One Year Old Child is Pregnant WhaaAaAaaA

"Yo dawg, I herd you like fetuses, so we put a fetus in yo fetus so you can have a baby while you have ababy"
Hopefully they do something about it. Can you imagine being pregnant with a baby that's the same size as you? I guess the parents have to choose which ofthe fetuses to save. I doubt the outer one could survive the surgery of getting the inner one out... I doubt it could survive either way, I guess. Hope theinside one is good.
Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

Fix the 1 year old now before this happens.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by gusyouout

Why are people saying it's fake? If you read the article it says the baby was born with a fetus inside. Not like someone actually impregnated the baby, just that the mother had two fetuses and one enveloped the other. And the fetus is basically just going to feed off of the baby; it's most likely not going to have any organs just going to be a parasite and leach off of the host. If it's like some show I saw on TLC, it could grow hair, arms, legs, etc. and since it doesn't have organs it just feeds off of the host and is very lethal to the host since it basically has to support two people. 20 years this kid is gonna have a
hairy thing with arms and legs that steals all his food
and never leaves his side?

i don't understand why so many of you don't believe it.....she's not actually pregnant. there are two fetuses (twins) in a womans womb. one fetussomehow envelops the other at an early stage. the engulfed fetus continues to grow along with the fetus containing it. however, the inner fetus will notdevelop into a baby, but it will continue to grow. consider it to be a tumor. it's an abnormality like babies being born with extra limbs and siamesetwins.
Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

Originally Posted by JUNIOR STRIKES

wait, what?

So is the other baby going to be born or is it dead in there?

It's not a baby, its a partially formed fetus that stopped developing at one point and was absorbed by the second twin. Think of it like a tumor. Thatsall it is. Theyre really gross too, sometimes they have teeth and hair and junk
Don't any of you watch the discovery channel or anything?
so i guess uh/./
yo this is meant for /b/.
Will the baby be born an actual baby or just a fetus? If its actually born a baby this seems IMPOSSIBLE.
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