One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

All this fake outrage is funny

when everybody walking around saying the same word with an a at the end so that makes it diffrent and tolerated and embraced lol fools...
the a gives it a diffrent meaning....
Lol so funny
The youth kept that word alive
Should of deaded that disrespectful derogatory word years ago

But it's okay it's got an a at the end

Serious question, did you watch the video? :lol:
All this fake outrage is funny

when everybody walking around saying the same word with an a at the end so that makes it diffrent and tolerated and embraced lol fools...
the a gives it a diffrent meaning....
Lol so funny
The youth kept that word alive
Should of deaded that disrespectful derogatory word years ago

But it's okay it's got an a at the end

Boy was used as a derrogatory word, should we stop saying that too?

Lol N worth with an A and ER ARE NOT THE SAME. the ER totally changes the the intentions of the word. I'm tired of these "how come blacks can say it but we (whites" can't.

My question is why do you want to say it? Lol culture thieves. If a racist White can't do something they don't want anyone else to be able to do it, dat der privilege.
Ahh, the good ole ya'll say so why can't I? Lol

Women call each other the b word all the time but it would be foolish for me to do so.

Keep it moving man. There have been other slurs that have been ameliorated before. I don't use the term but I don't judge others that do and if your not black why are you even worried about it?
Do you play any video games on Xbox Live?

I hear this **** alllllllll day depending on what game I'm playing.

What it all boils down to is me not caring about this. A young white kid said something racist behind closed doors? Welcome to the internet.

So that makes it ok? Because everyone does it its ok. The backbone of you're argument is horrible.

I said it was okay?

What exactly is my argument, oh great sage?
Troll radar on blue lion...

Its okay to disagree... But I'm getting troll vibes from him.
hard to have a serious discussion when you can't type a proper statement

I'm at work typing from mobile, miss me with that. You know you're a Dr.Tom and feel threatened by anything and anyone speaking out against your master. You can comprehend everything I'm saying, don't matter if I forget to punctuate or my iPhone didn't catch a spelling error.

I can already see you're one of those "blacks are their own worst enemy" types.
Ahh, the good ole ya'll say so why can't I? Lol

Women call each other the b word all the time but it would be foolish for me to do so.

Keep it moving man. There have been other slurs that have been ameliorated before. I don't use the term but I don't judge others that do and if your not black why are you even worried about it?

Wow :lol:

A "word" is only as power as its connotation.
I'm at work typing from mobile, miss me with that. You know you're a Dr.Tom and feel threatened by anything and anyone speaking out against your master. You can comprehend everything I'm saying, don't matter if I forget to punctuate or my iPhone didn't catch a spelling error.

I can already see you're one of those "blacks are their own worst enemy" types.

actually you couldn't be further from the truth but you just like to talk loud with little coming out then make statements like you just made to try and hammer home the hallow words
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actually you couldn't be further from the truth but you just like to talk loud with little coming out then make statements like you just made to try and hammer home the hallow words

Talk loud? Lol bro not sure how you read text that aren't using exclamation points as loud.

Dudes will save a white woman that broke her nail before saving their mom that's tied to railroad tracks.

new blacks
Like I said, it doesn't matter WHAT is said, it's just WHO is saying it what matters

White people "cant" recite the lyrics to "My N word"

Group called NWA?
Blacks can say "N words with attitude"
Whites? "NWA"

Who's really on the wrong side of this?
hard to have a serious discussion when you can't type a proper statement

I'm at work typing from mobile, miss me with that. You know you're a Dr.Tom and feel threatened by anything and anyone speaking out against your master. You can comprehend everything I'm saying, don't matter if I forget to punctuate or my iPhone didn't catch a spelling error.

I can already see you're one of those "blacks are their own worst enemy" types.

Stillin is white ain't he? He can't be a tom. :lol:
Like I said, it doesn't matter WHAT is said, it's just WHO is saying it what matters

White people "cant" recite the lyrics to "My N word"

Group called NWA?
Blacks can say "N words with attitude"
Whites? "NWA"

Who's really on the wrong side of this?

If you ask me NWA were used to tear down the black community but that's another topic.
Like I said, it doesn't matter WHAT is said, it's just WHO is saying it what matters

White people "cant" recite the lyrics to "My N word"

Group called NWA?
Blacks can say "N words with attitude"
Whites? "NWA"

Who's really on the wrong side of this?

If you ask me NWA were used to tear down the black community but that's another topic.

Which is exactly why the forefront of rap is where it's at and concious rappers are on the back burner being paid no attention. I 100% agree.
How these rappers rap about killing drugs infidelity but thank GOD at award shows?
Like I said, it doesn't matter WHAT is said, it's just WHO is saying it what matters

White people "cant" recite the lyrics to "My N word"

Group called NWA?
Blacks can say "N words with attitude"
Whites? "NWA"

Who's really on the wrong side of this?
Are you black??
Like I said, it doesn't matter WHAT is said, it's just WHO is saying it what matters

White people "cant" recite the lyrics to "My N word"

Group called NWA?
Blacks can say "N words with attitude"
Whites? "NWA"

Who's really on the wrong side of this?
If you ask me NWA were used to tear down the black community but that's another topic.
I would like to hear your concept.
Which is exactly why the forefront of rap is where it's at and concious rappers are on the back burner being paid no attention. I 100% agree.

Exactly cats want to blame rappers as if they are the ones selecting what tracks go on their albums and what songs play on the radio.
Look at that era you had most rappers preaching knowledge of self and speaking about the daily struggle while "gangsta rap" came and started spewing negative things, they only thing is back then there was balance on the mainstream level at least.
I don't use that word in any way at all
EVER no a no er no nuthin

It's not part of my culture...
We laugh at you kids of all races walking around calling eachother something that derived from sum so ugly

But kids gave it a new meaning?
Haha okay cool that's great lol

Friends have said it and we laugh
but me naw..
Why not say brother
Why keep that word alive in any way
Should of been deaded a while back

That Isnt classy go to a fine dining resteraunt and as for a table of two my you know what

See what table u get
See how they look at you
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I don't use that word in any way at all

It's not part of my culture...
We laugh at you kids of all races walking around calling eachother something that derived from sum so ugly

But kids gave it a new meaning?
Haha okay cool

Friends says it but me naw..
Why not say brother
Why keep that word alive in any way
Should of been dreaded a while back

Did you also stop saying the word boy or monkey?
The fact you even have to ask is the biggest part of the problem.

exactly what I was talking about; you assumed I was black then found out I wasn't so you can't have that "serious discussion" so you make statements like that

hallow words; hallow words
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