One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

When people kept using the defense of he's only 14 in the vid, it automatically reminded me of this Chappelle Skit:

Start at 3:02

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So I'm suppose to call every white person I'm cordial with my friend to please you? Lol I don't call ANYONE my friend just because we are cool, man get the hell out of here. You and Stillin really showing your racist tricks now. If I hold the door open for a white woman at the gym I have to now call her my friend or else I'm racist? The white guy at work I talk about fitness about I have to call him my friend or else I'm racist? Lol no wonder all you racist have "black friends"

I wish you understood how ridiculous you sound right now

it's pretty clear you see white people as one and the same
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Once again dudes read what they want.

Let me ask you this.

If you grew up in a majority white community, went to a majority white school and had a group of people who you shared life experiences with and you consider those people your friends/brothers, are you racist if non of them are black?

Dude I totally get it. But you are an adult now and I'm assuming you have white co-workers and meet more white people than you were when you were growing up. I'm just asking you to please not pawn off the "subconscious racist ideals" thing to the new white people you meet (potential friends maybe?) because although they may benefit from white privilege, chances are they are probably not advocating for it or using it to get ahead on blacks. If that makes sense. It doesn't have to be "us vs them" and I see more people of different races helping eachother than hurting eachother nowadays.
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So I'm suppose to call every white person I'm cordial with my friend to please you? Lol I don't call ANYONE my friend just because we are cool, man get the hell out of here. You and Stillin really showing your racist tricks now. If I hold the door open for a white woman at the gym I have to now call her my friend or else I'm racist? The white guy at work I talk about fitness about I have to call him my friend or else I'm racist? Lol no wonder all you racist have "black friends"

I'm gonna tell you from other debates on here involving damn near anything stillin deflets from main points to point fingers at other people. deflect, Deflect, deflect
I'm gonna tell you from other debates on here involving damn near anything stillin deflets from main points to point fingers at other people. deflect, Deflect, deflect

you and Lucky are one and the same I would expect you to show up here with the cape on
Dude I totally get it. But you are an adult now and I'm assuming you have white co-workers and meet more white people than you were when you were growing up. I'm just asking you to please not pawn off the "subconscious racist ideals" thing to the new white people you meet (potential friends maybe?) because although they may benefit from white privilege, chances are they are probably not advocating for it or using it to get ahead on blacks. If that makes sense.

Bruh we obviously have different definitions of friends. I literally have 4 people I consider friends and I consider them friends because we been through the thick and thin, am I suppose to force life situations to happen with a white person so I can say I have a white friend? I Have NEVER said I'm against having a white friend, once again dudes are reading what they want in order to throw the heat off people calling them out. I have roommates that I don't consider friends but more so dudes I'm cool with, does that mean I'm not giving black people a chance to be my friend?
what exactly is a "critical life situation" that disallows being friends with someone who is white? serious question
Bruh we obviously have different definitions of friends. I literally have 4 people I consider friends and I consider them friends because we been through the thick and thin, am I suppose to force life situations to happen with a white person so I can say I have a white friend? I Have NEVER said I'm against having a white friend, once again dudes are reading what they want in order to throw the heat off people calling them out. I have roommates that I don't consider friends but more so dudes I'm cool with, does that mean I'm not giving black people a chance to be my friend?

Nah man. It's ok you don't have white friends. And honestly I don't feel like the heat is on me if anything I'm trying to get it off you because I hear what you're saying. Don't attack me bro :lol:
Lol bruh you're trying too hard now

He knows EXACTLY what he's doing, and it's clear as day in your post that your trying to communicate that you hold friends to a high standard whether blk/whi. you have a small circle of friends who meet your criteria, none of them as of now are white & it's not because of their color it's because you don't consider people friends unless you have created a real bond with them.

This is something that anybody can clearly get from your statement, he just wants to throw things off, give your energy to others in the post who are actually having intelligent comments like Hennessy.
Nah man. It's ok you don't have white friends. And honestly I don't feel like the heat is on me if anything I'm trying to get it off you because I hear what you're saying. Don't attack me bro :lol:

Nah I'm not attacking you, I already know where you stand, I'm speaking to people Stillin. Lol he wants me to explain why there weren't white people in my life I guess, well I grew up in a lower middle class area so ask yourself why there weren't any whites in my community for me to have life experiences with. Stillin is it my fault white people left my area when blacks moved in thus preventing me to even be able to grow up with white kids to consider them friends? But I'm the racist. I can only have life experiences with people who were around me my entire life, what is hard to grasp about that concept? But the black man is racist because his white neighbors bounce because the area is becoming "too urban".
How is anything Lucky said racist?

Dudes cant even state their opinion or give their point of view without being labeled :rolleyes
How is anything Lucky said racist?

Dudes cant even state their opinion or give their point of view without being labeled :rolleyes

Man it's sad I've said it before the new racist are these liberal cats who want to preach racism doesn't exist to make minorities believe things are sweet. They call you a racist when you speak out against a racist system. Stillin even had the never to say I think all white people are the same when I have NEVER said that. Once again dudes preach we are all equal but when a minority speaks out against the system and then wants a piece of the economic pie cats feel their privilege being threatened and get in defense mode.
Man it's sad I've said it before the new racist are these liberal cats who want to preach racism doesn't exist to make minorities believe things are sweet. They call you a racist when you speak out against a racist system. Stillin even had the never to say I think all white people are the same when I have NEVER said that. Once again dudes preach we are all equal but when a minority speaks out against the system and then wants a piece of the economic pie cats feel their privilege being threatened and get in defense mode.
 You're the only one who attacks people and calls them a racist when they don't agree with your beliefs. You called every single person in this thread a racist, including black people. You are delusional. 
:lol:  You're the only one who attacks people and calls them a racist when they don't agree with your beliefs. You called every single person in this thread a racist, including black people. You are delusional. 

Only people who feel attacked are the racist lol they feel that privilege being threatened.
Is this even about that ignorant fool spewing stuff that only scum would?
After Usher made him who he is?

Or is this about NTers in this forum accusing others of being racist or having some sort of supremacist mind-set?
I'm sure any racist comments on these boards automatically gets you the banz, Meth def. doesn't put up with it.

Dudes on here love to point fingers and make others look like the "bad guy". It's like a new thing on this forum or something.
Is this even about that ignorant fool spewing stuff that only scum would?
After Usher made him who he is?

Or is this about NTers in this forum accusing others of being racist or having some sort of supremacist mind-set?
I'm sure any racist comments on these boards automatically gets you the banz, Meth def. doesn't put up with it.

Dudes on here love to point fingers and make others look like the "bad guy". It's like a new thing on this forum or something.

You can say that again. :smh:
I'm gonna catch flack for this but I feel like a lot of (black) users here have some kind of unwarranted hate towards white people in general.

I'm white and couldn't care less but I feel like a lot of people here are hypocrits. Dudes post 'white people gonna white' and similar things all the time but if a white person was to say 'blacks gonna black' in a similar situation there'd be outrage.
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