One of the most disturbing threads I've read on any messageboard. (link of course).

Human population 1, kid 0. Plus why was he using lexapro to kill himself (LOL). Opiods I understand, but SSRIs?
Originally Posted by demonbasketball04

Originally Posted by Black Milk

Didnt NT laugh when beegotgame made a RIP mayor of nyc thread?

that's cuz no one liked you. they still don't.
you have over 7k posts and i never even heard of you
the video didn't work.
i'm kinda glad.
that would have made me NOT be able to sleep lol.
Originally Posted by pr1nts

i don't know why but i expected him to be white.

either way rip

me too. actually i was expecting some white emo looking kid. shame on me for stereotyping. rip to the dude though. i think suicide is pointless though. u onlyhurt others around u

I am a member of that forum, I knew the guy (not IRL, but through the forum). He was NOT trying to kill himself. Yes he did make a "suicide" thread,but he posted in another thread before making his saying he was going to do it for laughs, and was just messing with everyone. It ended up killing him. Thatsnot a suicide thats a ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE. He did post a suicide note, that he didnt even write, he found it online and posted it, knowing people would findthe original somewhere online, he did that to add to the "joke".

Dont you think if he was going to foreal kill himself, he would atleast write his own suicide note? It is a messed up situation, but RIP to Abraham, he was afunny dude.

Also some people did contact the police and believed it was foreal. But the guy did do this about once a month. Every couple weeks he would post "I amgoing to commit suicide" threads thats why some people didnt believe him. Then they thought his webcam was on a loop and thats why it looked like he wasntbreathing (which is possible). Its terrible either way, to everyone reading this please never forget this next statement. SUICIDE DOESNT "FIX" YOURPROBLEMS. Its a coward way out. If your life is really that bad, go to church! Taking your own life sends you to hell for eternity (for all us God believers)so if you really hate your life so much then just give your life to God for the 70 years or so your here and live for eternity in heaven!
hes not lame but he doesnt get any sympathy from me..

why would you continually post " im going to commit suicide" threads?
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