Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I've been meaning to watch New Girl but with how bad the first few eps were.. I don't want to watch the series from the start again. At what point can I start it back up or does it have storylines that stem from the first few episodes to now?

i been watching this show with the gf... its ok but zoey is garbage in it. they make her so dumb and naive it gets kind of repetitive.

i like that mindy show much more. atleast in that show the lead actress isnt as dumb as zoey's character...
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Captain Philips Movie looks ******g sick!!!

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somebody mention Black Hawk Down on the comments when watching the trailer for Captain Philips 

going to check that film out
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Finished stalker. That was a giant mind ****. Especially part 2. 2001 is pretty much the only comparison I could make. Minus space. But there is an oddessy and impressive cinematography. Very subjective but there's much more dialogue. Poetry, existentialism, identity, your inner most desires. The role of hope

I understood most of the philosophy and it definitley has its deep moments. But some of the actions had me confused. Momemts seemed unnesesarily drawn out at points. There isnt that much backstory. The characters fleshed out once I could tell them apart.

it's hard to recommend unless you have a lot of patience, can read subtitles, and enjoy a "challemging" movie.

It's only 2 and a half hours it wasn't too bad. I was expecting over 3 by some things I've read. Split into two parts so it's nice to take an intermission because I guess that's how it was shown at the time
sign me up for under the dome. song was decent too, didn't bother me.

You mean that rendition right...? I've never heard of someone that hasn't heard that song. :lol

I just caught up on the thread. I didn't want to spoil any IM3, saw it today. Will post thoughts in a minute. But...

JPZx. I see where you coming from with JLaw, but have you seen SLP?

I was completely against JLaw until I saw it. I hated The Hunger Games and am done with spending money on it. But I went ahead and saw SLP and loved her.
Sin City is the best movie to watch on shrooms.

The chick with the bandana in Django is the same lady from Death Proof who was Uma's stunt double in the Kill Bill films, so I can kind of see how you thought that was her.

Watched Cabin in the Woods tonight, definitely not what you think it's going to be at all but I enjoyed it.

On season 3 of Heroes now. First season was fantastic and just so well done, should have stopped there. 2nd season definitely dropped off but was still watchable in its own way, maybe my love of Kristen Bell and Dania Ramirez has me a little bias. However, these first couple episodes of season 3 are a train wreck. There is just way too much going on with stupid story lines and even dumber characters. Seems like the writers threw a bunch of **** at a wall and whatever stuck, they threw in. Nice to see Marlo and Bubbles in a different show though

That girl is actually Zoe Bell. She has been a stunt actress for a while, and has been at QT's hip for quite a while.
Onto Iron Man 3. Overall, throughout I was thinking, well it's better than Iron Man 2. After letting it sink in for a few hours, I'm not sure. There were parts where I was too disappointed.

I'll be spoiling a lot of the movie here, so you're warned. Not the CP way either. :lol

I hated the way they did The Mandarin. I get it. I know that Guy Pearce was the actual Mandarin, and that Ben King was just a proxy, a fake. But this is a Marvel film. You got a character like The Mandarin who you mock-up to look EXACTLY like him, and you play it off as a joke? Crap. Do not like. Ben Kingsley was menacing. Guy Pearce, while threatening, never felt like a threat to the world. I understand that Guy Pearce was going to take over the V-POTUS, but I just don't feel like the threat was as real as it was with Ben Kingsley. What I was hoping they would do was make the actor one person, but have Ben Kingsley still be The Mandarin, somewhere else.

Everyone treated Ben Kingsley like he was the badass we were all expecting ALL the way up until he is confronted by Tony Stark. Ugh. So damn disappointing. I just don't understand why you would create a character that is in the Marvel universe, has a very specific look, do a good job at it, then throw it all away for Guy Pearce. He's fine, but I just didn't like it. The whole element with extremis, Guy, Happy, and Pepper? Great, cool. If Guy played the Sam Rockwell role, as a sidekick to The Mandarin, that would've been A-okay in my book. Frustrating that they didn't.

Other than that, I feel like the story itself with Stark was fine. I felt like with Iron Man 2 he was trying to hold-back Iron Man from controlling who he was, and here he was trying to protect those closest to him. All the action was fine, and much better than the mess that was Iron Man 2. IM2 had like 3 minutes of action, and the rest exposition and comedy, which was dreadful. The scene at the gas plant, that was all cool. It was interesting to see Pepper save the day, the stuff with the kid was fine, but

I just hope there's at least an IM4. They can't end here. Guy Pearce as The Mandarin? NO emphasis of the rings? Come on, that IS The Mandarin. No real fighting other than brute force? Ugh. You can just call Guy Pearce generic-enemy #3. Other than the terrorism aspect of The Mandarin, I fail to see how Guy was The Mandarin.

I liked how there was a threat beyond Tony Stark, but felt like Don Cheadle was basically an after-thought. You don't really see him fight other than in the Middle-East. That was frustrating. He doesn't really do anything at the end of the film either, other than saving the POTUS. You have like 30 Iron Man suits flying around, and you can't have War Machine go out and wreck some havoc? Meh.

Despite all of this, I still think it's serviceable.

I like it about the same, maybe a tad better than Iron Man 2. I'd say 7.5/10. It was entertaining, but it's not a definitive Iron Man film.

If I had to rank, 1>3>2.

I'm actually more excited for Thor 2, 8o . I liked Thor more than I liked Iron Man 2, and hopefully Thor 2 won't disappoint.

I got two more movies to talk about, and I'll be back with those.

Raiders of the Lost Ark, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. A match made in heaven. :lol
Finished stalker. That was a giant mind ****. Especially part 2. 2001 is pretty much the only comparison I could make. Minus space. But there is an oddessy and impressive cinematography. Very subjective but there's much more dialogue. Poetry, existentialism, identity, your inner most desires. The role of hope

I understood most of the philosophy and it definitley has its deep moments. But some of the actions had me confused. Momemts seemed unnesesarily drawn out at points. There isnt that much backstory. The characters fleshed out once I could tell them apart.

it's hard to recommend unless you have a lot of patience, can read subtitles, and enjoy a "challemging" movie.

It's only 2 and a half hours it wasn't too bad. I was expecting over 3 by some things I've read. Split into two parts so it's nice to take an intermission because I guess that's how it was shown at the time
weird, my version came in 3 parts, but difficult to say the least. like I said the game was fabulous. instead of the room that you can get your deepest desires theres a room with a giant stone called the wish granter. there are several endings and only one of them is "good". it all depends how you played the game. dope thing is that all of them are twisted in a way

I dont expect you to watch the whole thing but lik I said I really loved this game
About Raiders of the Lost Ark. I got the Blu-ray set for Christmas, and I previously had only seen Temple of Doom and Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. 8o

I didn't grow up with Indy. I had only seen the second film all-the-way-through once, and it was just dumb cheesy fun. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was just whatever, but I knew I was saving the best for last. I had seen parts of RotLA of course, like the boulder scene, and the scene in the market, but not much beyond that.

Bruh, my God.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is SO well-made. I felt like I was an adventurous ancient archeologist right along side Indy. The intro the film is stunning. I wasn't expecting all of that. I remembered people paying homage to the scene where Jones replaces the statue with a bag of sand, and it was just done so much better in the film. :lol . All of the hard work to get it stolen as soon as he escapes. :{

I had forgotten that Indy was such a prude outside of his adventures, :lol . The entire scene at the university explaining the ark and the mystery of it all, I loved how Harrison Ford played it. It is pretty much a split personality, but not so much that it's unbelievable.

What made the film for me was Karen Allen. She was gorgeous, and she was believable. A lot more believable than what's-her-face in Temple of Doom. I liked the chemistry between her and Indy. Marion and Indy actually HAD chemistry, and Harrison wasn't just carrying Kate Capshaw around as if she was a nuisance. She shows that she can actually hold-her-own out there. She was absolutely charming, and it worked really, really well. The scenes in Nepal showing her where she outdrinks the entire bar, and then having it pay-off later? Good writing.

Speaking of Nepal, that action scene was great, :lol . I like that Indy shows vulnerability throughout the film. The chase scene with the cars were amazing for the time they were made. No CGI here. :hat . I was shocked at how good that action was. It was literally edge-of-my-seat good.

One aspect I actually didn't realize was that the film took place in the 1930s-1940s. I kind of remembered that there were nazis in the film, but it really worked well, especially that evil doctor.

There was just tons of great moments in the film. When the nazis finally get control of the arc, and Indy has his choice to end it all, and they're filming where the Jawas kidnapped R2-D2?! Awesome. Belloq eating a fly to save the scene? Awesome. The entire tomb scene with all of those snakes? Awesome. The scene with the opening of the ark? Awesome. The melting faces at the end? Awesome. The entire chase scene throughout the market, and how the locals help out Indy, it's all awesome. :hat :lol

The one gripe I have with the film is some of the shots are REALLY soft. And a lot of the top-and-bottom of the frames were fuzzy and blurry. I know it was intentional, I just didn't like it. I don't ever like it in film, unless you're trying to portray an effect that the cast is supposed to be feeling. It's not the best shot film, although it does have some great imagery.

I am really excited to get to the rest of the series, especially The Last Crusade, since I really have no recollection of it.



The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

I was really curious how they were going to do the birth and death scenes for Ben. That was part of why I chose to watch this after these past few years. I watched it about a week or two ago, so I might not remember everything.

Jesus Christ there's so much more to this. Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett make me never want to watch another pair of actors and actresses ever again, and moreso Brad Pitt. And Fincher? He's the director on top right now for me. His last three, all near-classics. It really makes me want to go back and watch Zodiac, I was too young to truly grasp the film.

I don't know if Brad Pitt was playing young-Benjamin, but whoever did, he was great. Taraji Henson played her role a bit over-the-top, but she was superb regardless. All the stuff with young Ben was so charming, with each actress that plays Miss Daisy. They are just so damn cute. What's odd is that the world just seems to accept that Ben is a young kid in a oldass mans body. And it IS normal.

One of the most charming aspects of the film was how Daisy and Benjamin always found themselves back in each others arms again. I loved that about the film, even though each moved on from time-to-time. And the love affair with Tilda Swinton? My God. There was so much fulfillment when Daisy and Brad finally got together, and their separation was so bittersweet. But in the end, they couldn't avoid the fact that
Benjamin was just growing younger.

I really liked how Caroline slowly had to realize who her father was, and how hard it was for Daisy to tell her daughter.

And then the film is on the brink of Hurricane Katrina? Aw hell movie, you done did it. Brilliant…

I haven't felt this way about a film this year. The last time I felt this way about a film was The Last Emperor. It was an absolute masterpiece in my mind.

10/10. Not a doubt in my mind. NOT. A. DOUBT.
NBC already setting my guy Jimmy Fallon up for failure. Saying he can't fill up 400+ seats a night, thats why they aren't building him a new studio. Bs...A chick I went to school with who works at NBC 30 rock studios told me he sells out every single show. His current studio capacity is 189 but they are only gonna add 50+ for when he takes over for Leno smh
NBC already setting my guy Jimmy Fallon up for failure. Saying he can't fill up 400+ seats a night, thats why they aren't building him a new studio. Bs...A chick I went to school with who works at NBC 30 rock studios told me he sells out every single show. His current studio capacity is 189 but they are only gonna add 50+ for when he takes over for Leno smh

I don't know if I'm alone, but whenever I turn on Jimmy Kimmel, I usually enjoy my time.
I'm surprised you liked Benjamin Button that much, it was good but it felt like a B version of Forrest Gump and I just rather watch Forrest Gump.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is a top 10 action film of all time, it's aged incredibly well and is filled with so many astonishing and breathtaking scenes, I've had to seen it at least 50 times.
Well well well... Bravo season 5 of 24... Did not see that twist coming, well played.
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So JJ Abrams came up with a list of "big words" for Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto to use during pressers & the publicist has been keeping score (in an effort to have fun). So far Quinto has been kicking Pine's butt. Check out the interview below & watch Pine kinda smile, look off, & snicker whenever Quinto drops one of the words into conversation...

Some of the words - recalcitrant, superfluous, propinquity, mercurial, demulcent, euphonious, & pureic... :lol
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