On September 11th they are going to burn a Koran in NYC (serious)

will burning the koran really make people feel better about what happened on 9/11?

no wonder the world thinks we're a bunch of ******s...
will burning the koran really make people feel better about what happened on 9/11?

no wonder the world thinks we're a bunch of ******s...
@C5A5D5A5 - that's actually not commonplace in muslim society. if you know anything about the media then you know about the portrayal of "the other", if you don't, google it.
@C5A5D5A5 - that's actually not commonplace in muslim society. if you know anything about the media then you know about the portrayal of "the other", if you don't, google it.
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by Essential1

Ironic because the Conservative ideology tried to deny women equal rights in this country....

They also view feminism as the downfall of our society....

And the religion that is being thinly veiled defended while bashing another one, advocates for the same type of treatment of woman and was practiced...

Nice argument.. I just hope your neighbor doesn't stone you to death when you work on the Sabbath
Let me guess conservatives also fought for equal rights for black people also...

It is one thing to attempt to write your own facts but you cannot rewrite history.. Well I guess you could because that is the only way the Conservatives can be right when it comes to Civil Rights is when they make their own history..

Tell me, resident liberal shill. When has any conservative stoned a women for refusing to marry him?This is commonplace is muslim society.

I get a kick out of people defending a group that would love nothing more than to subjugate them and wipe away their basic rights.
Tell me resident racist who recently displayed sed racism in the Mosque thread spewing Conservative talking points like you get paid for it.... When have Conservatives argued for a woman's control over her own body........... Because being anti-abortion is telling a woman what she can and cannot

But that's not the same thing so I digress

So are you saying that Conservatives do not murder people based on religious reasons now?


Ever hear of Timothy McVeigh

Also Salem Witch Trials

Then throw in what Slave Owners did in the name of "Christianity"

Laney admitted bashing her three children in the heads with rocks. She said God told her to do so.

When you look at the world through the prism of ignorance and hate, you tend to overlook the stubborn idea of facts..

Is Islam perfect? No....�� Is Christianity perfect? No........ Is EVEN Atheism perfect? No....

But for you to type cast an action as commonplace.� 1. Know what you are talking about....�� 2. Do some research...

Especially when the Bible advocates the same thing you say is "COMMON PLACE" in Muslim Society
"For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head;" 1 Corinthians 11:9, 10.
"women should remain silent in churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission..."1 Corinthians 14:34
"Wives submit to your husbands, as is fitting to the Lord." Colossians 3:18

"If however the charge is true and no proof of the girl's virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death..." Deuteronomy 22:13-21.
Timothy 2:11-15 we are told that women are not permitted to have authority over men and that they must be silent because Adam was formed first then Eve.
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by Essential1

Ironic because the Conservative ideology tried to deny women equal rights in this country....

They also view feminism as the downfall of our society....

And the religion that is being thinly veiled defended while bashing another one, advocates for the same type of treatment of woman and was practiced...

Nice argument.. I just hope your neighbor doesn't stone you to death when you work on the Sabbath
Let me guess conservatives also fought for equal rights for black people also...

It is one thing to attempt to write your own facts but you cannot rewrite history.. Well I guess you could because that is the only way the Conservatives can be right when it comes to Civil Rights is when they make their own history..

Tell me, resident liberal shill. When has any conservative stoned a women for refusing to marry him?This is commonplace is muslim society.

I get a kick out of people defending a group that would love nothing more than to subjugate them and wipe away their basic rights.
Tell me resident racist who recently displayed sed racism in the Mosque thread spewing Conservative talking points like you get paid for it.... When have Conservatives argued for a woman's control over her own body........... Because being anti-abortion is telling a woman what she can and cannot

But that's not the same thing so I digress

So are you saying that Conservatives do not murder people based on religious reasons now?


Ever hear of Timothy McVeigh

Also Salem Witch Trials

Then throw in what Slave Owners did in the name of "Christianity"

Laney admitted bashing her three children in the heads with rocks. She said God told her to do so.

When you look at the world through the prism of ignorance and hate, you tend to overlook the stubborn idea of facts..

Is Islam perfect? No....�� Is Christianity perfect? No........ Is EVEN Atheism perfect? No....

But for you to type cast an action as commonplace.� 1. Know what you are talking about....�� 2. Do some research...

Especially when the Bible advocates the same thing you say is "COMMON PLACE" in Muslim Society
"For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head;" 1 Corinthians 11:9, 10.
"women should remain silent in churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission..."1 Corinthians 14:34
"Wives submit to your husbands, as is fitting to the Lord." Colossians 3:18

"If however the charge is true and no proof of the girl's virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death..." Deuteronomy 22:13-21.
Timothy 2:11-15 we are told that women are not permitted to have authority over men and that they must be silent because Adam was formed first then Eve.
^I swear you have these responses prepared in advance or maybe you are just spending a !%$%**%$ of time debating with fools, Essential.
^I swear you have these responses prepared in advance or maybe you are just spending a !%$%**%$ of time debating with fools, Essential.
Originally Posted by nwt

@C5A5D5A5 - that's actually not commonplace in muslim society. if you know anything about the media then you know about the portrayal of "the other", if you don't, google it.

This wasn't evil fox news cameras, it was some perp on a cellphone.

But youre right, how dare the evil rightwing media (
) try and report on a woman being stoned to death for refusing a forced marriage. The nerve.

youre kidding with this statement right?

this (for the most part) is a shining example of todays youth.

"the planes that struck wtc were actually holograms, google it"

"zionists planted explosives in wtc, google it"
Originally Posted by nwt

@C5A5D5A5 - that's actually not commonplace in muslim society. if you know anything about the media then you know about the portrayal of "the other", if you don't, google it.

This wasn't evil fox news cameras, it was some perp on a cellphone.

But youre right, how dare the evil rightwing media (
) try and report on a woman being stoned to death for refusing a forced marriage. The nerve.

youre kidding with this statement right?

this (for the most part) is a shining example of todays youth.

"the planes that struck wtc were actually holograms, google it"

"zionists planted explosives in wtc, google it"
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by Essential1

Ironic because the Conservative ideology tried to deny women equal rights in this country....

They also view feminism as the downfall of our society....

And the religion that is being thinly veiled defended while bashing another one, advocates for the same type of treatment of woman and was practiced...

Nice argument.. I just hope your neighbor doesn't stone you to death when you work on the Sabbath
Let me guess conservatives also fought for equal rights for black people also...

It is one thing to attempt to write your own facts but you cannot rewrite history.. Well I guess you could because that is the only way the Conservatives can be right when it comes to Civil Rights is when they make their own history..

Tell me, resident liberal shill. When has any conservative stoned a women for refusing to marry him?

This is commonplace is muslim society.

I get a kick out of people defending a group that would love nothing more than to subjugate them and wipe away their basic rights.
your an idiot, do your research before u aimlessly say that this girl got killed for not marrying someone.
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by Essential1

Ironic because the Conservative ideology tried to deny women equal rights in this country....

They also view feminism as the downfall of our society....

And the religion that is being thinly veiled defended while bashing another one, advocates for the same type of treatment of woman and was practiced...

Nice argument.. I just hope your neighbor doesn't stone you to death when you work on the Sabbath
Let me guess conservatives also fought for equal rights for black people also...

It is one thing to attempt to write your own facts but you cannot rewrite history.. Well I guess you could because that is the only way the Conservatives can be right when it comes to Civil Rights is when they make their own history..

Tell me, resident liberal shill. When has any conservative stoned a women for refusing to marry him?

This is commonplace is muslim society.

I get a kick out of people defending a group that would love nothing more than to subjugate them and wipe away their basic rights.
your an idiot, do your research before u aimlessly say that this girl got killed for not marrying someone.
Ths is the second time you've tried to save face for a stupid point with a long winded response.

First of all, brainchild, "honor killings" have nothing to do with islam. They're a result of the customs that permiate a large chunk of muslim society. You're token timmothy mcveigh reference = (i freaking lol'd hard at that one) out the window. Salem witch trials? Lol. At least you're trying.

I really feel guilty debating with you when you throw this gem
Laney admitted bashing her three children in the heads with rocks. She said God told her to do so.
Do you post these things in confidence?

Now, care to address youre initial view (that you cleverly ignored) comparing 1960's conservative domestic platforms to present day honor killings? Go ahead and amuse me.
Ths is the second time you've tried to save face for a stupid point with a long winded response.

First of all, brainchild, "honor killings" have nothing to do with islam. They're a result of the customs that permiate a large chunk of muslim society. You're token timmothy mcveigh reference = (i freaking lol'd hard at that one) out the window. Salem witch trials? Lol. At least you're trying.

I really feel guilty debating with you when you throw this gem
Laney admitted bashing her three children in the heads with rocks. She said God told her to do so.
Do you post these things in confidence?

Now, care to address youre initial view (that you cleverly ignored) comparing 1960's conservative domestic platforms to present day honor killings? Go ahead and amuse me.
I"m no bible thumper, but w/o religion there is no faith, no hope, no belief ........ If you can believe that breaking one of ten laws will send you to a fiery torture pit, then you can believe that you'll be the first in your family to go to college, to leave the ghetto, to leave poverty behind ...... That the bread you lack to fill your stomach today will be there tomorrow ..... Regardless if you believe in religion or like to point out its ills, I for one can't condemn after seeing the hope it puts into people eyes that tomorrow will be a better day than today ............ W/O religion or spirituality what else gives one that hope? Life then becomes this sterile doldrum that shapes your mind in no different a way than the NWO you guys seem to dread on here ....... and to be honest the only other outlet that offers true hope is science but not the kind I'm referring to
I"m no bible thumper, but w/o religion there is no faith, no hope, no belief ........ If you can believe that breaking one of ten laws will send you to a fiery torture pit, then you can believe that you'll be the first in your family to go to college, to leave the ghetto, to leave poverty behind ...... That the bread you lack to fill your stomach today will be there tomorrow ..... Regardless if you believe in religion or like to point out its ills, I for one can't condemn after seeing the hope it puts into people eyes that tomorrow will be a better day than today ............ W/O religion or spirituality what else gives one that hope? Life then becomes this sterile doldrum that shapes your mind in no different a way than the NWO you guys seem to dread on here ....... and to be honest the only other outlet that offers true hope is science but not the kind I'm referring to
More govt propaganda . Ain't no Christians out there really banging on Islam . If so kill yourself.

9/11 was carried out by global entities that cannot be identified because they are everywhere. "globalist" run the world
More govt propaganda . Ain't no Christians out there really banging on Islam . If so kill yourself.

9/11 was carried out by global entities that cannot be identified because they are everywhere. "globalist" run the world
Actually C5A5D5A5 I should respond... But your hatred of Islam is a lost cause.... Why should I bother with your hateful, unintelligent rhetoric that you get from your second hand Anti-Islamic garbage?

You got sonned in the Mosque thread.... You got sonned in here...You bring in assumptions, stereotypes, and typecasting.. While others bring reality and facts... But no one could tell you different because the hate is strong in you..

A more generous person would pray for you.. Me, I will let you live in you ignorant bliss.... You seem to enjoy it there with the irrational and intellectually deficient...
Actually C5A5D5A5 I should respond... But your hatred of Islam is a lost cause.... Why should I bother with your hateful, unintelligent rhetoric that you get from your second hand Anti-Islamic garbage?

You got sonned in the Mosque thread.... You got sonned in here...You bring in assumptions, stereotypes, and typecasting.. While others bring reality and facts... But no one could tell you different because the hate is strong in you..

A more generous person would pray for you.. Me, I will let you live in you ignorant bliss.... You seem to enjoy it there with the irrational and intellectually deficient...
Originally Posted by Essential1

Actually C5A5D5A5 I should respond... But your hatred of Islam is a lost cause.... Why should I bother with your hateful, unintelligent rhetoric that you get from your second hand Anti-Islamic garbage?

You got sonned in the Mosque thread.... You got sonned in here...You bring in assumptions, stereotypes, and typecasting.. While others bring reality and facts... But no one could tell you different because the hate is strong in you..

A more generous person would pray for you.. Me, I will let you live in you ignorant bliss.... You seem to enjoy it there with the irrational and intellectually deficient...

I thought so.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Actually C5A5D5A5 I should respond... But your hatred of Islam is a lost cause.... Why should I bother with your hateful, unintelligent rhetoric that you get from your second hand Anti-Islamic garbage?

You got sonned in the Mosque thread.... You got sonned in here...You bring in assumptions, stereotypes, and typecasting.. While others bring reality and facts... But no one could tell you different because the hate is strong in you..

A more generous person would pray for you.. Me, I will let you live in you ignorant bliss.... You seem to enjoy it there with the irrational and intellectually deficient...

I thought so.
Ths is the second time you've tried to save face for a stupid point with a long winded response.

First of all, brainchild, "honor killings" have nothing to do with islam. They're a result of the customs that permiate a large chunk of muslim society. You're token timmothy mcveigh reference = (i freaking lol'd hard at that one) out the window. Salem witch trials? Lol. At least you're trying.

I really feel guilty debating with you when you throw this gem
Laney admitted bashing her three children in the heads with rocks. She said God told her to do so.
Do you post these things in confidence?

Now, care to address youre initial view (that you cleverly ignored) comparing 1960's conservative domestic platforms to present day honor killings? Go ahead and amuse me.

You do realize that the KKK does in fact, still exist, right? You do realize that they still hold these 1960's Conservative views with high regard? Oh, they don't represent the true Conservatives because they're... wait for it... EXTREMISTS. Right? 
Well, I'm glad we've cleared all of this up. Now just replace KKK with Al Qaeda, Taliban etc. etc and replace 1960's Conservative views with opinions on Shari'a and finally replace Conservatives with Muslims. 

Of course, you still don't understand. Mainly because you'd rather not. 

Also, I love how you "cleverly ignored" Essentials point on abortion. 
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