One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

Diego all over the place, first it's deflecting about Michael Jackson now it's Lucky Luciano shoots teenagers...keep reaching for them straws.  Lucky and Method Man are dropping gems on you closet racist bamas.
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ITT - Lucky gets checked then he tells people to shut the hell up until Meth can come in and articulate for him.

And Meth didn't articulate anything he just said it in a "nice" manner. I aint got time to be nice to you racist, we exposing you clowns :smokin
View media item 1010438

I already said what I had to say, but you got me rolling over here.

Yea, ifs funny calling other people racists huh?

Big joke.
Don't know what you're talking about and I don't care. Thanks for quoting me. I read it again and laughed.
Man dudes throw that "your racist" term around here way to freely for as damming of an accusation that is to call someone.

Just because someone disagrees with your view or opinion doesn't make them a racist or an Uncle Tom.

Bieber is a clown though for saying all that stuff though.
ITT - Lucky gets checked then he tells people to shut the hell up until Meth can come in and articulate for him.

And Meth didn't articulate anything he just said it in a "nice" manner. I aint got time to be nice to you racist, we exposing you clowns :smokin
View media item 1010438

I already said what I had to say, but you got me rolling over here.

Yea, ifs funny calling other people racists huh?

Big joke.
Don't know what you're talking about and I don't care. Thanks for quoting me. I read it again and laughed.

I didn't expect you to.
Lol you mad cause I found a post funny. Womp womp.
Did I say racism doesn't exist? Did I allude to that in anyway?

My point is that "racist" shouldn't be used as an any size fits all insult for anyone that disagrees with you

If someone says "I don't think _____ is racist" that doesn't necessarily make that person a racist themselves.

Read the thread bro, I`m not insulting anyone, calling someone a racist when they are continuously showing their racist tendencies is calling a spade a spade. And my stance is racism is wrong, everyone should have equal opportunity to compete, and racist ideologies should not be tolerated by anyone, if one disagrees with that what does that make them? lol exactly.
People don't want to eliminate the word. That's another issue.

I just can't believe people are :smh: at Sterling, but at the same time :rolleyes at Bieber.
The more you just throw around the word "racist" the more it loses it's meaning.

You're ruining your little mission.
The more you just throw around the word "racist" the more it loses it's meaning.

You're ruining your little mission.

Naw my mission is accomplished, every one sees your true colors, I`m just the only one still wasting time entertaining you.

You're dismissed.
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I'm white and I'm racist towards my own people.

Hell, I just hate society as a whole...well, the majority of it...:lol:
I find that the more someone uses the word "racist" , the more insecure they are.

You will never hear a minority of power/success constantly complain about racism as much as others do. They are successful and acknowledge it exists, but never use it as an excuse for everything.

majority of these Minorities "in power" are part of the problem, why would they bite the racist hand that feeds them? How is calling out a system making excuse?

hell did you not just read what "successful minority" Dwayne Carter just said?
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Why is NT so infatuated with Bieber, Kanye and Jay-Z? 

So many other people out there worth 30+ page threads.
Exactly my point. Now an excuse for a minority's success is because they don't bite a racist hand that feeds them? Fam, that's a racist *** statement.

Filled with jealousy and insecurity.

bruh you can't be serious right now. CANT BE. You don't even know what racist means.
The more you just throw around the word "racist" the more it loses it's meaning.

You're ruining your little mission.

Naw my mission is accomplished, every one sees your true colors, I`m just the only one still wasting time entertaining you.

You're dismissed.

You delusional, b.
you got a few heads backing you and a few others still coming at you and your insecurities.

"Fools thinking they doing it" thread in disguise.
I'm happy this happened right after the sterling thing. Hypocrites will begin to reveal themselves.
from Webster's dictionary

Racist: anyone who doesn't agree with Niketalker LuckyLuchiano

Sounds about right
You telling me that minorities are only successful due to them being puppets and not biting the racist hand that feeds them is an extremely hateful and racist statement .

It's starting to look like you're the racist exploding all of your true feelings towards certain people, onto all the other people in here, like an insecure teen.

when did I said that? You're reading what you want to read now.

I wish you continued luck on your racist witch hunt.

Thanks, won't stop till the racist system in America is no more, and EVERYONE has a chance to work together and prosper, and not have to worry about ppl doing hateful things and idiots acting like its ok.
Lucky you make some fair points and I understand your arguments but you let your emotions get the best of you so you're comments come out wrong sometimes.
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