One less lonely [slur deleted] - Justin Bieber. Vol Sterling part 2.

Dudes don't even know the difference between racism and prejudice clearly.
If only racism wasn't a form of prejudice
Dudes don't even know the difference between racism and prejudice clearly.
Guess you're one of those dudes. 



  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Yup. You clearly got a problem if you don't see the difference between those two. Especially when you apply them in to your everyday language.

Pretty obvious some ppl in this thread need to take some classes to be educated on what racism is, apparently not just in definition but also in action.
you have got to be an idiot. Do you even know anything about history of the Black Panthers? Name any incident that Panther members killed white people? The panthers have never been a terrorist group nor advocating in killing white people. Do your history you probably have never taken an american history course outside of high school.
 Surely you can't be that ignorant. The NBPP and the BPP are not even remotely related. Most of the original party even believes the new party is pure hatred and racism.

Please, for the love of God, try to explain to me how that is not racist. 
Dudes don't even know the difference between racism and prejudice clearly.

If only racism wasn't a form of prejudice >D
Um yeah if dudes don't know the documented history of racism compared to the label of being prejudice or being prejudice in one instance and not after some time passes or even simply the spectrum of being prejudice I'm sure this sarcastic reply would've landed harder.
Dudes talking about what Mandela preached when Mandela was considered a terrorist by the United States and Britain for fighting against apartheid.

And YES every white in South Africa participated in it, with out apartheid there would be no whites in South Africa at the extent they were.

Son in here talking about if you don't make racist jokes I don't think you're funny. Who gives a **** about being funny or who you think is funny? Your priorities are clearly different.
Smiles > Frowns. trying to find the good in things. Learned at a young age, if you get mad at every person that did something stupid, you would spend your whole life upset.

Half the time, people say things out of "ignorance" both black and white. I used to seriously think Asian girls had that sideways, I actually use to say thats why I couldn't date an Asian girl in elementary school (there is so many things wrong with that lol, but it's true). Would you really be mad if I said that? To me, it's so comically racists that I couldn't be mad at that, show little me Maria Ozawa and keep it moving. Teaching > preaching. Patience > rushed action.

And I haven't met a single person in my life that didn't care about being funny, at least sometimes; whether it's with a girl or your friends, or a co-worker. Comedy unites people, drama divides people, I can write a dissertation on the subject, but thats another thread.
:rofl:  Surely you can't be that ignorant. The NBPP and the BPP are not even remotely related. Most of the original party even believes the new party is pure hatred and racism.

Please, for the love of God, try to explain to me how that is not racist. 

Why are you bringing it up? Sure they are racist. Whats your point? They arent a real group no one takes them seriously. They havent even commited an act of crime. Why are you comparing them to the KKK who have killed?
Man here's the thing, no one really cares who says the word, it's to much of a slang now, but bieber didn't say what's up my *****, he
Said I should kill a nigg** and join the KKK :lol:

I don't understood what y'all guys are even trying to say, it's like y'all aren't getting it and just coming up with random crap to sound unbiased .

Case in point of someone picking and choosing. The word sucks. PERIOD.

To me, someone non-black using the term (with either suffixes) is ignorant.

[marlo] you want it to be one way, but it's the other [/marlo]
Case in point of someone picking and choosing. The word sucks. PERIOD.

To me, someone non-black using the term (with either suffixes) is ignorant.

[marlo] you want it to be one way, but it's the other [/marlo]

Do you honestly think its the word? Is "I should kill a black person and join the KKK" better?
Case in point of someone picking and choosing. The word sucks. PERIOD.

To me, someone non-black using the term (with either suffixes) is ignorant.

[marlo] you want it to be one way, but it's the other [/marlo]

:lol: you got it man, that reverse stuff works on lucky but not me,

One lonely less ****er, I should join the KKK
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Maybe? :lol:

Son in here talking about if you don't make racist jokes I don't think you're funny. Who gives a **** about being funny or who you think is funny? Your priorities are clearly different.

Smiles > Frowns. trying to find the good in things. Learned at a young age, if you get mad at every person that did something stupid, you would spend your whole life upset.

Half the time, people say things out of "ignorance" both black and white. I used to seriously think Asian girls had that sideways, I actually use to say thats why I couldn't date an Asian girl in elementary school (there is so many things wrong with that lol, but it's true). Would you really be mad if I said that? To me, it's so comically racists that I couldn't be mad at that, show little me Maria Ozawa and keep it moving. Teaching > preaching. Patience > rushed action.

And I haven't met a single person in my life that didn't care about being funny, at least sometimes; whether it's with a girl or your friends, or a co-worker. Comedy unites people, drama divides people, I can write a dissertation on the subject, but thats another thread.
You comparing your beliefs as a 9 year old is still off base. Nice try though. Eventually you'll reveal a truly racist event from your childhood or con cot a wild lie to make a comparison unfortunately at that point it won't be rational or justifiable or excused away with he was young.

Also this whole funny thing is a deflection. It's irrelevant to the topic. This thread isn't if you think what Bieber said was racist then you're not funny and if you don't think it's serious you probably have a sense of humor. This **** aint mutually exclusive and so far you're the only one coming with that type of ridiculous reasoning.

If you want to unite the world through comedy go make that thread, I'll probably contribute. Work on your teaching and maintain your patience but as of right now none of that bull **** is flying. Like I said different priorities.
Do you honestly think its the word? Is "I should kill a black person and join the KKK" better?

Why give a pass to one, but not the other?

And trust me, I'm not defending Bieber in ANY way...just raising a question to those who have certain qualifiers for who can/can't use slurs.

At the end of the day, a slur is a slur. You can spare me the talk about how it's accepted. I don't have to be comfortable with people saying it.
what document is this? one you created in Excel and saved to your desktop

Lol that denial is prevelent LOL

BRB Extermination of American Indians did not exist
BRB SLavery did not exist
BRB slave codes did not exist
BRB Jim Crow did not exist
BRB Government did not out crack in the hoods to destroy all hopes of black nationalism
BRB Japanese were not put in detention camps
BRB blacks being denied to play sports or even attend PWIs never happened

Shall i continue?

minorities can only name call, white people literally created a system to oppress others and ensure economic superiority. What is hard to grasp about that? Once again every white person is not evil but history shows the race of individuals pushing systematic racism are of what color?
Why give a pass to one, but not the other?

And trust me, I'm not defending Bieber in ANY way...just raising a question to those who have certain qualifiers for who can/can't use slurs.

At the end of the day, a slur is a slur. You can spare me the talk about how it's accepted. I don't have to be comfortable with people saying it.

The problem is IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A SLUR. If you take the slur out of the sentence and replace it with a cleaner word what he said is still racist. You're arguing about a word when racism isnt a word. Racism is action. Him saying he wants to kill black people is racist period. He could of said I want to kill caramel complexion people and join the KKK and it would be equally as offensive.

Trust me no one cares about the N word black people dont hold on to the word we dont even care these days. Just be respectful about black people.
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Lol that denial is prevelent LOL

BRB Extermination of American Indians did not exist
BRB SLavery did not exist
BRB slave codes did not exist
BRB Jim Crow did not exist
BRB Government did not out crack in the hoods to destroy all hopes of black nationalism
BRB Japanese were not put in detention camps
BRB blacks being denied to play sports or even attend PWIs never happened

Shall i continue?

minorities can only name call, white people literally created a system to oppress others and ensure economic superiority. What is hard to grasp about that? Once again every white person is not evil but history shows the race of individuals pushing systematic racism are of what color?

stop spewing your non sense and answer the question Lucky; what document says only white people in America are racists?

deflection deflection deflection
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stop spewing your non sense and answer the question Lucky; what document says only white people in America are racists?

Go on amazon and search the word slavery in the books section, search every example I have given and you will have thousands of forms of documentation.

And if that isn't enough here are documentaries of events.
View media item 1011691
Now I want YOU to find me documentation of MINORITIES implement a system of racial supremacy in America and not some stupid name calling.
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Go on amazon and search the word slavery in the books section, search every example I have given and you will have thousands of forms of documentation.


I will keep asking the same question
The problem is IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A SLUR. If you take the slur out of the sentence and replace it with a cleaner word what he said is still racist. You're arguing about a word when racism isnt a word. Racism is action. Him saying he wants to kill black people is racist period. He could of said I want to kill caramel complexion people and join the KKK and it would be equally as offensive.

Trust me no one cares about the N word black people dont hold on to the word we dont even care these days. Just be respectful about black people. has EVERYTHING to do with the slur. What is the crux of this whole situation? The WORD he used. A slur.

I will keep asking the same question
You will NEVER get an answer from him. He has already said that minorities cannot be racist because they aren't "in a position of power"
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