One Year Old Child is Pregnant WhaaAaAaaA

something like this had already happened. a man who was around 20 years of age passed away and they couldn't find the cause of death until they examinedhis body and found a baby in his stomach. this baby wasn't found because the guy was pregnant, this baby was his twin and had been growing inside him andnobody ever knew about it. so his twin got too big inside him that caused his death....most likely the same case here
Originally Posted by stayfresh25

something like this had already happened. a man who was around 20 years of age passed away and they couldn't find the cause of death until they examined his body and found a baby in his stomach. this baby wasn't found because the guy was pregnant, this baby was his twin and had been growing inside him and nobody ever knew about it. so his twin got too big inside him that caused his death....most likely the same case here.
exactly the same.....dudes on here are dumb.
Same thing as a parastic twin, in essence anyways. It's just internalized. And it keeps growing too, which is why it can later kill the person or causehealth problems. The show was recently on, its called "I am my own twin". Discovery Health or one of those channels
ah, kids are growing up so fast these days. Abstinence Only Sex Education for the loss. I wonder what looks you would get if you took your one year olddaughter to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. I mean at that age they are obviously too young for the staircase or escalator.
That's wild. I feel bad for both babies. Nothin good can come out of this health wise.
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