my eyessss!
2 NTers and 3 other friends texted me about these while I was watching the game.

Great match with the jerseys but too shiny for me. Hopefully other team JB athletes get these (Rip, TO?).
I may be wrong, but I believe this is the first PE color XI mid for basketball for anyone besides MJ???
I know Randy Moss had his Turf XIs.
Just a note: Ray chose to put the green laces in. They would have looked alot better with white, but still nice none-the-less.
They are ok. They look like a darker version of the XI Lows that came out earlier in the year, but Ray allen should be getting better colorways
Originally Posted by FLINTGREY

On second look, eh.
Ron, when ya texted i had the game on in the background....i was so pumped to see em..when i saw a "flash" of em on TV i was like"doooooooooooope." But when these stil pics were posted for some reason "that feeling" wasn't there. Let's just hope JB keepsthis a PE and not anykind of GR release.
As someone said before, they are kind of ugly, but they look good on the basketball court with his uniform. Not good for general release though. I also thinkthat this is a sign that JB will bring back the 11. They have been in such a slump lately with all the crap thats being released, that its time to bring outthe big dogs to get there ship back on track. Know what I mean.
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