One of my friends got raped, I've never gotten so heated in my life

i think dirty said something about free speech being voided when a members behavior becomes disruptive to others...anyone remember the thread with the rapedmother in florida..dudes was laughin at her son gettin the cleaning products poured in his eyes
ok w/e moon

you heard of a lil thing called freedom of speech?

if not you should look it up

Let me guess, you're about 14 years old without a real care in the world huh.
evolution is failing us.

^^^ I dont even think this is a big deal but w/e

So, rape isn't a big deal to you? Is the only thing you're willing to take seriously death? Again, wait till someone runs a train on your mom, thenlet's see whats up.
no kidding ^^^

but that's what porn and stuff does to the minds of people...

it desensitizes and cheapens women...
this is a forum guys who knows if this is rape is real or not so w/e

Who cares if it's real or not? It's not something you laugh at or joke around with.

Seriously, GROW A PAIR...Show some respect.

its in the past what can ya do?
anyways was she worth it? lol

sorry, but no one should let this kind of comment go.

this is a serious issue and making that kind of idiotic comment for attention or shock value is extremely classless

don't be surprised if you get banned
Some of you talking reckless on here are forgetting that once you're banned on the new Yuku it's harder to come back.

And you can't expect the mods to see everything. Sometimes you do have to hit that report button.
Sometimes you do have to hit that report button.
word up. i'm kind of sick of seeing derogatory, insensitive and disrespectful comments being hurled at women on this site. some people seem tothink they have a license to get away with that 'cause they haven't been taught any better at home, but keep your classless and demeaning attitudes offthis site.
word up. i'm kind of sick of seeing derogatory, insensitive and disrespectful comments being hurled at women on this site. some people seem to think they have a license to get away with that 'cause they haven't been taught any better at home, but keep your classless and demeaning attitudes off this site.


Finally, somebody else speaks up. I hate it when women are demeaned and belittled...

wow at dr. funk. i'd post a sarcastic laughing emoticon but i guess i'd just be a ban target.
blaming porn?
i aint got much to say about that one.

"These guys laughing at rape and stuff."

Where is someone laughing at a girl getting raped, i missed it. i think asking was she worth it was definitely a bit too much but i mean w/e. you reallyshouldn't be posting this. like it was already stated what are you looking for e-condolences . talk to fam and REAL friends.

reminds me of a song...

i can not help it if i think it's funny when your mad. im trying hard not to smile though i feel bad. im the kinda guy laughs at a funeral cant understandwhat im saying you soon will. i have a tendency of wearing my mind of my sleeve. i have a history of taking of my shirts. its been one week since you looked atme cocked your eyes to the side and said im sorry.....
Well there's a lot at hand, but that certainly doesn't help...just look at the stats, i'm not even lying.
Damn I sry to hear bout that I'd be heated. Wassup wit all these cats bein a-holes. I know its NT but usually ppl have more respect than this. %$$% reallyisn't a laughin matter.
I can't even believe how many people were joking about something like this......
therealjondoe and silver989...yall must be some real%#@+ holes huh? I bet this wouldn't be so funny if oneday you both goto prison and a dude named BigEarl makes you both his girlfriends.

Anyways to the threadstarter and everyone else who had serious comments, I hate to hear about stuff like this...I'm a freshmen in college now and my campus(UF) is huge so I definitely got to get some pepperspray..this girl I know has a taser
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