On September 11th they are going to burn a Koran in NYC (serious)

Ths is the second time you've tried to save face for a stupid point with a long winded response.

First of all, brainchild, "honor killings" have nothing to do with islam. They're a result of the customs that permiate a large chunk of muslim society. You're token timmothy mcveigh reference = (i freaking lol'd hard at that one) out the window. Salem witch trials? Lol. At least you're trying.

I really feel guilty debating with you when you throw this gem
Laney admitted bashing her three children in the heads with rocks. She said God told her to do so.
Do you post these things in confidence?

Now, care to address youre initial view (that you cleverly ignored) comparing 1960's conservative domestic platforms to present day honor killings? Go ahead and amuse me.

You do realize that the KKK does in fact, still exist, right? You do realize that they still hold these 1960's Conservative views with high regard? Oh, they don't represent the true Conservatives because they're... wait for it... EXTREMISTS. Right? 
Well, I'm glad we've cleared all of this up. Now just replace KKK with Al Qaeda, Taliban etc. etc and replace 1960's Conservative views with opinions on Shari'a and finally replace Conservatives with Muslims. 

Of course, you still don't understand. Mainly because you'd rather not. 

Also, I love how you "cleverly ignored" Essentials point on abortion. 
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Actually C5A5D5A5 I should respond... But your hatred of Islam is a lost cause.... Why should I bother with your hateful, unintelligent rhetoric that you get from your second hand Anti-Islamic garbage?

You got sonned in the Mosque thread.... You got sonned in here...You bring in assumptions, stereotypes, and typecasting.. While others bring reality and facts... But no one could tell you different because the hate is strong in you..

A more generous person would pray for you.. Me, I will let you live in you ignorant bliss.... You seem to enjoy it there with the irrational and intellectually deficient...

I thought so.
Dude why bother with you?..... You got sonned on MULTIPLE occasions in the Mosque thread.... You then got sonned in this thread... Then you basically want to talk big like you won the argument... Facts > Assumptions no matter which way you slice it...

"A wise man told me don't argue with fools because people from a distance can't tell who is who" .. That saying that was created long before Jay-Z uttered it was created for people like you... Those who are steadfast in a position.. No amount of fact, research, 1st hand account can make a difference to you... No matter what is said your conclusions is "Hey I am right because I thought it"

Hence why you are called ignorant.....
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Actually C5A5D5A5 I should respond... But your hatred of Islam is a lost cause.... Why should I bother with your hateful, unintelligent rhetoric that you get from your second hand Anti-Islamic garbage?

You got sonned in the Mosque thread.... You got sonned in here...You bring in assumptions, stereotypes, and typecasting.. While others bring reality and facts... But no one could tell you different because the hate is strong in you..

A more generous person would pray for you.. Me, I will let you live in you ignorant bliss.... You seem to enjoy it there with the irrational and intellectually deficient...

I thought so.
Dude why bother with you?..... You got sonned on MULTIPLE occasions in the Mosque thread.... You then got sonned in this thread... Then you basically want to talk big like you won the argument... Facts > Assumptions no matter which way you slice it...

"A wise man told me don't argue with fools because people from a distance can't tell who is who" .. That saying that was created long before Jay-Z uttered it was created for people like you... Those who are steadfast in a position.. No amount of fact, research, 1st hand account can make a difference to you... No matter what is said your conclusions is "Hey I am right because I thought it"

Hence why you are called ignorant.....
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

this is just despicable. I cant believe my own country city sometimes
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Actually C5A5D5A5 I should respond... But your hatred of Islam is a lost cause.... Why should I bother with your hateful, unintelligent rhetoric that you get from your second hand Anti-Islamic garbage?

You got sonned in the Mosque thread.... You got sonned in here...You bring in assumptions, stereotypes, and typecasting.. While others bring reality and facts... But no one could tell you different because the hate is strong in you..

A more generous person would pray for you.. Me, I will let you live in you ignorant bliss.... You seem to enjoy it there with the irrational and intellectually deficient...

I thought so.
Dude why bother with you?..... You got sonned on MULTIPLE occasions in the Mosque thread.... You then got sonned in this thread... Then you basically want to talk big like you won the argument... Facts > Assumptions no matter which way you slice it...

"A wise man told me don't argue with fools because people from a distance can't tell who is who" .. That saying that was created long before Jay-Z uttered it was created for people like you... Those who are steadfast in a position.. No amount of fact, research, 1st hand account can make a difference to you... No matter what is said your conclusions is "Hey I am right because I thought it"

Hence why you are called ignorant.....

Why did you quote me again? you "sonned" me remember? Lol. Take some pride in what you write.

Did you just take a quote from a jay-z rap song? Of course you did.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Actually C5A5D5A5 I should respond... But your hatred of Islam is a lost cause.... Why should I bother with your hateful, unintelligent rhetoric that you get from your second hand Anti-Islamic garbage?

You got sonned in the Mosque thread.... You got sonned in here...You bring in assumptions, stereotypes, and typecasting.. While others bring reality and facts... But no one could tell you different because the hate is strong in you..

A more generous person would pray for you.. Me, I will let you live in you ignorant bliss.... You seem to enjoy it there with the irrational and intellectually deficient...

I thought so.
Dude why bother with you?..... You got sonned on MULTIPLE occasions in the Mosque thread.... You then got sonned in this thread... Then you basically want to talk big like you won the argument... Facts > Assumptions no matter which way you slice it...

"A wise man told me don't argue with fools because people from a distance can't tell who is who" .. That saying that was created long before Jay-Z uttered it was created for people like you... Those who are steadfast in a position.. No amount of fact, research, 1st hand account can make a difference to you... No matter what is said your conclusions is "Hey I am right because I thought it"

Hence why you are called ignorant.....

Why did you quote me again? you "sonned" me remember? Lol. Take some pride in what you write.

Did you just take a quote from a jay-z rap song? Of course you did.
Understanding honor killings requires more than just a youtube video.

A good piece in understanding honor killings has recently been posted by Huffington post.

Written by John L Esposito, Georgetown Professor.
[h1]Honor Killing: Is Violence Against Women a Universal Problem, Not an Islamic issue?[/h1]

John L. Esposito and Sheila B. Lalwani

Washington -- Women are murdered in so-called honor killingseveryday, and the public has a right to know more about these crimesand their victims.

Take India for example. On Saturday, the first-ever Indian Peoples'Tribunal on so-called 'Honour Killings" gathered prominent lawyers andactivists from major Indian non-government organizations, including theHuman Right Law Network, the Women's Legal Forum and the Women'sChristian Association of India, to raise awareness for these crimes.The event followed an incident earlier this summer when two youngpeople from different backgrounds pledged to marry one another but werekilled by their loved ones. Family members perpetrated the so-calledhonor killing to restore their communal standing. Some praised themurderers as heroes, and authorities treated the crime with impunity.

Were the victims Muslim?

No. That's the point.

Gender equity and violence against women are two issues rightfullyattracting more attention in the mainstream press, but in the court ofpublic opinion, Islam is seen as an instigator of women's oppression.Studies show that gender equity is cited as a reason for the public'smistrust of Islam. Mass media message and biased campaigns -- such asthe one Ms. Pamela Geller waged in Chicago in August -- that linkso-called honor killings to Islam miss the opportunity to address whatis truly intolerable: Gender-based violence. Such violence refers tocrimes committed against females and cuts across numerous faiths,cultures and societies.

According to the 2009 United Nations Human Development report,approximately 5,000 people -- the vast majority of them girls and women-- fall victim to so-called honor killings annually. So-called honorkillings are murders, usually committed against female family membersaccused of impugning the family honor. These crimes are symptomatic ofhighly patriarchal systems, where women are held responsible formaintaining personal, family and community honor.

These murders occur in the Islamic World; but, they also take placein other countries, such as India and victims can be Muslim, Christian,Hindu or Sikh. The killings are often treated as a family matter andbecome extra-judicial. Even in rare cases in which perpetrators areprosecuted, sentences are often disappointingly light.

When so-called honor killings are linked to Islam, they ignorenon-Muslim victims and ascribe the issue to "Islam" when these crimesare a cultural phenomenon with a past that pre-dates Islam. So-calledhonor killings occurred in ancient civilizations, including Babylonia,Biblical Israel and Rome.

In fact, there is no justification for so-called honor killing inIslamic law or religion. Similarly, there is no scriptural reasoningfor these crimes in Hindu or Sikh sacred texts.

The Geller ad campaign omitted that in recent years, Muslimscholars, commentators and organizations have condemned these so-calledhonor crimes as an un-Islamic cultural practice. To illustrate, theGrand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, a prominent **** spiritualleader, issued a fatwa banning so-called honor killing and describingit as a "repulsive act, condemned and prohibited by religion." ShaykhAli Gomaa, Egypt's grand mufti, also has spoken out against thesecrimes.

The United Nations has also taken actions to comprehensively addressgender justice and has not addressed so-called honor killings are anexclusively Islamic problem.

These statements rarely get the attention they deserve and thepublic is left to contend with false information that fuel personalagendas and undermine the progress that has been made over the lastseveral years to build global awareness on violence against women.Muslim fathers love their daughters just as much as fathers elsewhere.

We live in an unequal world, and women of every religion are victimsof cruelty. Let's keep that at the forefront of the debate and addresshow to make so-called honor killings and other forms of gender violencehistory, which is exactly where these crimes belong.

Everyone -- Muslim and non-Muslim -- would be better served that way.
Understanding honor killings requires more than just a youtube video.

A good piece in understanding honor killings has recently been posted by Huffington post.

Written by John L Esposito, Georgetown Professor.
[h1]Honor Killing: Is Violence Against Women a Universal Problem, Not an Islamic issue?[/h1]

John L. Esposito and Sheila B. Lalwani

Washington -- Women are murdered in so-called honor killingseveryday, and the public has a right to know more about these crimesand their victims.

Take India for example. On Saturday, the first-ever Indian Peoples'Tribunal on so-called 'Honour Killings" gathered prominent lawyers andactivists from major Indian non-government organizations, including theHuman Right Law Network, the Women's Legal Forum and the Women'sChristian Association of India, to raise awareness for these crimes.The event followed an incident earlier this summer when two youngpeople from different backgrounds pledged to marry one another but werekilled by their loved ones. Family members perpetrated the so-calledhonor killing to restore their communal standing. Some praised themurderers as heroes, and authorities treated the crime with impunity.

Were the victims Muslim?

No. That's the point.

Gender equity and violence against women are two issues rightfullyattracting more attention in the mainstream press, but in the court ofpublic opinion, Islam is seen as an instigator of women's oppression.Studies show that gender equity is cited as a reason for the public'smistrust of Islam. Mass media message and biased campaigns -- such asthe one Ms. Pamela Geller waged in Chicago in August -- that linkso-called honor killings to Islam miss the opportunity to address whatis truly intolerable: Gender-based violence. Such violence refers tocrimes committed against females and cuts across numerous faiths,cultures and societies.

According to the 2009 United Nations Human Development report,approximately 5,000 people -- the vast majority of them girls and women-- fall victim to so-called honor killings annually. So-called honorkillings are murders, usually committed against female family membersaccused of impugning the family honor. These crimes are symptomatic ofhighly patriarchal systems, where women are held responsible formaintaining personal, family and community honor.

These murders occur in the Islamic World; but, they also take placein other countries, such as India and victims can be Muslim, Christian,Hindu or Sikh. The killings are often treated as a family matter andbecome extra-judicial. Even in rare cases in which perpetrators areprosecuted, sentences are often disappointingly light.

When so-called honor killings are linked to Islam, they ignorenon-Muslim victims and ascribe the issue to "Islam" when these crimesare a cultural phenomenon with a past that pre-dates Islam. So-calledhonor killings occurred in ancient civilizations, including Babylonia,Biblical Israel and Rome.

In fact, there is no justification for so-called honor killing inIslamic law or religion. Similarly, there is no scriptural reasoningfor these crimes in Hindu or Sikh sacred texts.

The Geller ad campaign omitted that in recent years, Muslimscholars, commentators and organizations have condemned these so-calledhonor crimes as an un-Islamic cultural practice. To illustrate, theGrand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, a prominent **** spiritualleader, issued a fatwa banning so-called honor killing and describingit as a "repulsive act, condemned and prohibited by religion." ShaykhAli Gomaa, Egypt's grand mufti, also has spoken out against thesecrimes.

The United Nations has also taken actions to comprehensively addressgender justice and has not addressed so-called honor killings are anexclusively Islamic problem.

These statements rarely get the attention they deserve and thepublic is left to contend with false information that fuel personalagendas and undermine the progress that has been made over the lastseveral years to build global awareness on violence against women.Muslim fathers love their daughters just as much as fathers elsewhere.

We live in an unequal world, and women of every religion are victimsof cruelty. Let's keep that at the forefront of the debate and addresshow to make so-called honor killings and other forms of gender violencehistory, which is exactly where these crimes belong.

Everyone -- Muslim and non-Muslim -- would be better served that way.
They also took down Christmas trees in malls etc
it's every religion. And christmas trees are hardly religious
They also took down Christmas trees in malls etc
it's every religion. And christmas trees are hardly religious
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Actually C5A5D5A5 I should respond... But your hatred of Islam is a lost cause.... Why should I bother with your hateful, unintelligent rhetoric that you get from your second hand Anti-Islamic garbage?

You got sonned in the Mosque thread.... You got sonned in here...You bring in assumptions, stereotypes, and typecasting.. While others bring reality and facts... But no one could tell you different because the hate is strong in you..

A more generous person would pray for you.. Me, I will let you live in you ignorant bliss.... You seem to enjoy it there with the irrational and intellectually deficient...

I thought so.
Dude why bother with you?..... You got sonned on MULTIPLE occasions in the Mosque thread.... You then got sonned in this thread... Then you basically want to talk big like you won the argument... Facts > Assumptions no matter which way you slice it...

"A wise man told me don't argue with fools because people from a distance can't tell who is who" .. That saying that was created long before Jay-Z uttered it was created for people like you... Those who are steadfast in a position.. No amount of fact, research, 1st hand account can make a difference to you... No matter what is said your conclusions is "Hey I am right because I thought it"

Hence why you are called ignorant.....

Why did you quote me again? you "sonned" me remember? Lol. Take some pride in what you write.

Did you just take a quote from a jay-z rap song? Of course you did.
Let me one more time son you

Proverbs 29:9 says, "Don’t argue with a fool."
"Don't argue with a fool. The spectators can't tell the difference." - Charles J. Nalin
"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit."
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." - Mark Twain

Check what I said before: "That saying that was created long before Jay-Z uttered it was created for people like you"

You make a statement before you do any research......????? Of course you did.
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Essential1

Actually C5A5D5A5 I should respond... But your hatred of Islam is a lost cause.... Why should I bother with your hateful, unintelligent rhetoric that you get from your second hand Anti-Islamic garbage?

You got sonned in the Mosque thread.... You got sonned in here...You bring in assumptions, stereotypes, and typecasting.. While others bring reality and facts... But no one could tell you different because the hate is strong in you..

A more generous person would pray for you.. Me, I will let you live in you ignorant bliss.... You seem to enjoy it there with the irrational and intellectually deficient...

I thought so.
Dude why bother with you?..... You got sonned on MULTIPLE occasions in the Mosque thread.... You then got sonned in this thread... Then you basically want to talk big like you won the argument... Facts > Assumptions no matter which way you slice it...

"A wise man told me don't argue with fools because people from a distance can't tell who is who" .. That saying that was created long before Jay-Z uttered it was created for people like you... Those who are steadfast in a position.. No amount of fact, research, 1st hand account can make a difference to you... No matter what is said your conclusions is "Hey I am right because I thought it"

Hence why you are called ignorant.....

Why did you quote me again? you "sonned" me remember? Lol. Take some pride in what you write.

Did you just take a quote from a jay-z rap song? Of course you did.
Let me one more time son you

Proverbs 29:9 says, "Don’t argue with a fool."
"Don't argue with a fool. The spectators can't tell the difference." - Charles J. Nalin
"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit."
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." - Mark Twain

Check what I said before: "That saying that was created long before Jay-Z uttered it was created for people like you"

You make a statement before you do any research......????? Of course you did.
Let me one more time son you

Proverbs 29:9 says, "Don’t argue with a fool."
"Don't argue with a fool. The spectators can't tell the difference." - Charles J. Nalin

Check what I said before: "That saying that was created long before Jay-Z uttered it was created for people like you"

You make a statement before you do any research......????? Of course you did.

thats rich. I take it you discovered the quote on you own right? Because of your passion for christianity. Hah, yea right.

How big of a whole would you like to dig?
Let me one more time son you

Proverbs 29:9 says, "Don’t argue with a fool."
"Don't argue with a fool. The spectators can't tell the difference." - Charles J. Nalin

Check what I said before: "That saying that was created long before Jay-Z uttered it was created for people like you"

You make a statement before you do any research......????? Of course you did.

thats rich. I take it you discovered the quote on you own right? Because of your passion for christianity. Hah, yea right.

How big of a whole would you like to dig?
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Ths is the second time you've tried to save face for a stupid point with a long winded response.

First of all, brainchild, "honor killings" have nothing to do with islam. They're a result of the customs that permiate a large chunk of muslim society. You're token timmothy mcveigh reference = (i freaking lol'd hard at that one) out the window. Salem witch trials? Lol. At least you're trying.

I really feel guilty debating with you when you throw this gem
Laney admitted bashing her three children in the heads with rocks. She said God told her to do so.
Do you post these things in confidence?

Now, care to address youre initial view (that you cleverly ignored) comparing 1960's conservative domestic platforms to present day honor killings? Go ahead and amuse me.

You do realize that the KKK does in fact, still exist, right? You do realize that they still hold these 1960's Conservative views with high regard? Oh, they don't represent the true Conservatives because they're... wait for it... EXTREMISTS. Right? 
Well, I'm glad we've cleared all of this up. Now just replace KKK with Al Qaeda, Taliban etc. etc and replace 1960's Conservative views with opinions on Shari'a and finally replace Conservatives with Muslims. 

Of course, you still don't understand. Mainly because you'd rather not. 

Also, I love how you "cleverly ignored" Essentials point on abortion. 

Nice spin.

1960's conservative views on women = on par with honor killing.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Ths is the second time you've tried to save face for a stupid point with a long winded response.

First of all, brainchild, "honor killings" have nothing to do with islam. They're a result of the customs that permiate a large chunk of muslim society. You're token timmothy mcveigh reference = (i freaking lol'd hard at that one) out the window. Salem witch trials? Lol. At least you're trying.

I really feel guilty debating with you when you throw this gem
Laney admitted bashing her three children in the heads with rocks. She said God told her to do so.
Do you post these things in confidence?

Now, care to address youre initial view (that you cleverly ignored) comparing 1960's conservative domestic platforms to present day honor killings? Go ahead and amuse me.

You do realize that the KKK does in fact, still exist, right? You do realize that they still hold these 1960's Conservative views with high regard? Oh, they don't represent the true Conservatives because they're... wait for it... EXTREMISTS. Right? 
Well, I'm glad we've cleared all of this up. Now just replace KKK with Al Qaeda, Taliban etc. etc and replace 1960's Conservative views with opinions on Shari'a and finally replace Conservatives with Muslims. 

Of course, you still don't understand. Mainly because you'd rather not. 

Also, I love how you "cleverly ignored" Essentials point on abortion. 

Nice spin.

1960's conservative views on women = on par with honor killing.
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