One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

The problem with these discussions here on NT is that people absolutely refuse to move their sticks an inch to hear another POV. They start personal attacks and get on a high-horse about who can/can't be racist.

You got it dude
Talking about white and black passes
What the heck is that?
No1 gets a pass from ignorance

My people are "white" and we were slaves before any African American slaves does that give us passes lol..

We don't give no care what you call us

We stood tall on our feet and fought our way out on some
Heck no we won't go

Real man ****
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Yes. Yes I do, actually.  That's like saying you can't have an argument about a war with a veteran.

Again...a cheap way to discredit another's opinion.  If your argument is so strong, you should be able to support it with your facts and assertions.  

War is bigger than being a soldier. There are many people who are effected by war. Whether you be a widow, had family that was in wars, been invovled with a war in your country and so on. But if you are from a planet where war does not exist and you just read about it on the internet than no you can not have a real discussion of war because you only have read about it while the person youre arguing with will actually know about it. At that point you can only receive knowledge from them, not debate them.

You have white posters who have absolutely no idea what racism is and how offensive someone saying they want to join an organization that supports genocide.
Yes. Yes I do, actually.  That's like saying you can't have an argument about a war with a veteran.

Again...a cheap way to discredit another's opinion.  If your argument is so strong, you should be able to support it with your facts and assertions.  
War is bigger than being a soldier. There are many people who are effected by war. Whether you be a widow, had family that was in wars, been invovled with a war in your country and so on. But if you are from a planet where war does not exist and you just read about it on the internet than no you can not have a real discussion of war because you only have read about it while the person youre arguing with will actually know about it. At that point you can only receive knowledge from them, not debate them.

You have white posters who have absolutely no idea what racism is and how offensive someone saying they want to join an organization that supports genocide.
Don't bring the aliens into this, man. They didn't do anything to you.

The last two sentences in the first paragraph sums up the attitude I hate in a nutshell.  It basically states: "You have no idea what other people go through, therefore any opinion you have is automatically invalid.  Do not question us, no matter how questionable our assertions are.  Just shut up and we'll tell you how to think on the issue."
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The fact that he's done all this and has done everything in his power to try and adapt to black culture is what's ridiculously funny to me. Hate & envy at the same time :smh:

Again, im failing to see how he tries to adapt to black culture...
just watched the vid :smh: :x dude knew what he was saying.

Even the friend in the background was like don't say it, but JB still said it anyway.
Again, im failing to see how he tries to adapt to black culture...

Hiphop music is Black Culture, R&B is black Culture, He uses slang that is derived from black culture, He adopted a whole new set of black artist and changed his whole style of song writing to adapt to what's deemed as black culture. Period
just watched the vid
dude knew what he was saying.

Even the friend in the background was like don't say it, but JB still said it anyway.
Did you even look at the first page or you just posted?
pretty sure that was the gist of what you said hence the "lol" to try and deflect away from it

Now you're showing your colors, twisting words to hide your subconscious racist ideals being exposed. Don't tell me what I meant when I know what I meant.

Find my quote and post it in here nothing I said was even close to what you're trying to imply.

Do you call everyone you meet your friend? Let me guess you can't be racist because you have black "friends"? Let me guess everyone in majority black slum in Brazil is racist because they don't have white friends and don't go out their way for force a friend ship with a white person.

That heat got you using all the racist tricks lol jig is up
Your boy, the non-racist, Lucky Luchiano : 

"There are tons of white people I'm cool with, because I don't call tem friend, does that mean we can't work together to make things better for our society?"

"...because I did not share any critical life experience with a White person to consider one my friend, "

He wants people he doesn't even consider friends, to band together with him to make a change. 
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Now you're showing your colors, twisting words to hide your subconscious racist ideals being exposed. Don't tell me what I meant when I know what I meant.

Find my quote and post it in here nothing I said was even close to what you're trying to imply.

Do you call everyone you meet your friend? Let me guess you can't be racist because you have black "friends"? Let me guess everyone in majority black slum in Brazil is racist because they don't have white friends and don't go out their way for force a friend ship with a white person.

That heat got you using all the racist tricks lol jig is up

just see the post above this one for true colors; the more you talk the worse it gets
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Your boy, the non-racist, Lucky Luchiano : 

"There are tons of white people I'm cool with, because I don't call tem friend, does that mean we can't work together to make things better for our society?"

"...because I did not share any critical life experience with a White person to consider one my friend, "

This is out of context, and in response to a discussion Lucky and I were having.

If Soulja Boy can say Bieber isn't racist, I'm gonna say that I don't think Lucky is racist.

Please stop associating white privilege with individuals and assuming white people have "subconscious racist ideals". White privilege is real across society but most wouldn't even know what the hell it was unless it was explained to them. I know that I didn't, but I now recognize it. Give white people a chance to be your friend man.
I actually saw another vid where they put the vid from the 1st page along with the chainsaw joke together. So that's why I said he knew what he was saying.
This is out of context, and in response to a discussion Lucky and I were having.

If Soulja Boy can say Bieber isn't racist, I'm gonna say that I don't think Lucky is racist.

Please stop associating white privilege with individuals and assuming white people have "subconscious racist ideals". White privilege is real across society but most wouldn't even know what the hell it was unless it was explained to them. I know that I didn't, but I now recognize it. Give white people a chance to be your friend man.
very unbiased response right here
Your boy, the non-racist, Lucky Luchiano : 

"There are tons of white people I'm cool with, because I don't call tem friend, does that mean we can't work together to make things better for our society?"

"...because I did not share any critical life experience with a White person to consider one my friend, "

He wants people he doesn't even consider friends, to band together with him to make a change. 

So I'm suppose to call every white person I'm cordial with my friend to please you? Lol I don't call ANYONE my friend just because we are cool, man get the hell out of here. You and Stillin really showing your racist tricks now. If I hold the door open for a white woman at the gym I have to now call her my friend or else I'm racist? The white guy at work I talk about fitness about I have to call him my friend or else I'm racist? Lol no wonder all you racist have "black friends"
This is out of context, and in response to a discussion Lucky and I were having.

If Soulja Boy can say Bieber isn't racist, I'm gonna say that I don't think Lucky is racist.

Please stop associating white privilege with individuals and assuming white people have "subconscious racist ideals". White privilege is real across society but most wouldn't even know what the hell it was unless it was explained to them. I know that I didn't, but I now recognize it. Give white people a chance to be your friend man.

Once again dudes read what they want.

Let me ask you this.

If you grew up in a majority white community, went to a majority white school and had a group of people who you shared life experiences with and you consider those people your friends/brothers, are you racist if non of them are black?
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