One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

I'm gonna catch flack for this but I feel like a lot of (black) users here have some kind of unwarranted hate towards white people in general.
I'm white and couldn't care less but I feel like a lot of people here are hypocrits. Dudes post 'white people gonna white' and similar things all the time but if a white person was to say 'blacks gonna black' in a similar situation there'd be outrage.

A new challenger arrives lol
Is this even about that ignorant fool spewing stuff that only scum would?
After Usher made him who he is?

Or is this about NTers in this forum accusing others of being racist or having some sort of supremacist mind-set?
I'm sure any racist comments on these boards automatically gets you the banz, Meth def. doesn't put up with it.

Dudes on here love to point fingers and make others look like the "bad guy". It's like a new thing on this forum or something.

I just can't believe he had that after usher signed him, on top of that he did it to a song that usher wrote for him, that's crazy
I'm gonna catch flack for this but I feel like a lot of (black) users here have some kind of unwarranted hate towards white people in general.
I'm white and couldn't care less but I feel like a lot of people here are hypocrits. Dudes post 'white people gonna white' and similar things all the time but if a white person was to say 'blacks gonna black' in a similar situation there'd be outrage.

I'm gonna catch flack for this but I feel like a lot of (black) users here have some kind of unwarranted hate towards white people in general.
I'm white and couldn't care less but I feel like a lot of people here are hypocrits. Dudes post 'white people gonna white' and similar things all the time but if a white person was to say 'blacks gonna black' in a similar situation there'd be outrage.

THIS! My whole point. That double standard is heavy
I'm gonna catch flack for this but I feel like a lot of (black) users here have some kind of unwarranted hate towards white people in general.
I'm white and couldn't care less but I feel like a lot of people here are hypocrits. Dudes post 'white people gonna white' and similar things all the time but if a white person was to say 'blacks gonna black' in a similar situation there'd be outrage.

I don't think anyone is being hypocritical about the topic. It's not like any black posters have said they want to join the nazis so there could be one less lonely jew.

A lot of you guys are used to black people being doormats to white privilege that you think we hate white people by standing up for ourselves. What he said was clearly racist and makes him a racist
Yea you get lulz thinking "damn he sees right through my racist tricks"
 You're just so dumb man. Calling someone a racist is the easy way out of a debate. It's hilarious that you feel like you're doing some justice to your people by spewing nonsense on a internet forum. Actually do something in your community, join some activist parties, do SOMETHING instead of looking like a tool on the internet. 
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I'm gonna catch flack for this but I feel like a lot of (black) users here have some kind of unwarranted hate towards white people in general.
I'm white and couldn't care less but I feel like a lot of people here are hypocrits. Dudes post 'white people gonna white' and similar things all the time but if a white person was to say 'blacks gonna black' in a similar situation there'd be outrage.
I don't think anyone is being hypocritical about the topic. It's not like any black posters have said they want to join the nazis so there could be one less lonely jew.

A lot of you guys are used to black people being doormats to white privilege that you think we hate white people by standing up for ourselves. What he said was clearly racist and makes him a racist
Aaaaand Godwin's Law prevails yet again.'s_law
A new challenger arrives lol
Wasn't talking about you specifically. You can't deny that racism towards white people gets looked over or even given a pass on here is more common than racism towards black people.

I'm not calling out anyone specifically, I'm just saying that's my observation over the time that I've been here.

Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you advocating for racial segregation a while back?
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Why can't us papis just get along and let HeelBieb heel?
Da Biebs was 14. He was a kid! Who the **** cares?!

Black People always overreact and are sensitive. I wish you'd react like this to REAL issues. Yeah, I took it there.

Cats showing their true colors now. Now dudes want to blame blacks for all of these racist acts by people who happen to be white. When there is news of a minority doing the same acts to someone else of another race best believe they will get that fire too. But when has anything like that happened recently?
Is this even about that ignorant fool spewing stuff that only scum would?
After Usher made him who he is?

Or is this about NTers in this forum accusing others of being racist or having some sort of supremacist mind-set?
I'm sure any racist comments on these boards automatically gets you the banz, Meth def. doesn't put up with it.

Dudes on here love to point fingers and make others look like the "bad guy". It's like a new thing on this forum or something.
I just can't believe he had that after usher signed him, on top of that he did it to a song that usher wrote for him, that's crazy
Fam, you can't be surprised at how some people are just brought up or what they pick up from their friends who were also brought up a certain way. What he said was extremely hateful, especially when referencing the KKK?

C'mon, man. That's like making a song about hitler.
Straight pathetic and if it weren't for Usher, he would still be making mediocre youtube videos.
And again.'s_law
Wasn't talking about you specifically. You can't deny that racism towards white people gets looked over or even given a pass on here is more common than racism towards black people.
I'm not calling out anyone specifically, I'm just saying that's my observation.
Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you advocating for racial segregation?

Do you realize segregation occurs by other ethnicities all over America. Have you heard of Korea town? Little Italy? Why is it ok for other ethnicities to have their own communities backed by their own people but it's bad for black people do to that?
Cats showing their true colors now. Now dudes want to blame blacks for all of these racist acts by people who happen to be white. When there is news of a minority doing the same acts to someone else of another race best believe they will get that fire too. But when has anything like that happened recently?


Wasn't talking about you specifically. You can't deny that racism towards white people gets looked over or even given a pass on here is more common than racism towards black people.
I'm not calling out anyone specifically, I'm just saying that's my observation.
Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you advocating for racial segregation?
Do you realize segregation occurs by other ethnicities all over America. Have you heard of Korea town? Little Italy? Why is it ok for other ethnicities to have their own communities backed by their own people but it's bad for black people do to that?
I wouldn't even be surprised if Lucky isn't even black. Probably a troll sent from 4chan to rustle jimmies. 
Wasn't talking about you specifically. You can't deny that racism towards white people gets looked over or even given a pass on here is more common than racism towards black people.
I'm not calling out anyone specifically, I'm just saying that's my observation over the time that I've been here.
Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you advocating for racial segregation a while back?

Never advocated segregation I bring up Nationalism and group economics which blacks were practicing (because they had no choice) during the times of segregation. Once again dudes reading what they want to read.

My argument is who can blacks integrate when as a whole we are not prepared to compete and contribute? I say blacks need to practice group economics to build our broken communities before focusing on integrating and racist flip it and say I'm pro segregation. Once again more Racist Jedi mind tricks.
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