One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

I'm asking Lucky. He seems to have very extreme views, saying that minorities can't be racist. His answer would surely tell a lot about his state of mind.

The hesitance by so many of you to acknowledge that a recognized hate group is racist is kind of alarming.
I am not sure what bringing up the KKK has to do with anything man; they are one of the worst, if not the worst organization currently active in this country
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Is the NBPP racist? A yes or no would be okay.

Racist? no. Do they make extreme statements and stereotype all whites as being the same yes. NBBP is a group put together for the sole purpose of defending blacks after 400+ yrs of blacks not having a group to defend them from the likes of the KKK and local governments.

Let me ask you this, if you were a child and watched your mom be brutally gRAPED by 100 black men, would you not have feelings towards black men? Does that situation mean all black men are the same? NO, but seeing that will cause you to think a certain way purely out of human nature. The same way you have people who have one situation happen and they forever stereotype all people of that race this is no different, the only thing is it is documented that racist who happened to be whites were doing these things to blacks for centuries. kkk on the other hand is a terrorist group, blacks,gays,Asians,etc never did ANYTHING to them yet they go out their way to wreak havoc on these people.
I'm asking Lucky. He seems to have very extreme views, saying that minorities can't be racist. His answer would surely tell a lot about his state of mind.

The hesitance by so many of you to acknowledge that a recognized hate group is racist is kind of alarming.

Who hesitated? You clearly answered your own question deeming your question as rhetorical. At that point you move on to prove your point which you haven't yet.

Do you even English 101 bro?
I'm only on pg 23 and so many posters have revealed themselves as racists or at least questionably prejudice and supremely ignorant :smh: :wow: Like wow at the manner they're doing it too. Thinking they're making a point, deflecting and going on wild tangents, singling out posters and asking them questions and it's sad cuz a few ppl early on were specifically saying attack the argument not the person. Dudes get so uncomfortable wondering if they're racist they got do anything to avoid/ignore their own issues.

I'm seriously considering using the ignore feature.
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I'm asking Lucky. He seems to have very extreme views, saying that minorities can't be racist. His answer would surely tell a lot about his state of mind.

The hesitance by so many of you to acknowledge that a recognized hate group is racist is kind of alarming.

Find me documentation of minorities oppressing white people in America, hell racist white men even oppressed their own women, thus creating the feminist movement. It's not our fight white men have a history of oppressing everyone who isn't a white man. Nobody is saying all white people in America are white, but it is documented fact all racist in America are white.
I am fully aware that the KKK is a terrible racist organization. But I'm asking you if the NBPP, an organization that puts out bounties on whites, talks about the need to slaughter white babies, etc. is racist. You are predictably dodging that part of the question which is telling.
Ok both organizations are racists....back to the topic of the thread now I guess.
I'm only on pg 23 and so many posters have revealed themselves as racists or at least questionably prejudice and supremely ignorant :smh: :wow: Like wow at the manner they're doing it too. Thinking they're making a point, deflecting and going on wild tangents, singling out posters and asking them questions and it's sad cuz a few ppl early on were specifically saying attack the argument not the person. Dudes get so uncomfortable wondering if they're racist they got do anything to avoid/ignore their own issues.

I'm seriously considering using the ignore feature.

Isn't it just sad? Just a month ago everyone was 100% against sterling for saying racist remarks on tape. Now for whatever reason it's a 50/50 split for justin B saying racist remarks on tape.

Never ignore bro. Expose yourself to ignorance so you can better appreciate education
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@Lucky ... That's what I thought you would you say. I just can't fathom how you think a group that intimidates voters into voting black, attacks whites and "jews", puts bounties on whites, talks about exterminating whites and their children, hates all whites including whites that live in Africa is not racist. A group that is officially characterized as a hate group. A group criticized by many, many of the original BPP's members. A group that doesn't follow the "white man's law". 

Unbelievable really. And you talk about exposing racists 
Ran out of reps.
You dudes can take a damned MTO article and take everything as fact but Mike pays millions in hush money and now "there's no hard evidence".

I bet you all going to pretend you don't see the inconsistencies.
Do you have the receipts for this hush money allegedly paid?

All things being equal since that's how you see it aint no problem if you want to start asking for proof in these same MTO article threads if you really thinking everything is being taken as fact.

I'm tired of these silly little lets see if I can catch somebody in a false double standard by asking them an irrelevant incendiary loaded question when you already got your firmly held beliefs that you consider fact.
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Isn't it just sad? Just a month ago everyone was 100% sterling for saying racist remarks on tape. Now for whatever reason it's a 50/50 split for justin B saying racist remarks on tape.

Never ignore bro. Expose yourself to ignorance so you can better appreciate education

I wouldn't even say there's a split, this is pretty much just racist white dudes and Uncle Toms using this situation to validate them probably doing the same things.
@Lucky ... That's what I thought you would you say. I just can't fathom how you think a group that intimidates voters into voting black, attacks whites and "jews", puts bounties on whites, talks about exterminating whites and their children, hates all whites including whites that live in Africa is not racist. A group that is officially characterized as a hate group. A group criticized by many, many of the original BPP's members. A group that doesn't follow the "white man's law". 

Unbelievable really. And you talk about exposing racists :rofl:

I am exposing racist, you're being exposed. What system of racist supremacy has the NBBP created? And the whites in Africa they hate are the South African ones who practiced apartheid. Let me guess you don't see anything wrong with whites going into forgien land oppressing people for years, but when the blacks stand up and want the people gone it's an issue? If blacks invaded France and tried to so that apartheid crap we would be looking at world war 4
I wouldn't even say there's a split, this is pretty much just racist white dudes and Uncle Toms using this situation to validate them probably doing the same things.

I wouldn't say all that but the fact that a lot of the arguments defending justin is "you've never said a racist joke before?" Is pretty alarming and sad.
They hate ALL white people. Simply because they are white. Their whole organization is based on hatred and vitriol for a skin color.

They hate ALL  Jews and believe that somehow the whole world is run from Israel, which interestingly enough is a shared characteristic with the KKK.

It is oppression to stand in front of a polling place and intimidate people who might vote for a white candidate.

They are literally the definition of racist. They are not here to "defend" blacks. They are here to harm non- blacks. The ignorance is astounding. Take off the tinted glasses.

You must surely be the only person on Earth who has that laughably warped view that only whites can be racist. I can just feel the hatred for whites coursing through your veins. 
They hate ALL white people. Simply because they are white. Their whole organization is based on hatred and vitriol for a skin color.

They hate ALL Jews and believe that somehow the whole world is run from Israel, which interestingly enough is a shared characteristic with the KKK.

It is oppression to stand in front of a polling place and intimidate people who might vote for a white candidate.

They are literally the definition of racist. They are not here to "defend" blacks. They are here to harm non- blacks. The ignorance is astounding. Take off the tinted glasses.

You must surely be the only person on Earth who has that laughably warped view that only whites can be racist. I can just feel the hatred for whites coursing through your veins. 

Lol look at you trying to deflect things and get the heat off of you
I'm asking Lucky. He seems to have very extreme views, saying that minorities can't be racist. His answer would surely tell a lot about his state of mind.

The hesitance by so many of you to acknowledge that a recognized hate group is racist is kind of alarming.
Nobody is saying all white people in America are white, but it is documented fact all racist in America are white.
Going back to Meths posts, at least what I took from it really that bad to be labeled racists? Is it worst than having poor moral character? Or being a pedo? Like honestly, obviously we don't want people to be racists, but that label has become far to powerful in my opinion.

I wish people would realize that race, while it is real, it was created; black history, white history etc. is all human history. Be proud of your heritage, but remember the love of one good friend is more valuable than the like of an entire fact if any group requires you to rigidly follow their doctrine, even though it may destroy your soul, it's not worth it.
So every white South African practice Apartheid? No? That's what I thought.

Where does it say I have a problem with blacks standing against Apartheid? Nowhere? That's what I thought.

Mandela preached love and acceptance of all. Hence the "Rainbow Nation". 

I don't know what I deflected but whatever.

Have the NBPP created a system of racism? I suppose not. They will never be able to because hatred and vitriol for a person based on skin color is highly frowned upon here. And that's a good thing. I don't want to be exterminated because of my skin color.
Dudes don't even know the difference between racism and prejudice clearly.
Guess you're one of those dudes. 




  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Is the NBPP racist? A yes or no would be okay.

you have got to be an idiot. Do you even know anything about history of the Black Panthers? Name any incident that Panther members killed white people? The panthers have never been a terrorist group nor advocating in killing white people. Do your history you probably have never taken an american history course outside of high school.

I have a professor who brought Bobby Seal to the school and guess what race he was. W H I T E.

edit: LOL this clown is talking about the other black panther group not even associated with the real one. Might as well be talking about GDs.
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Should I get pissed at Eminem? Should I get pissed at my best friend that hangs around with black people all day everyday?

That word really just doesn't offend me. Sorry, maybe I'm mental, maybe I'm probably the happiest most well rounded person on this board...hard to tell.
Maybe? :lol:

Son in here talking about if you don't make racist jokes I don't think you're funny. Who gives a **** about being funny or who you think is funny? Your priorities are clearly different.
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