Older Mexican Men Dont Like to be Called Gay Even if Your Just Playing

that was a pretty good comeback. some people dont play that bro, I aint letting no one call me Fa***t, especially if it aint one of my boys
that was a pretty good comeback. some people dont play that bro, I aint letting no one call me Fa***t, especially if it aint one of my boys
Originally Posted by eaalto

Not trying to generalize, but the majority of Mexicans I have been around all have machismo issues. I wouldn't take offense to someone calling me gay, jokingly or not, because I'm not gay. I'm pretty sure that his response to being called gay has little do with his actually being offended by your specific comment, but more that he felt disrespected in general. Machismo, not homophobia.
I'll say it straight up. Mexican culture in general has always been very homophobic. This is a pretty common example of it. You can insult a mans wife or kids or even his mother and play it off as a joke and everyone will laugh but when you call an older mexican "gay" it's go time. They don't play with that type of comment. Which is stupid and sad in my opinion but that is how it always has been.

Originally Posted by eaalto

Not trying to generalize, but the majority of Mexicans I have been around all have machismo issues. I wouldn't take offense to someone calling me gay, jokingly or not, because I'm not gay. I'm pretty sure that his response to being called gay has little do with his actually being offended by your specific comment, but more that he felt disrespected in general. Machismo, not homophobia.
I'll say it straight up. Mexican culture in general has always been very homophobic. This is a pretty common example of it. You can insult a mans wife or kids or even his mother and play it off as a joke and everyone will laugh but when you call an older mexican "gay" it's go time. They don't play with that type of comment. Which is stupid and sad in my opinion but that is how it always has been.

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