movie that's going to gross over 100 mil? I don't care. It's no different than people downloading it later, at least I get the theater experience.
The theater only makes about 15% of the box office and the rest goes to the studio. So they make all their money from concessions and don't suffer much

Yeah that's the thing. I don't download either. :lol:

And I wonder what they'll do about the Twinkie ordeal if another Zombieland is made
Just watched Moonrise Kingdom.

Wes Anderson might be my favorite dude ever. I can't stress enough how much I enjoy his stuff.

I'll gush about it more later.

Just watched Moonrise Kingdom. If you like Wes Anderson films, it's a must watch. If you don't like his movies, don't bother. I loved it. Acting was superb accross the board. Really enjoyed all the kids in it. And, IMO, Bruce Willis' best acting in years.

So I finally got around to Moonrise Kingdom. I'm not sure if I'm a Wes Anderson fan...I mean, I didn't like Bottle Rocket and I've been meaning to watch the Royal Tenenbaums again, cuz I think it went over my head the first time. Darjeeling Limited was whatever... That said, I liked Rushmore and I absolutely loved The Life Aquatic (which for some reason a ton of people hated and it flopped big? I don't get that). And then Hotel Chevalier...well cmon...perfection.

I don't think he's ever made a bad film, and his style is so...alluring to me? That sugar rush diorama Amelie style. That French theater people as puppets, politely sardonic style. But this movie...Moonrise...is maybe too much. It's too damn precious and whimsical. Too dreadful and maudlin. Look...just the words you have to use to describe him are Wes Anderson-y. He's pre-cgi Tim Burton with the lights on and the supernatural off. (Except when he decided to have some bad cgi in this...)

I feel like technically, this is the best made film of his so far. It's just that that's the best thing I can say about it. You get lost admiring the craft behind it and these characters just don't really connect. Ed Norton is great in it. Bruce Willis seems all in. But Bill Murray's just weird...and the kids. The kids are the whole movie...baby Jessica Chastain and baby Mark Ruffalo. But this needed Super 8 level kid acting. Instead it's got regular Real Steel level kid acting. I just don't get it.

Because of that, this is a diorama. The camera moves and the cinematography are gorgeous. The visual whimsy's strong and there isn't a wasted shot in the entire movie. Every cut has a purpose and the scenes are restrained and measured. It's efficient and well done. It's like a response for all the people who called Life Aquatic sloppy and OD. All the sets and setups and neatly crafted new antiques and fresh and romanticized relics make sense and came out perfect...but I was just waiting for someone I could connect with to take over. It's like Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. Technically, very well made, but maybe not too much heart to it. The star of this film is Wes Anderson and the choices he makes. That's not enough for me...I don't hate it, it's just hard to feel anything about it for me.

I mean it's a feast, every ingredient just right and hand picked by chef Anderson. You can admire every shot in this film. Everything cooked perfectly, but just...underseasoned. It's all really well prepared, but sort of bland and same-y..

I was wondering and this is a bit random (but most of us watch or have watched both shows), how do you think Dexter would fare in the world of The Walking Dead? You think he'd just be a cold blooded killer of walkers or would he be so much of a psychopath that he'd still need to kill living ppl to get his satisfaction?


I ******g love the Royal Tenenbaums, I always for some reason connect that to the family in Arrested Development. Need to get on with it already and watch Moonrise Kingdom, Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, and Hotel Chevalier
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I was wondering and this is a bit random (but most of us watch or have watched both shows), how do you think Dexter would fare in the world of The Walking Dead? You think he'd just be a cold blooded killer of walkers or would he be so much of a psychopath that he'd still need to kill living ppl to get his satisfaction?
I ******g love the Royal Tenenbaums, I always for some reason connect that to the family in Arrested Development. Need to get on with it already and watch Moonrise Kingdom, Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, and Hotel Chevalier

You mean after him being a serial killer this entire time?

I don't know, I don't really care for these fantasy scenarios. Kind of like asking how would Rick Grimes be as a Sheriff for Miami Metro. :lol:

I wouldn't want to see Dexter Morgan in a zombie apocalypse.
I was wondering and this is a bit random (but most of us watch or have watched both shows), how do you think Dexter would fare in the world of The Walking Dead? You think he'd just be a cold blooded killer of walkers or would he be so much of a psychopath that he'd still need to kill living ppl to get his satisfaction?
I ******g love the Royal Tenenbaums, I always for some reason connect that to the family in Arrested Development. Need to get on with it already and watch Moonrise Kingdom, Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, and Hotel Chevalier

You mean after him being a serial killer this entire time?

I don't know, I don't really care for these fantasy scenarios. Kind of like asking how would Rick Grimes be as a Sheriff for Miami Metro. :lol:

I wouldn't want to see Dexter Morgan in a zombie apocalypse.
:lol: Nah. I just wonder how Dex would adjust and operate. Obviously he'd be out of his comfort zone and it'd be nothing like the show Dexter but I was just thinking of how he'd handle it. Obviously the flip side of it is irrelevant and lame :lol: Rick in Miami Metro :lol:

Hannah has really grown on me, and so has Isaac. Isaac just because of the parallels that you can draw between him and Dexter. It definitely doesn't hurt that Hannah is smoking. :pimp: . I'm glad that Deb finally came out and admitted her love to Dexter. I feel like they could've saved that for an episode or two down the line, but there's still a lot that can happen in this season.

I've enjoyed the pace of this season. For the first time in quite a while, I feel like the pace has been sustained throughout. Too often I feel, "Well, the best of the season happened at Episode 6."

Not here. There have only been two other seasons that felt like this to me. The season with Trinity, and the very first season with the Ice Truck Killer.

But, a lot of things still have to play out. We know within three episodes, Serko will end up Dexter's table, and Hannah is either going to get sacrificed, or she will stick around one more season. I kind of fell like the former will happen, because I feel like the final season will be all Dexter/Miami Metro/Deb.

I suspect by season's end, LaGeurta will start to launch an investigation on Dexter.

The scene between Isaac and Dex in the gay bar was superb. I've always found that Isaac was borderline flirting with Dexter all season, and tonight he teetered between demonstrative and flirtatious. Meanwhile, Dex is dumbfounded. Similarly, he was dumbfounded when Deb professed her love to her.

I kind of want to see them hook up by show's end. That would be awesome. :lol:

The Walking Dead.

I didn't see the twist coming of who was on the other end of the phone until Herschel comes to check on Rick. After that, I knew Rick was nuts. I'm not sure if I'm happy that Carol is still alive, but at least the relationship between her and Daryl will be interesting.

I was thrown a twist when Glenn/Maggie ran into Michonne, and an even bigger twist when they run into Merle. Makes sense that she hid, and the scene of Michonne at the gates with the walkers was AWESOME. I feel like she can renew some strength in Rick, because he'll see how brave/powerful she is.

With only two episodes left for this part of the season, I feel like Rick/The Governor will meet by half-seasons end, or at least acknowledge each others existence. It's kind of upsetting to me that Merle is still being a douchebag. If my brother was still alive, I'd do whatever I could to see him again. Then again, Merle is pretty much a douche. :lol:

My favorite part of the episode had to be the new black prisoner getting so excited over a new pair of slippers. :rofl: :pimp: .

I'm really looking forward to Comic Book Men as much as fricking Walking Dead/Dexter right now, kind of sad... :lol:

I'm really debating what show I should get into once Dexter/Walking Dead are done for the winter.

I just picked up Breaking Bad S1/S2, I have Mad Men S1-S4, and I have access to the first couple seasons of Boardwalk. I'm leaning towards Boardwalk, but damn.

Walking Dead/Dexter/Football all ending around the same time. :smh:
I'm really debating what show I should get into once Dexter/Walking Dead are done for the winter.

I just picked up Breaking Bad S1/S2, I have Mad Men S1-S4, and I have access to the first couple seasons of Boardwalk. I'm leaning towards Boardwalk, but damn.
Wha?! Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, AND Mad Men on your list? Mother ******, ALL OF IT should be gotten into :lol: I'd say Breaking Bad right now, because Boardwalk is still working it's way through the current season, so you could catch up on that after it's over for the year. Mad Men is good, but it's not as compelling as the other two imo.
There's far more to catch up on in BB than there is in BE.

I'm not digging into either till after the Holidays, but I'm leaning towards BB.

And for those who are looking for it, Breaking Bad S1-4 are 11.99 at Best Buy/Amazon next few days.

And if you buy S1/S2 online @ BestBuy.com, it's BOGO.

11.99 for the first two seasons of Breaking Bad is an amazing deal.
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Hasn't seen Breaking Bad or Mad Men

watches Dexter and Walking Dead instead.

you suck.

I can understand it if he plans on watching after BB is done. I initially missed the first seasons and jumped in S3 and had to decide whether to stop watching or watch all 3 so I can be ready for S4. I watched the two seasons but I just waited out The Wire and Sopranos (watched it on and off) and outside of not having that experience of talking about it on here I was greatly satisfied.

If you don't plan on watching at all though, you suck.
I'm caught up on American Horror Story, Dexter, Breaking Bad, done with the Wire and Sopranos finally, and now I may get a chance to finally start Mad Men.

And with Walking Dead on sale Friday for 10 bucks, that may get on my shelf sometime soon as well.

AHS has been alright. I'm pleasantly surprised, and the complete change up from last season hasn't hurt it at all.

Dex is just in a groove right now. Season 7 may take all of them down minus the first season. I don't think anyone is ever going to beat Ice Truck/Rudy.
Trinity is the most overrated season ever. But it had one of thee best ever final moments, ever. That's all.

65 year old white guy, slits some ladies' legs in a bath, pushes other old ladies out a window.

And beats a rent a cop in the head with a hammer.

This, is our horrific Trinity killer. Dude was so vicious, he couldn't even kill himself. (his failed attempt at suicide)

Rudy, was a TRUE, full fledged gangster of a killer. Style, ferocious, plotting, devious, right under everyone's nose. Banging the sister just for sport. The finger nail colors. The family connect. Everything. Dude was GONE. Killed folks in his backup fridge, drained their blood and ****. Left bodies out in public for all the world to see.

Trinity was an old guy with mommy issues.

Yeah, season 1 >>>>>>>>>>> Season 4. Not even close imo.
The thing about Trinity was, season 3 left me ready to give up on the show. Establishing a great character feels pretty easy when they're hitting every note, but finding your way back from letting your premise go stale and your cast unlikeable is just impressive. And that the 4th finale of a 'how can this show last more than a season' had me dying for more makes season 4 really something special to me.

And I thought John Lithgow died in the 90s. *shrug*
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The thing about Trinity was, season 3 left me ready to give up on the show. Establishing a great character feels pretty easy when they're hitting every note, but finding your way back from letting your premise go stale and your cast unlikeable is just impressive. And that the 4th finale of a 'how can this show last more than a season' had me dying for more makes season 4 really something special to me.
And I thought John Lithgow died in the 90s. *shrug*

That's what did it for me. I don't care that Trinity wasn't the most ruthless, or strongest, most powerful foe that Dexter encountered. Hell, if we're going by that, then Brotherhood should be the best villain, and Speltzer should be the biggest individual threat. And if you want to get really sadistic, what Travis did last year was pretty sadistic.

Trinity was unassuming, Trinity made you believe in his character. The show was getting stale, and he rejuvenated it. A character is successful based on how well you can connect with them, and how well you can appreciate their character/their acting.

You can't deny the mans talent. He won a goddamn Golden Globe for his performance.

We aren't basing the success of a season on how good of a killer someone was, you base it on the performance.
Also, on Amazon right now, Rocky Collection, Die Hard Collection, and Planet of the Apes Collection are 20-22 dollars each.

Rocky is six films, Planet of the Apes is five films, and Die Hard is four films.

Along with a five dollar film (No Country for Old Men, Shutter Island), you can get em all for about 21 shipped.

Found a tdkr link, love that plane scene with bane. Just short of the awesomeness that was the bank robbery scene in tdk.
The thing about Trinity was, season 3 left me ready to give up on the show. Establishing a great character feels pretty easy when they're hitting every note, but finding your way back from letting your premise go stale and your cast unlikeable is just impressive. And that the 4th finale of a 'how can this show last more than a season' had me dying for more makes season 4 really something special to me.
And I thought John Lithgow died in the 90s. *shrug*

That's what did it for me. I don't care that Trinity wasn't the most ruthless, or strongest, most powerful foe that Dexter encountered. Hell, if we're going by that, then Brotherhood should be the best villain, and Speltzer should be the biggest individual threat. And if you want to get really sadistic, what Travis did last year was pretty sadistic.

Trinity was unassuming, Trinity made you believe in his character. The show was getting stale, and he rejuvenated it. A character is successful based on how well you can connect with them, and how well you can appreciate their character/their acting.

You can't deny the mans talent. He won a goddamn Golden Globe for his performance.

We aren't basing the success of a season on how good of a killer someone was, you base it on the performance.

Ok, then by that logic, Deb should be all ya'll's favorite charater too. Cuz that ***** can act her face off.

I know that Trinity was performed well by Lithgow, I do not mean to discredit the acting performance, I'm talking about the role/character that he played. And it was meh, to me.

MrO, you said it right there above, the FINALE elevated everything. You were dying, on life support with the show, and the last 45 seconds blew you away and brought you back. That, does not a great season make. That's a moment, a scene, a glimpse. But the SEASON was meh. Rudy, Doakes, Skinner, Jordan Chase, and even Tom Hanks dweeb of a son, all were more formidable than some old man. Christ, Dex looked at him like a father figure, thought he could learn something from the old guy, and by the end he felt sorry for the dude. And for the record, we aren't even positively clear that Trinity took out Rita. (that's a conspiracy theory, yes, but hey..... :lol: )

So yeah, Lithgow did a great job, so does Dex and Deb. They carry that show flawlessly, yet just about everyone I know HATES Deb. So if we base it on performance........?

Saw Expendables 2 last night......whatever. Sad really. Just 2 hours of looking for glass to crash thru, and shooting a billion bullets, into an airport no less, and a small group of men (like 8) suddenly becomes 97 faceless bad dudes getting shot. Whatever.
Chuck Norris made me chuckle once at least.

And Jet Li left after the opening credits. That was weird.
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